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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 49 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Buying a car:


    1) Deposit

    2) Delivery payment  (or Cashiers cheque) - you pick the car up at the dealership.

    3) You will need a Copy of your Passport. 

    4) You will need Affirmation of residence*

    *Proof of residence can be obtained form your consulate (or immigration if you have done a 90day report)

    5) Your new car will have red dealer plates - you will need to choose a 'white' place within 1 month (this law is hardly enforced). The dealers say they will do this, but quicker to just do this yourself at the DLT. 


    Driving here: 

    1) Home license with accompanying IDP (Dates cover 12 months: You can drive 90 days)

    2) Its best to obtain a Thai License. Use your Home license + IDP. You will need Affirmation of Residence, and a medical checkup certification. 


    Spot on but one point missing.  The new vehicle is only fitted with red plates, if requested, with a bond of, normally, 3,000B being required, however is refundable once the white plates are obtained and the red plates and log book are surrendered to the dealer.


    Also with the red plates, the vehicle is not supposed to be driven during the hours of darkness, and if leaving your province a log book is required to be completed for each journey.  These two aspects are starting to be enforced more as the fine is easy pickings for we all know who.:wai:

  2. 11 hours ago, steven100 said:

    aha .....  the plot thickens  .... well done RTP for the extensive investigations and possible conviction soon ...  

    and to the nayers once again ..... eat humble pie ...:clap2:

    Agree totally.  But you know the nayers, they will just disappear until this leaves the headlines and something else arises that they think they know best on.:wai:

  3. 17 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    "Trumps private lawyer is being quoted by them as refusing to front up to the senate" yet = He doesn't want to give them info if they ask him.


    "he has agreed to front should he be subpoenaed."  = He will give them info but only if they come with court papers.


    Two different things so I don't see the false or misleading part


    If you put out only part of the story, which portrays him in a negative light, anyone reading it and not checking the facts could very well accept what you have written and linked to as being factual, which it isn't.


    By half reporting and your question, "What has he got to hide" suggests he may be acting in a nefarious manner, which he isn't, therefore leading to your version being false and misleading.  My opinion.


    If you do not have an agenda, then why not put the whole story and not the portion you have selected?  I know, it's like so many others, just pick the negative part and who cares if it's fair and balanced or makes out that he has been up to no good. :wai:

  4. 10 hours ago, iReason said:

    " should he be subpoenaed"


    Apparently, this is what they will have to do.

    What's to hide?


    Trump personal attorney declines congressional Russia probe request


    "President Donald Trump’s longtime personal attorney has turned down a request to be interviewed and provide documents in the congressional probe into Russian interference into the 2016 election."


    "Michael Cohen, who worked at the Trump Organization until January and remains the president’s private counsel, confirmed Tuesday he would not cooperate with congressional inquiries as they examine contacts between Trump’s circle of aides and Russian officials."



    I see, having problems listing the latest report on this matter. Be truthful and do not post misleading information, as this is what you are doing by listing the following and putting a link to a biased print media report:


    Trump personal attorney declines congressional Russia probe request. 


    If you put the whole version forward then it would help your credibility, of which clearly you have none and actually, by doing, you're highlighting your bias and cannot be taken seriously or even trusted to be honest in your responses.  Here is an excerpt of what he told CNN and they are now finally reporting.


    "I declined the invitation to participate, as the request was poorly phrased, overly broad and not capable of being answered," Cohen told CNN Tuesday, adding that he considered it a "total fishing expedition."  They have yet to produce one single piece of credible evidence that would corroborate the Russia narrative," Cohen said. He called the investigation a "rush to judgment."
    Cohen told CNN Tuesday that if Congress issues a subpoena to him, he will testify.
    "I have not been subpoenaed to testify. If I am subpoenaed to testify I will comply -- and gladly -- as I have nothing to hide," Cohen said. "There is no shred of evidence that implicates me." :wai:
  5. 39 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    If there is unbiased reporting the Trump supporters shout "fake news" again as they refuse to accept the facts. 

    Is that right.  Try watching CNN, Trumps private lawyer is being quoted by them as refusing to front up to the senate and are placing a strong emphasis on this yet he has agreed to front should he be subpoenaed.  So is that factual or is it false and misleading reporting by a totally biased media outlet.:wai:

  6. 6 hours ago, heybruce said:

    "All it is doing is showing how small minded many are, how hateful and biased they are and that they will leave no stone unturned in an attempt to get rid of him."


    Another obvious analogy to the birther movement led by Trump.  Thank you.


