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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 8 hours ago, Pib said:

    Nope....the line-up is not the same across Thailand in that the TrueVisions DSTV (TrueVisions by satellite dish) provides fewer channels than TrueVision CATV (cable TV) and fewer HD channels.  CATV subscribers such as myself get more channels than DSTV subscribers and more channels are in HD.  Don't know if you are a CATV or DSTV subscriber.  


    The channel line up given in the earlier post shows the different CATV and DSTV channels availability with the "asterisk" coding....I've included a partial snapshot below from  the lineup link given earlier where it shows CATV subscribers have 8 more western news channels than DSTV subscribers.


     Yeap, I'm still with the Platinum package but still getting a 30% discount from the current price.. And since I'm on a older plan 2 of the 4 settop boxes in my home have no monthly charge.


    For the movie channels just for example, what movie channels numbers are doubled up?



    Thank you for that, it just shows one can learn something new each day.  As I have just moved, I am not connected at the moment but I had the satellite dish when I resided in Loei.  Just off the top of my head, there were the channels like Fox, Fox action HD and there are others that I cannot think of now but as you are more up to date then you would probably know what they are.   Oh, one is Warner TV, an other, National Geographic Channel, they are also doubled up.   It applies to all the sports channels, the news channels and most of the Thai Channels and from your list I see that I did not have Aljazeera, Australian Plus Today, Russia and the Deutsch one.


    So is the list current as of the 1st June 2017?  I assume DSTV is the satellite dish, which always sees the system go down when it starts to rain. I was paying 2150B each month, for the platinum package.  I did get a 12 month promotion last year and the cost was reduced to just over 1800B.  So you are saying you get you package for less than the promotional fee and for how long have you been able to get such a high discount?  And you have more set top boxes as you operate more than one TV, is that correct?  May I ask what province you are in, because if your list is current then it would appear that if it relates to where you live then my list is different and by being in a different province and they provide different versions of the platinum package it would appear that I am being well and truly shafted? :wai:

  2. 2 hours ago, Pib said:

    I'm not a fanboy of TrueVisions, but when you say "doubled up" if you mean doubled the number of channels in one area and possibly halved channels in another area, that's not correct.   When they dropped the HBO/Cinemax channels they pretty much replaced them one for one with other western movie/TV channels....of course those replacements were not of equal quality in my book.   I'm not really into watching that much sports but the total number of sports channels is pretty much the same based on my review of past and present channels line up; however, what channels they show has changed a good amount over the years.   Seems the "total number" of channels in all "main areas" is pretty much the same give and take a little like their Platinum package at below link (you may need to click enter to get past the typical opening page before seeing the channel line up).


    If you really don't know then how can you say it is incorrect.  I was of the opinion that whatever package one subscribed to would be the same all over Thailand, correct me if I am wrong.


    When I say doubled up, I mean doubled up, if one gets say, ten sports channels and then gets them again under different channel number, the same applying to the movies, other HD channels and many Thai channels, wouldn't you call doubling up. If not what would you call it?  If you don't subscribe to Platinum then I'd doubt if you would know so what I was asking and the answers you listed are a little irrelevant. Thanks anyway.:wai:

  3. Who can answer this for me?  They say they have X amount of channels in the premium package. Has anyone noticed how they have doubled up on all the sports channels, movie channels and even many of the Thai channels.  I have not sat down to calculate how many that have been doubled up but let's say it would be getting pretty close to half.  So, they charge whatever for premium and everyone is only really getting half of what they pay for because of the doubling up.  If that is not a rip off then what is?  Try explaining that to them, I have and I can speak Thai and they still do not understand. either that or they're playing dumb or could it be both. :wai:

  4. On ‎5‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 9:01 AM, darksidedog said:

    Given that Mr. van Laarhoven is currently serving a 73 year sentence, it seems they are going to have to wait a little while before they can have their crack at him. I wonder what the statute of limitations is in Holland for fraud and money laundering?

    Maybe the law there allows the to prosecute in Absentia and if so and he is convicted then maybe they can confiscate his assets, if any, as proceeds of crime and get another case cleared and off their books.:wai:

  5. 7 hours ago, Robert24 said:

    They are nice cars and good to see they have a Diesel version now. Plenty of new tech features. You may like or not like the design. The back looks like a copy from a Volvo to be honest. In terms of size it is still quite small. I reckon best to use for 1-2 people. The CRV is definitely no option if you regularly need to transport 7 people.

    Sent from my SM-J710F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I have the 2013 model, a great vehicle and although not going to up date yet, the new model would ideally suit me and I quite like the design.  I was disappointed when I bought that they did not have the diesel version.  I agree with the regular carriage of 7 people, it is more suited for four or five people, one big farang and 4 smaller Thais.  With myself, however, there are only two in the family so it is ideal for my needs.


