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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 21 hours ago, saminoz said:

    The story is very conveniently "light" on the involvement of the US Secret Service team.  They are nowhere to be seen in the obligatory photo (for obvious reasons).

    I'm afraid that with too many years of experience of the RTP, I cannot help but be cynical about whether the amount would have been reported correctly without the US involvement, or whether it would have been reported at all (of course, without the US involvement, one wonders whether the gang would ever have been caught).

    And from what side does you experience with the RTP relate?  Give them a break when it is deserved and leave the cynicism behind the door for once. Given you expertise one would think that you would know that most police forces throughout the world rely on the sharing of information to catch criminals.  And of course the Americans would be involved, it is their currency that is being affected, not Thai.

  2. 14 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Wrong again. In fact, just the opposite is the case:

    Climate Science Predictions Prove Too Conservative


    Across two decades and thousands of pages of reports, the world's most authoritative voice on climate science has consistently understated the rate and intensity of climate change and the danger those impacts represent, say a growing number of studies on the topic. 

    This conservative bias, say some scientists, could have significant political implications, as reports from the group – the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – influence policy and planning decisions worldwide, from national governments down to local town councils.

    As the latest round of United Nations climate talks in Doha wrap up this week, climate experts warn that the IPCC's failure to adequately project the threats that rising global carbon emissions represent has serious consequences: The IPCC’s overly conservative reading of the science, they say, means governments and the public could be blindsided by the rapid onset of the flooding, extreme storms, drought, and other impacts associated with catastrophic global warming.


    For goodness sake, give me a break with the alarmist rubbish.  You happen to have your religion (Global warming beliefs) I have my opinion and never the twain shall meet.  So please, do not quote any more clap trap or lecture me on the rubbish you want to proffer.


    And please note . I believe in Climate Change, it has been occurring for billions of years and over the past few thousand years and we're still all here despite all the doomsday soothsayers and their unpredictable predictions.  So if you believe, good on you but I don't  and do not want to get into a free for all over it. :sorry::wai:

  3. 7 hours ago, gillap said:

    Thanks guys...I will try the sun bit and the peroxide! I tried wax and compound scratch remover and that doesn't work. Like I said before it seems to penetrate the lacquer coating...powerful stuff!

    Not being able to see the problem, it sounds like these little mites' feces is acidic, probably from what ever they eat and this has eaten through the clear coat and into the actual duco.   There is no way I'd use peroxide, just try a light cutting compound and if that doesn't work then I'd say you are stuck with the yellowing.  The quick removal (within 4 hours) with the aid of water is the best bet in the first instance and also applies to bird and bat poo. Very acidic also. :wai:

  4. I just moved residence and took up True again.  On the first instance never paid a deposit and on this occasion, no deposit. Connected in both instances when they had promotions operating.  The first transaction lasted four years and never had to worry about a refund.  I just hope, that after this 5 month promotion expires, they don't slug me.  All I paid, on each occasion, was the installer's fee of 650.00 B.:wai:

  5. 3 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    I think its safe to say that since its more complicated /hassle to stay legally long term in Thailand lots of foreigners indeed have left elsewhere and indeed.more shorter term tourist especially Chinese visitors are coming nowadays.Appearantly current government wants it that way.


    And just how, pray tell, has it become more complicated to stay here legally, long term.  I am here long term and haven't been affected one little bit, so for you to say it is safe to say does not pass the pub test. The only thing I see continually, on here, are those who don't want to abide by the rules, whinging and constantly asking others how they can side step (break) the current laws.


    As for the Chinese syndrome it is not only confined to this country, they're buying up everywhere, many are taking what they can and are getting out of China, maybe sick of the Communist effect.  In so far as lots of foreigners leaving, can you provide statistics to substantiate what you are alleging and from where they were obtained.   :wai:

  6. So the OP gets around a fair bit and sees less and less new arrivals.  I see he conducted a quality survey, a few bars and some massage girls.  Maybe the new arrivals don't frequent these establishments and are content to stick with their families or visit more high quality establishments.  A fantastic survey result, spoke to maybe half a dozen people and had a look around a few areas.  Maybe TVF should engage him for all future surveys, the results would be as equally interesting. :saai::wai:

  7. 5 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    "Three others who were drinking on an adjoining table were let go as there was no evidence they were drinking.:shock1:


    So if there had been evidence that they had been drinking they would have been arrested ? On what charge ? Did drinking in a private home suddenly become illegal ? Imagine the chaos ! 

    Where did you glean your quote from?  I must have read a different version or did you,?  Here is what I read. "Three others who were drinking on an adjoining table were let go as there was no evidence they were gambling.  Nothing about drinking.:wai::sorry:


  8. 15 hours ago, koshiru said:

    Definitely deported. People don't see the dangers of his pranks. Eg imagine if your family were up on the train and that train derailed due to the coins being placed on the tracks causing death or serious injuries to a fast moving train, let's see if you would sum it as a youthful prank or nothing wrong with it attitude. 