    I am thrilled to see Trump bogged down by his own ineptness because I consider him dangerously unqualified for office.  I am not rushing to judgment on the issue of collusion, I suspect that he was more likely a useful idiot for the Russians to manipulate than someone actively colluding with the Russians.  I'm not so certain that can be said of everyone is his campaign and in/out of his administration.  I think his agenda is bad for America and I'm happy to see his administration bog down in leaks, contradictory administration statements, non-denial denials, and official after official caught in lies and omissions--it prevents him from moving forward on his foolish plans.


    More than convicting anyone in the administration of collusion, I want a thorough investigation of the election to identify vulnerabilities to outside interference and fixes to the problem.  I also want traditional standards of ethics and transparency to become law; traditional standards such as detailed financial disclosures including tax returns and putting all holdings into a blind trust.  Drain the swamp Trump has shown that, like so many other swamp critters, he will only do the minimum required to stay within the law, or at least not break it in an easily prosecuted form.


    "it appears you believe that everything you proffer is right and cannot possibly be wrong."


    I don't think I'm right about everything, but I am certain that Trump is dangerously unqualified to be President: Nothing he has ever done causes me to question that belief.  Once again, I'm happy to see him stymied by his own incompetence, it's better for America that way.


    "Another obvious analogy to the birther movement led by Trump.  Thank you."


    Sorry but not an obvious analogy, it is what I have discerned from watching the MSM and reading the media print, and unlike others on TVF I also read and watch what certain people allege to be "Fake News" thus enabling me to form a realistic and unbiased opinion. But not allowed to quote on here, no doubt to prevent a fair and even debate.  Should be a new Headline.  TVF says goodbye to Free Speech.  I don't agree with some things he has done but I disagree more with the rot being dished out on here and through other media outlets.


    Yes, I get annoyed with some of the President's Twitter releases and what he says, sometimes in interviews and without explanation,  however, at least he has the guts to say it as it is and stand up to those who relish in their attempts to demonise him.  Ring a bell?


    Why doesn't the media critique everything said by others about the President, doesn't suit their agenda, they just dissect his every word, even to the extent of changing their meanings or just plain making it up just to fuel their hate ridden put down.  Don't believe me, just watch CNN, ABC and CNBC.  If you do and then tell me they are not hateful, biased and do not give Trump a fair hearing, then all I can say is that you deserve each other.


    Actually, I think you're already there,  with words "I'm Thrilled",  "He is unqualified", "useful idiot",  "I'm Happy", "Foolish Plans", "Swamp Critters", "Dangerously Unqualified", "Own Incompetence",  need I go on, sounds like the many words that the Anchors and their guests spew forth.  Also, if I may ask, what makes you qualified to degrade the President in such a manner?  Just a thought,  maybe you should apply to be a CNN contributor, you would be welcomed with open arms.


    And you want is this and you want that?  You can want all you like but like many others, you will have to wait for the normal progression of the investigations.  And if they fall in favour of the President, will you be happy, of course not, you will just go on and, like others, will look for something else that will enable a spanner to be thrown in the wheels of progress.  :wai:



  7. 1 hour ago, heybruce said:

    I didn't quote you before, but now I will:


    " Hasn't this investigation be going on since July 2016.  Either the FBI and other security agencies, who keep on keeping on with their leaks, are inept, because according to many, not me or the so called "Fake News",  have come up with one ounce of factual evidence to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that the Russians interfered with the election or there was/is collusion between the Trump administration and the Russians. "


    I pointed out the irony of Trump supporters objecting to investigations that have not provided "beyond reasonable doubt" evidence that Russia interfered with the election (the intelligence agencies say they did), when Trump for years led a completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theory about Obama not being a US citizen, in spite of "beyond reasonable doubt" evidence that he was. 


    The Trumpies and fake news birthers are learning that Karma is a b*tch, and I love it.  I think it only fair that the Trump investigation continue until Trump proves there is nothing to it (by releasing tax returns and other financial details, White House visitor logs, meeting and phone transcripts, etc.), just as he dragged on the Obama conspiracy for years after Obama proved there was nothing to that.

    I am being critical of but not objecting to the investigations, let them go on, however, with so many being overly zealous and hasty in convicting him despite over some 10 months, all of those investigations have failed to provide one ounce of evidence, factual or otherwise, that has led to a conviction of anyone, let alone the President.  All it is doing is showing how small minded many are, how hateful and biased they are and that they will leave no stone unturned in an attempt to get rid of him.


    When the so called experts, propped up by the papers and the media,  started off with the tapes, which didn't stick, they then progressed to dragging in the women, which failed, then the Russian probe, then the Muslim ban, followed by Hillary winning the popular vote, then Comey's sacking, which the democrats first called for, then on to wanting him impeached, then calling him out for his alleged obstruction of justice, to his now being accused of treason.  Good God, the man is so bad, that he must be guilty of something but heck, with all their experts, they can't find a thing to prove any of it.  But not to worry, they have another 3 years and a bit to try, and believe me the losers will. 