    I would say the two extra seats are more suited to children.  I think the size is quite good, I don't want to drive a tank around with the lousy ride and turning circle, they are more like small trucks compared to the Honda. I still have the ability to travel off road, within reason, but I don't, and I like the pleasure of driving a SUV that has an excellent ride and a really good turning circle.


    The other thing I find fantastic is that the tyres fitted have done 96,000 kilometres, I just changed the front but the rear still have about 30,000 to go before replacing.  The brakes (original pads) still have not been changed so all in all it has been quite an economical vehicle to own. :wai:

  6. On ‎4‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 2:11 PM, TommyTucker said:

    Honda CRX is a 2 seater sports car


    Honda CRV only has 5 x seats, not 7

    Incorrect.   :sorry:  The newly released Honda CRV,2017, top of the range, can be fitted an extra two seats (7) but the luggage area, when in operation, is greatly reduced.  It also comes in a new diesel version with heaps of extras. Just like driving a luxury car only with the advantages of four wheel drive.  Also fits in the OP's price range of 1.8M.  Drove one the other day and in my opinion, is far superior to the common everyday vehicles that we see on the roads here.  Highly recommended.:wai:

  7. 15 hours ago, charmonman said:

    He is the President of the United States. It has everything to do with everyone else. People need to have confidence that the President is clean and free of financial entanglements and conflicts of interest which would affect his ability to do his job fairly. A large portion of the US citizenry have serious doubts that this is so.

    What is he hiding?

    People do have confidence despite what the negative reports have to say.  As I said, there is nothing to force him to release them despite what you and others say.  Get used to it and just move forward because all you are doing at the moment is rehashing the garbage put of by the MSM .:wai:


  8. 4 minutes ago, charmonman said:

    I don't know. I wonder what Trump is hiding in his tax returns.

    Personal information that has nothing to do with anyone else.  There is no law that forces him to produce it, even if he said he was going to. He is doing a good job playing with the minds of others that they don't know which way to turn. :wai:

  9. On ‎1‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 7:01 AM, overherebc said:

    If I went back to UK by the time I had been there long enough to get utility bills in my name and all the other bits required to open a bank account I would probably have spent a lot more than I would gain. I wish it was as simple as you suggest. 

    At the moment I don't pay transfer fees either and with a UK account I would.

    Anyway it was meant to be a light-hearted comment on the rates..

    Most of us realised that but you know how some just cannot help themselves.  I don't know if you have internet banking but this is how I send whatever money I need to Thailand and as I am from Oz, I send it in Aus. $'s that why I don't get ripped of by the banks poor exchange rates.:wai:

  10. 2 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    That is not correct also.


    The PTP were unable to pay the farmers going back to the September/October 2013.




    It was supposedly a zero sum revolving budget where the government borrowed money from the BAAC to buy and store the rice, pay the farmers etc and then they paid the loans back when they sold the rice stocks.


    If they could have sold the rice at a price higher than they paid for it, which was at a far higher price than the world market prices then there is no doubt that it would have worked.


    However those pesky Indians and Vietnamese wouldn't play dirty and sold their stocks of rice in the open market and poor Thailand was left with hundreds of thousands of tons of unsold rice which in many cases was badly stored and starting to rot.


    Of course not being able to sell your rice except at a huge loss means that you cannot repay your loans and eventually the BAAC pulled the plug.


    After that no other banks wanted to lend the government money so the government couldn,t pay the farmers even back in 2013, so in December 2013, Yingluck, acting on the best advice (from her brother of course) dissolved parliament and went into the caretaker mode.


    This of course meant that the government (ANY Thai government in fact) was not allowed to borrow money from anywhere in case they lost the election and the incoming government was stuck with the loans.


    And that is why the farmers didn't get paid.


    Unless of course you have a different story.


    Of course a different story, don't worry that it won't be factual, just made up to look good. :wai:

  11. 5 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

    And we have a winner, ladies and gentleman!  Okay, let's go.  This is going to be FUN.


    You think it's up to you to decide who's "gay" and who's not?  Great.  I have an exercise for you.  Go find a huge, muscled gang member who has done time in prison.  We have tons here in California.  I guarantee you that this guy has <deleted>-ed countless guys in the <deleted> while doing his time.  Now, let's see you walk up to this guy and call him gay.  Go ahead, I'll wait.  These type of guys do NOT consider themselves gay, and if you were to call one of them guy, they'd smash you to a bloody pulp.  Same goes for any number of professional athletes, military men (the toughest branch of the service here in the US, the Marines, are notorious for their butt-<deleted>-ing.  Are you going to call one of them gay?  Not if you want to keep all of your teeth, you're not.


