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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 20 minutes ago, CLC Survivor said:


    Post 241

    And POst 243

    These pretty much demonstrate that you have no relationship with the truth. Like your hero, just deny and fib and distract.


    Oh, so this thread has become about me has it.  I thought it was about Trump not anything you may think of me. But feel free, it shows that you do not have any moral compass as you have no argument. But remember, once you have attacked me, you have lost the argument.


    And I find no need to justify myself to someone like you or anyone else on here.  I have opinions so do you but unfortunately yours have turned grubby and have gone completely off topic. I hope it is not removed so others can see your style.  Have a good night.:wai:

  2. 45 minutes ago, attrayant said:


    Can you cite a law against "leaking federal property"?  Here - this might help:


    Trump's real estate lawyer says Comey violated executive privilege by "leaking" his personal notes. Ten legal experts say he didn't.

    Here's another that might help you. :wai:


    18 U.S.C. § 641 provides that it is a federal crime to, without authority, convey a record of the United States, in this case an FBI record he admits under oath he leaked after being fired.”

  3. 2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    So much for whistleblowing.


    Whistleblowing is totally different as any intelligent person knows.  Leaking is premeditated and designed to deliberately hurt one person or another, which everything coming out now unfortunately being designed to derail the POTUS.  Comey did a fine job of that with his alleged contemporaneous notes.


    I wouldn't trust anything that he has to say and he has no one to corroborate  what he is alleging so his word against Trump.  And please don't come back with the spiel of Trump being a prolific liar whilst Comey is the heavenly angel and wouldn't dare to lie under oath.  If you think that, well what can one say, I know, naïve springs to mind.:wai:  

  4. 2 hours ago, CLC Survivor said:


    Perhaps you might like to tell us which House or Senate Sub Committee or which Federal Agency is investigating the release of the two pages of Trump's tax return for that particular year?


    You seem to have tripped over this nothing-burger narrative that is being peddled by the fanboys and landed face down in the dirt.


    Better luck next time.

    I was lucky to not trip over you, seeing you were there first.  Who said anything about them investigating the two leaked pages. I certainly didn't?  :wai:

  5. 15 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    He also was very successful in selectively leaking his "only" good tax return. I suppose thats an acceptable leak in the eyes of Trumpsters.


    He may have, he may not have.  If congress has no idea who leaked it and if they're investigating and not you then please enlighten us as to how you ae so adamant that it was Trump.  And no, no leaks are acceptable regardless of who is responsible.:wai:

  6. 31 minutes ago, al007 said:

    Big help apologies I did not originally recognise you, we have PM before, and yes you also went through hell on making your claim, I too negotiated a malpractice claim and was also paid out, it was your experience, that made me do it , until the very end without lawyers, and even then I drafted the agreement not the lawyers


    Fortunately the man who I negotiated with was fair and reasonable, which was not the case for you, 


    We have very similar views on the Government hospitals in some and many cases being safer and better than the private ones


    Good luck sir, I will check out AIA again and go to their office in KK

    Okay, all the best and take care.:wai:

  7. 12 minutes ago, al007 said:

    There is another thread on medical insurance also running

    I wonder Si Thea01, if you could tell us the three operations you had and the approx cost of each, it is valuable information


    I ask because my personal belief is for a person with reasonable assets and over 70 self insurance may not be as bad as some paint it


    Today I got a quote for medical cover excluding pre-existing at between US $700/900 pcm, thats approaching 400,000 Bhatt per annum, in my personal view lunacy, if I had to fund another 1.5M bhatt I would not be happy but could do


    I also tried to get a Quote for simply PA cover, sorry age limit 70 for AIA


    If you choose your hospital carefully I believe there is some very good affordable care options even for the self insured, with access to say 300,000/700,000bhatt

    Sure no problem.  actually there were four.  The first was the removal of polyps from my nose, this was done in a private hospital and cost B150K.  As this was above what the insurer allowed I was out of pocket B40K. That was no a problem but I learnt my lesson.  As a result the beloved surgeon stuffed the muscles in one eye, hence the three additional operations where the specialists attempted to rectify what the first doctor stuffed up.