    There are many more negative aspects that I have not mentioned but are being bandied around to such an extent that it has developed into a trial by media, with all their so called knowledgeable experts presenting themselves to the world, laughing, grinning, smirking and being just plain downright crude and revolting in their summations of their findings toward the President, his administration and now family. That is why Americans and many in the world now despise the print and television media, as they cannot present an unbiased and balanced report on anything political.


    These are the so called experts, who predicted that Mr Trump had no chance of winning and that dear Hillary was going to bolt in.  They

    were all made a laughing stock of and no doubt this is just one of many reasons they are out to get him.  They are also dirty that he will not hold press conferences, but delivers what he needs to, to his supporters via rallies and Twitter.  They have even gone so low now, in the dissecting of everything Trump, to criticising the manner in which he shakes hands.  And that is a news story.


    If you want to love it, then love it but don't let it yourself be blindsided through your obvious dislike for the man, as it appears to be preventing you from seeing the forest through the trees.  You have you opinion, which I respect; I may be right, I may be wrong, but given your take on the matter, it appears you believe that everything you proffer is right and cannot possibly be wrong.  Doesn't work that way, but if you feel it does, than what more can one say.:wai: 

  8. 2 hours ago, heybruce said:

    There was no shred of credible evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, and ample evidence he was born in Hawaii, but fools like Trump just wouldn't let it go.


    Obama provided evidence he was born in the USA.  Why doesn't Trump provide evidence--tax returns, White House visitor logs, transcripts of phone calls, meeting minutes with classified information redacted, etc., that shows he has no improper ties with Russia?


    For that matter, why doesn't he just provide a clear denial that Kushner attempted to set up a back channel with Russia, or provide a valid reason for doing so if he did?

    Please, if you want to quote me, then leave out the bits to do with Obama, which has no relevance to what I posted but if you followed the subject then you would find that he has let it go.  As for the rest of it, there is no law that forces him to produce or deny anything that you have indicated. It is old hat so please give it a break.:wai: 

  9. Hasn't this investigation be going on since July 2016.  Either the FBI and other security agencies, who keep on keeping on with their leaks, are inept, because according to many, not me or the so called "Fake News",  have come up with one ounce of factual evidence to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that the Russians interfered with the election or there was/is collusion between the Trump administration and the Russians.  I know that some investigations take months even years but for those who espouse that the POTUS is a criminal and is traitorous with the investigations, of which there are many, not being concluded, are only showing their true colours.  It is evident that they have no idea into the civil, criminal or laws governing treason and only speak that way in order to make out they do.  Sad, very sad.


    If the security agencies, Senate and Congress are as good in investigating, as they tell us they us, then to have not one iota of factual proof come to light in some 10 and 6 months respectively, suggests there may have been nothing there in the first instance and now they are relying on unnamed sources (leaks alleged to be above reproach) in order to justify their ongoing search of something that they hope they can legitimately hang around the POTUS'S neck.  It appears that when they cannot find any they then direct their investigation towards others, with new allegations arising daily, hoping they will find something.  I wonder why Senator Graham, who is far from being a Trump Supporter, is now doubting the genuineness of the allegations relating to the Russian interference. 


    Funny how that when CNN, Bloomberg, The Washington Post and Times and many others bringing to the fore the possibility of the POTUS or other members of his administration being held to account for treason, that some on here are carrying on with the same story line.  Now, if you want you adopt this approach, fine, that is your right but please do so with evidence and not just unproven allegations and hearsay. 


    Also understand what is required to convict someone of such an offence, not just proffer what has been heard or throw some mud, hoping some will stick,  as to do so makes one look foolish, however, it does gather a few likes from those of similar thoughts.  Maybe that was the desired effect because there is certainly nothing, at this stage, to sustain that outlandish and other scurrilous allegations.  If there was, then certainly many would be before a grand jury or even charged and before the courts, so why is this so?


    But gee, there isn't, so lets just keep going with self opinionated attacks, as that is what most are to date. If you don't believe me just watch those stations mentioned and read the newspapers that I mentioned, then come back and tell me that there is direct evidence and that they're not Trump haters and totally biased.


    I now await the responses but keep them civil and realistic, not the unproven and clearly biased accusations that are being espoused now.:wai:

  10. 11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    For that to be true, Trump would have had to enter negotiations before he was inaugurated. To date there is zero evidence of that.