    Do you truly believe coins are capable of derailing a train.  Fair dinkum, must be off into the fairy garden if you think that this would occur.  This guy certainly does not engage his brain before putting his mouth into gear but not a reason for deporting him. He needs a good kick where the sun don't shine and maybe an adjustment lesson but give it a break, deport him, come on, get real.


    I can think of far worse criminal types that are hiding out in Thailand, at least this character plays out his stupid antics in the open and the police know how to get hold of him.  Why does everyone want to jump on the hate wagon, oh sorry, I forgot what site we're on.:wai::sorry:

  9. 2 hours ago, MJL1962 said:

    It's not the company that " doesn't give a shit" it's the staff. Same attitude in homepro global tesco etc etc. They are paid peanuts so give the effort in proportion to their pay. 

    No motivation no training so no service.


    Well, I don't know where you shop but I just went and bought a heap of furniture and electrical goods from Home Pro and had the internet and cable TV connected through True and the service was fantastic, including delivery and installation.  Internet and TV connected within 20 hours.  All goods from Home Pro delivered and assembled, free of charge, within 3 days.  I wouldn't call that "staff not giving a toss." Would you?  


    Maybe where I shopped their pay is higher and they were trained and highly motivated, who knows, I don't know but all I know is that I couldn't fault them.  In many areas where I have gone to Lotus, Big C, Makro, the bigger stores, the same has applied but then I address them in their own language, did you?:wai:

  10. 9 hours ago, Pib said:

    Well, "where you live" can be a major factor in what internet and TV service providers are available to you.  It's not like every internet or TV provider services every area, moobaan, condo building, etc.   Heck, when I first moved to my current western Bangkok house around 9 years ago my moobaan choices for internet providers was TOT, TOT, or TOT ADSL.  Yeap, only one internet provider serviced my moobaan....TOT had total rights for my moobaan.    And for TV it was either free to air C/KU band or TrueVisions DSTV (satellite dish).


    Then in mid 2012 TrueVison completed installation of cable in my moobaan which provided TV and high speed internet....now there was some competition on the internet side.   Most people on TOT ADSL and TrueVisions DSTV cancelled/switched to True cable TV and internet due to much higher internet speeds, more channels and clearer channels on TrueVisions cable (and no loss of signal when it rains or just gets really cloudy), and sometimes even lower costs due to special cable plan promotions.  And of course many moobaan folks also had free C-band capability/dishes (you know the big black dish type) for their houses (as I do also) and if you are Thai chances are high you will be completely happy with just free C-band...and you can also put KU band capability on the same C band dish if desired as I did.


    But once again, the free C/KU band capability is like 95% Thai and other non-English/non-western channels....no CNN, no BBC, no Bloomberg, just very little US/EU type programming.   To get easy-to-use western TV channels and since internet IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) was limited by slow Thailand internet speeds (for Thailand as a whole slow international internet speeds is still a major problem), TrueVisions was the 800-pound guerrilla in Thailand, pretty the go-to choice for western/English TV.


    However, since the great majority of TrueVisions western channels are U.S. channels many/most non-U.S. folks really don't like the programming (not to imply U.S. folks like the programming either) and longed for TV programming from their home country such as the UK.  All quite understandable.  


    With increasing internet speeds in Thailand due to fiber optics internet growing pretty rapidly in parts of Thailand, especially the high population parts, many of the Thailand internet providers are also now providing IPTV which is mostly just free C-band channels being also broadcast on the internet...and some internet providers like AIS Fibre have really stepped out by grabbing Thailand broadcast rights for the HBO/Cinemax and other premium channels that TrueVisions dropped or never had like HBO Go.  AIS Fibre seems to be making a very serious effort in grabbing a significant portion of the Thailand internet market via fiber optics and now also offering expanding TV services.   Time will tell how well they do, but I've been with them for a little over a year now and been very satisfied with their internet/TV service and reliability (up time/reliability is somewhere north of 99.9% I guessitmate on my personal experience; others AIS Fibre cusomters may not have be as lucking expecilly if their AIS Fibre is not "fiber-all-the-way-to-your-residence" like mine service an is instead "fiber-to-the-building only" and the last X-meters must be provided over building phone/DSL copper lines where various reliability problems can appear such as the fiber to VDSL converter having problems, funking/old phone/DSL lines in the building, etc.  


    Faster internet and IPTV becoming more common along with more competition from AIS, 3BB, TOT, etc.,  I think has turned True into a 600-pound guerrilla in western TV customer market share in Thailand and I expect True will continue to lose weight if they keep dropping higher quality western channels with lower quality/less watched western channels.  Losing/dropping the HBO/Cinemax and some other western premium channels this year along with their 1 June  7% price increase surely can't help their market share.


    I really don't have an issue with them doing a 7% price increase because that was their first price increase since like 2005 according press releases and I know for absolute sure they didn't have any price increase from 2009 when I first signed up with them....in fact, I was able to actually get a lower priced plan/promotion with the exact same or more TV capability a few times.   And although the plans usually say for 12 months only, in most cases the plan price continues long after that 12 month period unchanged until you possibly switch plans which could be many years later like how I'm still on one of their older plans from years ago.