    Each of the operations, carried out a Srenakalin University Hospital, Khon Kaen, ranged n cost from B20K to B30K. Unfortunately for me the first doctor did such a good job in stuffing my right eye, permanently, that I am now required to wear an eye patch because it I don't I have double vision and you should try getting around like that.  Not good I tell you. But at least with 50 years of driving all types of vehicles I have been able to train myself and can drive, safely but of course carefully, with the one eye.


    I sued the dear and won, he was required to pay good compensation but owing to a non-disclosure clause I am not permitted to detail the amount.  But hopefully, it has taught him a lesson and that he should take extreme care when operating.  As a result of the dramas and the overcharging by the private hospital, it has driven me to the government ones, who, when know that I have insurance and can pay before I am discharged, go out of their way to give me priority and I have never been treated in any of way than with total respect and provided excellent medical attention.  All in private rooms with great food.


    I took out cover at 65, just to lower my costs but if I had to self insure I would not have any problem, however, I am fully aware that many others are not as fortunate as me.  Many might say the cover is not sufficient on this policy but that is not my worry, as it is suffice for my needs.  And besides, if I fall of the perch the missus gets a B1m to go into her retirement fund.  Hope I been of a little help.:wai:



  8. 7 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Which bit is rubbish?  It may be clouded in your view but it is crystal clear in mine.  You think that Trump is credible and I think that he isn't.  I suggest you carry on with your opinion of him and I will continue with mine and eventually time will tell who is correct.

    if I need to highlight the rubbish then it is not really crystal clear is it?  Your last sentence is one thing we can agree on and gee, all this came about without any one, including the POTUS, being denigrated.  Well done.:wai:



  9. 12 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    I love many things about America (most of them are edible)  but I hate to see the country being destroyed by a madman in the Whitehouse.  Hope that is clear enough for you.

    Yeah right. Give me a break with this rubbish.  It is easy to write words but so much harder to back them up.  Anything that is dished up I find less than clear as it is clouded by hatred.:wai:

  10. Just now, dunroaming said:

    If you think that Trump has any sway whatsoever then I am afraid you are sadly misinformed.  He is considered by the outside world as being a fool and an imbecile.  Hope that was polite enough response. :wink:

    That's three of you, any more what to offer their undying love of the POTUS.  Oh how silly of me, that word is opposite of hate and would not be in the vocabulary.:wai:

  11. 10 hours ago, Trentham said:

    Sharia law states that Muslims must live by the law of the land. I am not Muslim or Christian - I am an atheist and therefore am not sticking up for my personal religion.

    See http://www.daruliftaa.com/node/5852


    There is no contradiction between the law of the USA and Sharia so long as the laws of the USA do not force a Muslim person to sin eg. eat pork or not go to prayer.


    Before posters prattle on about Sharia being "antiquated, barbaric and abominable" they should inform themselves of the facts.

    SHARIA REQUIRES MUSLIMS TO LIVE BY THE LAW OF THE USA. and any other country in which they reside .

    It's a shame that many don't.:wai:

  12. Just now, ilostmypassword said:

    Wow! Trump curtailed terrorism in the mideast? You mean because some nations got together and said they would unite to fight terrorism?

    Oh you're back are you?  Did I say curtailed completely, no, so not a wow for you.  What happened to Qatar following his trip?  And yes because he was able to get certain nations to make a commitment but just keep on keeping on if it makes you happy.:wai:

  13. 1 hour ago, dutchisaan said:

    What the Heck is your ranting about? Did I mention anything about Islamic terrorist?

    You better start learning to read before you answer a post. And btw, only the trumpeteers think his visit was a big success, probably as big as his hands.

    Thank you for your kind words.  I am able to read and understand what you wrote and am fully aware that you did not mention terrorists, I did, which is in direct relationship to your statement of a bigger problem existing there.


    So is not the existence of terrorists the biggest problem gripping that part of the world and elsewhere, therefore if he was able to curtail this to some extent, which he did, then his visit was a success. It's a shame that somewhere you did not learn how to be civil and understand that the manner in which you elect to respond says a lot about you.   Please have a good night. :wai:



  14. 4 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

    Sorry to say but it sounds like no matter what you do your going to be prone to flooding, with it seems very little you can do to stop it in these unusual rain times. All you can do is to do as much as you can to mitigate any damage. Or in the extreme build another house on stilts but i expect thats not a real option. Good luck and i hope things dont get to bad for you. 