    Come on TBL, you know they don't need evidence, all they need is unidentified sources, which of course they all have, and it just spreads like wildfire.  Oh, if they don't have any sources they will certainly say they have just to try and gain some credibility, something most lack in truckloads.:wai: 

  11. 3 hours ago, bbbbooboo said:

    hmmm...ganja queer perhaps.......I doubt that many ozzies would welcome this woman back

    You're spot on there.  If it was possible the whole family should be shipped out.  Have been involved in growing and selling it for years and these media fools want to make them out as being hard done by and should be looked upon as victims and now some clown wants to call her the Australian Ganja Queen.  Can think of more appropriate names but then the censors might take me to task.. :wai:

  12. 12 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    White trash is going home. She really does embody many young people from Australia especially the women. Uneducated ,unskilled, self endulgent,self serving,spoiled brats.


    You certainly have a way with words.  Guess you don't like young Australians or is it just young Australian women. As far as Ms. Corby is concerned, I am definitely not a fan but how does her ill deeds give you the right to decry the young, in particular, the young women of our nation. Not an Aussie for sure and maybe there's more to your outburst then meets the eye.:wai:

  13. 14 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                          Blockbusting revelations are coming down the tubes, a mile a minute.  It's actually kinda cool, how Trump is holding the fort, even though the walls are crumbling, hour by hour.   The longer Trump holds on, the worse it will be for Republican politicians - those currently in office, and those in upcoming elections.

    Tell that to the guy who just won Montana. And he still won after allegedly assaulting the mealy mouthed reporter.:wai:

  14. 8 hours ago, mindfulness said:

    ... how was she charged this time with drinking and driving when she was arrested inside a Night Club 'aka' Breach of the Peace' using threatening words or behaviour'. 


    Shes obviously got a emotional and drinking problems. 


    Maybe if she just admitted to herself of this fact and sought help, then at least she would be taking the right steps in overcoming these obvious problems.


    Recent photos of her on this offence shows her to be a very troubled individual. 



    I think the only reason she seems to be a very troubled individual is because she was caught.  Don't forget, she is an actor and these lot can turn it on and off like a tap. :wai:

  15. This is all that is wrong in this world, not only this country.  There is no care or empathy shown for the victims any more.  Why in the hell should anyone show any care for this woman, I could call her worse but I will refrain.  It is clearly evident she has no remorse and hasn't learnt anything from her previous foray.  She deserves one thing, a good stint inside to allow her a few years of reflection but given what has happened before, maybe not.


    As for the BIB, well in their case I too cannot express my outrage in words as they truly fail me, owing to the manner in which they have acted, not only in this matter, but many others.  I really think that it has been said many times over what most people think of certain branches and members of the RTP but seeing there is censorship, I will restrain myself.:wai:

  16. Do those submitting that the price will be reduced owing to these being built in Thailand,  will have to forgive my cynicism but when I can buy, in Australia, a top of the range Honda CRV, with far more extras then those sold here, for A$15,000 less, then I truly doubt, given the tax structure here, will that ever happen. I could be wrong but I doubt it.


    Same applies to many other makes and models built here a nd sold overseas at a far reduced price.  So much for these so called free trade agreements, nothing benefits the likes of America and Australia, just look at the cost of their goods that are imported here.  Almost taxed out of existence.


    Who needs tariffs when a tax in excess of 200 percent is applied to many items. As for the gobbly gook put forward by the Harley Davidson spokesman then if you believe in that you also believe that you will find fairies at the bottom of the garden.:wai:

  17. On ‎21‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 6:18 PM, Rc2702 said:

    Correct on no dressing but it's been treated by the family (cleaned) Any ideas on cost for this treatment? Ball park?

    No being hard t get along with but if your main concern is the cost and not the dog's best interests, then maybe you shouldn't have a dog.  Dogs can't talk and suffer in silence, you should have taken him to a vet rather than coming on here to ask questions. It's cruel to delay regardless of the cost.  Ask yourself this question, "What would I do if I suffered a similar injury?"  Then follow you own advice in respect to the dog.:wai:

  18. 1 hour ago, fruitman said:

    Yes i smell some Thai bashing here mate...so you want qualified mechanics working on cars?? Well wait untill the established users come out to tell you how negativ you are. 


    She looks good, her father had a brakepad shop and she's thai so of course she's qualified to touch carbrakes.


    I bet she also can change brakediscs or even make them flat again. She also is qualified for working with hydraulic systems i bet and knows very well how to see if a brakehose is still good or has hair cracks. 




    Given your response I find that it's content cannot be taken seriously, you're just having a lend, aren't you?  :bah:    :wai:

  19. 20 hours ago, Bulldozer Dawn said:

    Back in Australia years ago the government made it free to study nursing at university because there was an 80% turnover in nurses in their first 3 years of employment.  That is, they showed up for their job and after a short time realised how much it sucked and then moved on to another job.


    Anyone (Sheryl) able to report on the staff turnover level for new nurses here in Thailand?

    Don't know how long ago this was but you should check again, it ain't free any more.:wai:

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