    The whole "you're gay" thing, as a little boy's schoolyard epithet, which is how you used it against me (and which speaks volumes about your general level of maturity and IQ, by the way), is pointless.  You don't get to decided who's gay and who's not.  Lots of women are attracted to and have sex with women; many of them do not call themselves lesbians.  And probably just as many men are attracted to and have sex with other men, but do not call themselves gay.  That includes the many, many men who come to Thailand and <deleted> ladyboys.  The "alpha male" gang member in prison in my example above probably does not find men attractive at all, and uses butt-<deleted>-ing purely as a way to assert his dominance.  And again, I'm quite sure such a man who definitely NOT consider himself gay. And my original point is, the only people who get all testy and touchy about the term are those who fear gayness in themselves.  And you're proven my point nicely, it would seem.


    Research has been done, you know, where they interviewed men to find out how vocally "anti-gay" they were.  They then hooked up sensors to the research subjects' <deleted>s and had them watch different kinds of porn.  I don't think I have to spell out for you which subjects' <deleted>s got stimulated from watching male-on-male porn.  Okay, maybe I do.  It was the very men who claimed to hate gays.  You can read about it yourself here:



    Stop worrying so much about others, and take a good long look at yourself.

    Those you are referring to have a name associated with their behaviour, it is bisexual or in the slang term, "double adaptors." :wai:

  12. 16 hours ago, SiamBeast said:




    You mean, bribes?


    Attack the problem, not the consequence. The problem is a too high number of cars on the roads, forcing motorcycles to use the footpaths.

    Really, too many cars force the m/c's to use the footpath?  And pray tell what causes the riders to travel on the wrong side of the road, travelling against the traffic, too many cars as well?  I am sorry but an illogical conclusion. :wai:

  13. 9 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

    Thai law:


    1. No Juries
    2. No 'precedent' informing future decisions
    3. No moderation, check nor balance and highly politicised  

    Well, it is Thailand and their legal system, foreigners will just have to get over it.  I have experienced, first hand, the Thai legal system, wasn't happy with the outcome but accepted that the result would not be as I would have expected from the legal system in my home country. Life does go on and I've gotten over it. :wai:

  14. 3 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    Where is the evidence of this 500 billion baht being loss via the rice scheme? In fact where are any of the figures audited and documented?

    Do you think the court is going to provide evidence just to satisfy the curiosity of a few on TVF? And if you were shown the evidence, would you be able to reach a conclusion?  If you are truly concerned then maybe an application to the court, of course with your reason for the request, would definitely see your curiosity  satisfied don't you think? :wai:

  15. I have a 3 year old German Shepherd and we reside in Loei, North East Thailand, and up to three months ago, he was riddled with ticks, not 10 or 20, bloody hundreds of the little black ones and plenty of those bigger grey blood suckers. They were everywhere on him and, all over the front verandah, even getting into the house.


    I tried everything, collars, neck drops, aerosol sprays, tablets, nothing worked.  Then took him to the local vet for his rabies shots, and whatever he gave him for the ticks, two injections every month, within three months, they just disappeared. A few started coming back, in the ears and between the paws and he gave me a bottle of Custard apple natural spray, which I used twice a day, morning and night, and after another month or so, none.


    Now into the six month, have had heaps of rain in the past three and no blood suckers at all, none anywhere on the dog, none on the verandah, none in the house, it is now a pleasure to be able to play with him and know that he is safe, not being eaten to pieces and I am not going to get bitten.  As there has been heaps of rain, haven't washed him for a while but when it is dry, I wash him in a tick and flea killer shampoo, once a week and this, together with the needles, and tick collar, he is absolutely tick free.  I am sorry but I do not know the name of the medicine used in the injections.:wai:

  16. On ‎28‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 8:52 AM, malt25 said:

    I know 2 people who don't give a rat's arse about this story. Johnny Depp & me.


    If you don't give a tinker's toss then why bother reading and posting.  It obviously caused some consternation otherwise you would not have taken the time to get your point across. 


    Give the smart A lying P what he deserves, nothing but an up himself Hollywood clown who thinks that because he is who he is he can do what he likes. :sorry: but follow the rules and if you can't then suffer the consequences.  I just hope the minister has the kahunas  to carry out his threat. :wai:

  17. On ‎27‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 4:41 PM, ubonjoe said:

    I don't understand it either.

    You only need to notify them of your change of address to do your 90 day report at a different office.

    There is certainly no requirement for you to be living at your new address for 90 days or more before your can do a report at a new office.

    So when one moves to a different province, where do you report your change of address? To the original office or the office in the new province.  And if you're no longer living in the original province why do you have to do the 90 day report there once you have moved?  Confused, I sure am.:wai:

  18. 9 hours ago, Eff1n2ret said:

    Outgoing as well? Where do you go for that? Being over 70, I have used that gate on arrivals, but I didn't know there is one for departures.

    I am also required to use a wheel chair to and from the plane.  Incoming, I am taken the priority lane or the diplomatic lane whilst outgoing I go to the airline check in and am taken from there to a priority lane, by the airline staff.  I know the guy was not talking about this but these are my experiences.:wai:

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