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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 5 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    Could also be completely false claims just to avoid being sent back. Easy way to determine, have them quote verses from the Bible.

    I know Australia is not America but this is happening there.  Saying they are in fear of death or persecution, yet a number of them have gone back to their home country on holidays, not once but twice or in a couple of cases three times.  And they too have criminal records for crimes committed in Australia.  They seem to be skilled liars, not all but many.  The refugee lawyers are up to the noses in this BS but the Immigration minister finally overruled the court or tribunal's decision and deported most of them. This judge ought to be removed, he is playing politics, nothing more.  Doesn't even know if he has jurisdiction, what a joke.:wai:

  2. 4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Nonsense. Both UK & Oz have confirmed there will not be a plurality of law. Sharia Civil Law, as is Beth Din, are a form of civil agreements between parties which cannot overule enacted parliamentary law. As an example recently in MLB a Muslim guy tried to enforce a Sharia divorce, denied by the Courts, same applied to a Sharia marriage

    Not nonsense I'm sorry.  As I said, it is being allowed to fly under the radar. And sure, they are not courts, as we know them, that are applying these rules, however, it is being practised which was my point.   There are many more if you care to look for yourself.  Here is what is happening in Oz and the UK.




    http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/uk-sharia-law.html  :wai:

  3. On ‎27‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 0:50 PM, NanLaew said:

    With regard to his opinion, I would suggest that living under a dictatorship gives one remarkable insight.


    What's your excuse?

    And his remarkable insight is?  Sure he has an opinion but that is all it is, his opinion and remains so unless he can elaborate on how the situation in Thailand has affected him. Would love to see a response as I also live in the north east and I haven't been effected nor have any of my friends. :wai:

  4. On ‎27‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 7:48 AM, selftaopath said:

    He inches toward dictatorship each and everyday.  That is his top priority. I have little confidence in his RussiaReps aka republicans putting America First. 

    Do you truly believe this?   I would have thought the constitution and citizens of the USA would prevent this occurring. Correct me if I am wrong. :wai:

  5. 3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Or, in regards to people who share your views on this issue, who really knows the present?

    The present is known, as it is happening, not just my view, as it is fact in England, (Sharia Councils) in Australia, and no one is taking action to stop it. It is allowed to fly under the radar, as are many things in order to retain the votes of certain groups.:wai:

  6. 6 hours ago, Scott said:

    It has been said many times on the forum, the US is a representative gov't; it's not a democracy in the strictest sense of the word.   If it were, then Clinton would be president.


    The US has a Constitution and that document calls for separation of Church and State, so Sharia Law would not be permitted under the Constitution.   It's going to take a really, really lot of people in favor of Sharia law to get a Constitutional amendment to change that.  

    Sharia law is being practised in many western countries on the quiet, therefore it flies under the radar, and the so called democratically elected governments, even though it is illegal, do nothing, why, let's count the votes?


    Do you really think it is not getting a foothold in the USA, in the same manner and flies under the radar.  It may well need the US constitution to be changed to be official and may never happen, however, like many things, who really knows the future.:wai:

  7. 9 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    Well according to this comment from the BBC he stated is that Obama knew and did nothing.




    So if he "knew" back then why is he denying it now?


    Perhaps it was convenient for him during his campaign but embarrasing for him now.


    He can't have it both ways. Either he was lying then or he is lying now.


    I have no idea what the truth is, do you?


  8. 1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

    It isn't old hat, it proves he is an idiot. If you think an idiot as a president is boring, I would call it dangerous but each to their own.

    Looking into the future: he will be impeached and a couple of his helpers will be facing criminal charges.

    Just wishing and hoping are we.  An idiot as president?  It is one position in life that you will never undertake, that's for sure.  As for the charges, maybe yes, maybe no, I have no idea and you certainly don't.  :wai:

  9. 1 hour ago, Traveler19491 said:

    Sorry, but you twisted his words. Farang1979 did use the word "collusion", however, if you read in context (something most trumpettes have no use for) it becomes obvious to all but the most obtuse that he was not referring to Trump admitting to collusion in the same sense as the investigation. No, as I stated earlier, Trump was not admitting to any wrongdoing on his part, just to the fact that Russia did meddle in our election. Trump stated Russian collusion (which is factually correct...Russia would have had to engage in collusion amongst their various governmental entities in order to pull off their meddling), not his own collusion with them. Not only is your reading comprehension appalling, your understanding of grammar and context is sadly lacking.


  10. 9 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

    Try re-reading the post. Farang 1979 never said that Trump was admitting that he colluded. He was referring to the fact that Trump finally admitted that the Russians meddled with our election. Your lack of reading comprehension IS worth commenting on. It is appalling.

    I would suggest you follow your own advice, because if you say that Farang 1979 never said Trump admitted, no he never said admitted, he said acknowledged and here is the exact quotes, the first relating to a Tweet and then what Farang 1979 wrote about colluding, then you really have no idea, do you?.


    "Another tweet. "The Obama Administration knew far in advance of November 8th about election meddling by Russia. Did nothing about it. WHY?"


    "So now he's finally acknowledging there was Russian collusion in an election he WON."


    My comprehension is appalling?  Please, if you want to criticise, then at least get it right before you do so, as to write what you have and then get caught out is more appalling.  And don't worry, I don't need an apology, just to show others how foolish one is when they go where angels fear to tread is enough. :wai:


  11. 20 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    A great statement of Travel19491:


    Trump says Putin will never go into Ukraine. Putin is already in Ukraine.