    Thanks.  I have no problem in building another house as you suggest, have the land size to do so but at this time of life not really interested.  My wife and I have other properties but despite the flooding I really call this area home and my life is sabai, sabai.  When there is no rain and the water is down, the serenity is hard to believe and although I have one A hole of a neighbour my German Shepherd keeps him at bay. So despite the recent dramas all is well.  Thank you for you kind thoughts. :wai:

  15. 3 minutes ago, dutchisaan said:

    You remember, sometime during his election, somebody gave him a Purple Heart? His remark was that he always wanted one.

    Well trumpeteers, this is the Commender in Chief. But than, he got a real, very heavy, medal from the Saud's, so you can be proud of your clown master!

    A real medal and a real bigger problem in the Middle East.

    But than, he doesn't know where rhe Middle East is.

    You really have no idea do you?  His Middle East Excursion was a success despite you and others saying otherwise.  So what is the problem with his remark, you don't like it?  Bad luck, it's been said and out there.  If he can keep the problems of the Middle East in the Middle East, wouldn't you say that was a good job?  No I guess not given your post.


    I know that I'd rather keep the Islamic terrorists where they are rather than experiencing what Paris, London, Germany and Brussels have.  But no, I think you would have he mindset of open borders and would not care what has arisen because of certain stupid western leaders.  Just look at the number of deaths caused. But I think no empathy for the victims just the poor Terrorists who had an unfortunate upbringing and are misunderstood.:wai:

  16. 1 minute ago, al007 said:

    Thank you


    I am one of those with no insurance


    I live KhonKaen, but go for treatment to Chulalongkorn govt hospital BKK, probably the leading cancer hospital in Thailand, their equipment is much more upto date than either KhonKaen or the Udon Cancer hospital


    Currently my 3mthly check ups cost around 25,000 each time, as outpatient, if I am lucky I will hit the 200,000, meaning I am still alive ! !!!


    My hospital of Choice locally is Srinarikin, at the university, I have regular long lists of blood tests there, and have friends who have good things done there as well


    On the private hospitals in KhonKaen there are many disturbing stories, some of which I have encountered first hand


    There is a lot of discussion on TV as to whether or not a person should be insured, to which of course there are two sides, and many can not afford insurance


    You have an interesting policy but for many retirees here, it is still too expensive, many on retirement and marriage visas, find ways to bypass the financial requirements


    I believe this whole problem has to be picked up by the Thai Government, charge say 500 batt per entry, plus 500 batt every 90 day report, let the government set the payment level where it will provide additional sums for the hospitals

    So very sorry to hear that.  Just keep you head high.  I do not know myself but have a lawyer friend who went to the cancer hospital at Srenakerin University and he told me it is very up to date.  He was there maybe 6 months ago.  I really don't know myself but if it has been awhile then maybe a visit could put your mind at ease.


    It's bad enough having the dreaded disease let alone having to put up with the stress of all that travel and expense.  I don't know the cost there but inquiries there may alleviate some stressful times.  Go check it out, you could be surprised.  I understand that many people are not as fortunate as I and I feel for them with being in a new country and not knowing what may come their way.


    Yes, I think the government, if they sat down and were fair dinkum, could work something out for those who live here permanently.  They would still have to pay a reasonable amount in regards to the premiums but I do not believe that they should subsidise those costs.  in so far as tourists, they should not be allowed to leave their destination without insurance. 


    When I used to travel here prior to retiring I would never travelled without cover as I had pre-existing ailments, a new knee and a fused ankle.  It cost me a little more, I had to be screened and answer questions by a Medical person, who after discussions with the head honchos, cover was offered at a cost of A220 which was only A100 above the normal cost.  If tourist cannot afford between 100 and say 300 dollars for cover, then they should not travel.:wai:

  17. Just now, al007 said:

    Thank you I will get a copy from my local AIA


    Not to be the doom and gloom merchant, but my outpatient last year was around 350,000baht, chemotherapy and radiation, at government hospital generally treated as out patient, I self funded /paid 

    Sorry to hear that, I, at this stage, touch wood, and, to my knowledge, have nothing like the dreaded C.  Unfortunately, they do not cover pre-existing illnesses and put you through a thorough medical examination before they will cover you.  I do not know where you live but I attend the university hospital in Khon Kaen and highly recommend them.  They have an excellent cancer department but I only know this through word of mouth.