    As to whether you are getting TrueVision cable or satellite, well, since you said you signed up for combo type plan that includes a 50Mb interenet plan with a plan of that high of speed you are most likely going to be on a TrueVison cable/fiber connection.  Although you post said 50gb of internet I assuming you really meant 50Mb...but then again, maybe you signed up for internet via True Wifi and you plan has a 50gb per month limit?   If you residence is in a highrise and you don't see small satellite dishes all over the building they it probably a cable feed to that building unless you did sign up for Wifi internet. Hopefully it will be cable because you will not experience "rain-fade" TV signal loss, much faster internet speed capability, etc.   



    I am glad you know what I was trying to say because not being up to date, you know, the old fart syndrome, I was unsure but at least I got the 50 right.  Not in a high rise but found out that it was cable for the TV and then Wi Fi.  Given your explanation I would say that you know what I am trying to say.  All I can say is that the internet is very bloody fast and the TV reception is far superior to what I was getting in Loei.  Even the modem and set top box are really small in comparison to what I previously had.  Thanks for the info.:wai:

  11. May I suggest, that if you have already completed one extension of stay and did not keep copies of what you had taken there to complete the process, then do so on this occasion.  The members are good enough to help but one would have thought that a little common sense would see you make copies, then when you are required to renew again, it will save you the angst of not knowing and having to go on line in order to find out what you should already know.  :sorry:  It is really that simple.:wai:


    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Pib said:

    Yea, the channel lineup via TrueVisions DSTV (via satellite dish) and TrueVision CATV (via cable) is different although the same price.


    For example the Platinum package via cable/CATV has approx 25 more channels than via satellite dish/DSTV.  See attached Platinum TV Channel Line up  as of 1 Jun 17....anywhere you see a "single asterisk" by a channel that means it's on CATV only; not DSTV.  And you can see my other asterisk coding CATV has more HDTV channels than DSTV.


    TRUE VISIONS Platinum.pdf


    I live in Bangkok....my moobaan got TrueVisions CATV in mid 2012; up until that time I had TrueVisions DSTV and put up with the loss of signal when it rained....and many times when it wasn't even raining in my area, but apparently raining at the TrueVisions "satellite up-link station" on the outskirts of Bangkok.   Once the moobaan got CATV most everybody switched from DSTV to CATV simply because of much better reception (no signal loss when raining), more channels, and same price.  And then I got a promotion where 4 settop boxes for the price of 2....boxes 3 and 4 were free of any monthly charge.   At that time CATV could handle up to 4 boxes per subscription (I think its more now) but DSTV could only handle 2 boxes per subscription.  


    And when TrueVisions loss the HBO/Cinemax channels only to be replaced by lesser quality channels IMO I was able to get a Bt600/mo discount for 3 months by whining to Truevsions....have done that twice so far...I still good to go on the reduced price through this month or through August.


    But even with this discount I told the wife Saturday that it  probably time to drop TrueVisions since we also have free C/KU band capability in the house that the wife primary watches....we also have the TrueVisions cable...and now the AIS IPTV with premium channels which includes the HBO/Cinemax channels TrueVisions loss (gave up) and AIS scooped up.   I basically have TV capability coming out my ears.


    But I will  admit I will miss being able to easily watch CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg and various other channels that only TrueVision carries here in Thailand....I'll guess need to get use to some of the English European news channels like SkyNews and EuroNews on AIS IPTV and U.S. FoxNews on AIS.   And to tell you the truth over the last year "my" viewing of TV is significantly less than what it use to be....just losing interest I guess with many of the available channels "regardless of how I'm receiving them" such as via TrueVisions, free C/KU band, IPTV, etc.  I now tend to get most of my news from browsing news sites such as CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, etc.  


    Maybe me just getting older is lessening my desire for TV viewing....maybe it's just the type of programming available....price is also a factor but not a major factor.   Yea, as mentioned earlier I'm not a fanboy of TrueVisions.   I hope AIS Fibre (which I have) continues to expand its channels offering...just last week they started offering 3 Playboxes (i..e., the Android box they give you for IPTV/movie watching) from only 1 box per subscription (i.e., fiber internet line connection) to 3 boxes per subscription....but box #2 and #3 will each cost you Bt100/month.   I probably add one box for sure....I think I can afford another Bt100/month in order to easily view the AIS IPTV channels in another room/on another TV...plus if I do drop TrueVisons which is highly probable that Bt100 is easily offset from the TrueVisions savings.




    Thanks for that information.  I know I am a glutton for punishment, I just resigned with True for 12 months, with a 5,000 B reduction on costs for 5 months, a total payment of around 1,600B for the TV and 50gb of internet for the each of the 5 months.  Did not know about AIS, then I should have asked someone but I'll try True again for the one year.  I only have the one TV so the extra box top sets are of no use to me.  I'd rather have Fox news than that bloody crap dished out by CNN.  Another thing I forgot to ask is if I am getting the dish or cable. suffering from CRAFT disease, Can't remember a f@#@#$ thing. :sorry::wai:

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