    Trump says he will overhaul healthcare because he knows more about healthcare than anyone. After failing, "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."

    Trump insists his inauguration was the largest ever, despite photographic evidence to the contrary.

    Trump shoves PM of Montenegro aside just to get to head of the pack for photo op.

    Trump promotes birther conspiracy.

    Trump insists Obama wiretapped him.

    Trump says he'd like to date his daughter.

    Trump says Cruz's father was involved in Kennedy assassination.

    Trump campaigns hard for House healthcare bill, has big celebration in the Rose Garden telling Republicans, "It's going go be an unbelievable victory...when we get it through the Senate", then turns around and tells GOP Senators that the House bill was "mean".

    Trump: "I thought being President would be easier than my old life."

    Trump: "You know, it really doesn't matter what the media write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."

    Trump: "Despite the negative press covfefe."

    Trump: "Why can't we use nuclear weapons?"

    Trump: "I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier."

    Trump: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me." (Probably because of all those years of dedicated, patriotic military service...oh, wait...)

    We already know all this so just move on, it's old hat and really boring.  You must have a lot of time on you hands to dig into the past, try looking into the future, you might learn something, given how so many on here are future tellers.:wai:

  12. 6 hours ago, sirineou said:

    I think it is you who is changing words, no one said that Trump admitted collusion but said admitted Russian involvement, something Trump had always denied .

     Remember Trumps statement that it could had being" a fat guy in his underwear in front of a computer in the middle of the night".  

    In other words it could had being him!! LOL  

    Do you really think, sure does not appear that way?  I haven't changed any words and I used the whole quote, not like you, selectively deleting parts of my post just to sustain your propaganda.  I think that somewhere in here the member has said just that, and that is part of what I responded to.


    Here it is again, just so you can comprehend, maybe take reading lesson and get off the spin machine.  So now tell me again where I changed words or that no one said what I have stated.  If you want to post false and misleading information fine, it only highlights your style, and  it also highlights the depths some are prepared to sink to in order to get their biased BS out there.  Not very becoming at all when you are caught out.:wai:


    "Another tweet. "The Obama Administration knew far in advance of November 8th about election meddling by Russia. Did nothing about it. WHY?"


    So now he's finally acknowledging there was Russian collusion in an election he WON.


    The most flippy-floppy, lying, manipulative individual that has ever graced politics let alone American politics. Impeach this mofo.

  13. 5 hours ago, farang1979 said:

    Another tweet. "The Obama Administration knew far in advance of November 8th about election meddling by Russia. Did nothing about it. WHY?"


    So now he's finally acknowledging there was Russian collusion in an election he WON.


    The most flippy-floppy, lying, manipulative individual that has ever graced politics let alone American politics. Impeach this mofo.

    Where has he admitted collusion, all he has stated is that Obama knew and did nothing.  How did you deduce that to be acknowledging anything or are you suggesting that Obama colluded and not the POTUS.   Another TVF detective at work, changing words to suit the agenda hey?  The rest of your offering is not worth commenting on.:wai:

  14. 8 hours ago, jwest10 said:

    Nothing will ever change, will it? And yes I get told off for using my horn, which they would not know just a warning in case asleep at the wheel and yes with often the case with Family in car.
    Deserves severe punishment, but will not get it for sure. Even if a number plate seen and noted, probably a false one. Appalling

    Yeah, me too.  It's funny how clowns like this always cause the problem yet the bloody missus tells me that it is my fault, that I should watch what they are doing.  I try to tell her that I am not a bloody mind reader but alas, to no avail so I just give up.


    But I still have a cam fitted front and rear just for a little security given how us farangs are nearly always in the wrong, just because if we were not in Thailand then the incident would not have occurred.  Shows the intelligence, oh sorry that was a mistake, it should be the lack of and absolutely no common sense abound here.:wai:

  15. 2 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

    So sorry my friend, no offence intended.


    i am (currently) a Khorat resident and whilst fully understanding the joy of peace and beauty that can be found up here in Issan frankly I would welcome an outbreak of rabies or that disease that created the walking dead just to relieve the boredom. 


    Bit it too quiet for my liking and have taken it on the chin for four years already...


    as they say, horses for courses 





    No offence taken in the slightest.  Yes the quietness does catch up every now and again but then I am a homebody now so, as you say, horses for courses.



  16. 2 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

    I thought you had an outbreak of rabies recently ( in Kalasin)

    Sorry wouldn't have clue about that, I was talking about Loei Province, not Kalisan province.  Although both are in Isaan, totally two separate areas.  Just goes to show that it is still a well kept secret.  The two cities are about 4 hours and almost 300 kilometres apart.:wai:


  17. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

    If you define 'pussy' as a guy who is overly fearful of things (real and imagined), then yes, Trump is a pussy. 

    He avoided the draft 4 or 5 times, each time for made-up reasons.  He cheated on all his wives.  He won't answer questions that are uncomfortable - often slinking into a side room like a turkey on Thanksgiving-eve. He won't face responsibility, but instead fires people in charge of investigations (3 thus far).  He avoided a debate with Republicans, because he had a tough question in a prior debate.  He's the Pussy-in-Chief.


    I thought this was about the following:  


    "Trump son-in-law had undisclosed contacts with Russian envoy - sources"
    So if I may ask what has the above got to do with the topic?  I do not remember reading a heading espousing "How much hatred is there for Trump and how much vitriol are members able to pump out.?  I think a thread should be opened and just devoted to that, it would save so many going off topic, which by the way, unless many have forgotten, is against the rules. :wai:
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