    I had three operations there in the past three years and the total bill came to less than 100K  And this included a private room with western style food that they sourced from outside the hospital, all without being asked. One drawback is that at this hospital they ensure you pay first and you then have to claim on the insurer. It takes only a month for a full reimbursement. I live 225 kilometres from the hospital and have no qualms in driving there for the treatment that I rate very highly.:wai:

  18. 8 minutes ago, al007 said:

    Interesting what is the limit of cover, does it cover outpatient, and does it just cease at 80

    The limit of cover is however long you are hospital bound, however should you be discharged early and go back in with a month then you are still covered.  Any longer than to claim for the same problem is held over for 3 months.


    They have hospitals, private and government that they do deals with to keep costs down but it does not cover outpatients.  As those costs are miniscule why would anyone worry about outpatients.  However, if you attend outpatients and are admitted from there those costs are covered.  And yes, it does cease at 80.:wai: 

  19. 3 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    Why do people think he is 'on the run'? 


    He is very likely just living life as normal safe in the knowledge he has been told to lay low for a while. 


    The corrupt Thai Police have no intention of bringing him back, they have all been paid as has the victim's family.


    I don't agree with it, but that is the way it is here. No use pretending otherwise. If you want to waste time you can go over to the thread and pretend Thailand is a safe country based on your feelings

    Just asking as I do not know but how are you able to state, with conviction, that the police and family have been paid off. It may have happened, it may not have therefore, what you are stating, at this time is pure supposition and is false and misleading, that is unless you have direct factual evidence that no one else has access to.:wai:

  20. 5 minutes ago, al007 said:

    Maybe you could name the company and cost would be helpful to many

    It is AIA and the cost is from age 65 through to 80 is 100K per annum.  However, like most policies if claims are made then the premium can fluctuate slightly above the norm by about 15K per annum.  If no claims are made the premium remains the same for the total period.  Now if I was to fall of the perch, my missus gets 1million.  It  is not a motza but it will certainly help.:wai:

  21. 9 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    comparisons are what we use. It's a cultural thing.  The Bible is rife with them.  So are court cases.


    What's preposterous about; obstruction of justice, abusing the powers of the president, nepotism, self-enrichment using the president's office, laundering oligarch money,...  ?


    To many Americans, those are serious issues.  Americans don't want their prez to be immersed in illegal activities.


    You'll note that the Monica Lewinski thing which almost brought down Bill Clinton, was not the original issue that the Special Prosecutor dealt with.  Ken Starr was initially looking at other things, such as a real estate deal.  It was only months later that Starr latched on to the stain on the blue dress, and Republicans all started salivating with hard-ons.  

    The preposterous part is that you are putting it out as if it s factual, which at this time it is not.  If it comes to fruition that what you allege turns out to be factual then I for one will admit that I am wrong and you can tell me that you told me so.  However, I do not think that you should work on the supposition that he has actually committed everything you allege he has, not until you have direct factual evidence, which I am sure you do not have and like me, never will. :wai:

  22. 2 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    Sounds a great place!...pardon my ignorance on the issue, but in the areas of your house that got the flood, why not use a pump to push it out?

    It is absolutely beautiful, if I do say so myself, one rai of garden, flowering trees and bushes, heaps and heaps of roses and other flowers plus lush green lawns.  The warter, if I used a pump, would have no where to go.  It came in to the land from four directions.  The river was already swollen and had burst it's banks. It's a little hard to describe but the house faces north, the river is on the east side and had broken it's banks. The water, very fast flowing came in from the north, north west, west, and south west and it then flowed into the river area on the eastern side. So it was like a bloody big lake but fast flowing.


    I cannot say how fast it was flowing but quite rapidly, however, I was able to stand, it did not take me off my feet.  Had to move the car to higher ground and the dog swam out beside me so that he could do his business on higher ground.  it was quite comical to watch actually.   I hope this has given you some idea of why some of the normal things that one could do was actually impractical.  Oh by the way, all the storm water pipes lead to the river, which owing to the height of the river, the water backed up and could not get away.:wai:

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