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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 17 hours ago, abab said:


    This is what people who know nothing about this area area repeat,  just when people who know nothing in US or EU talk about Putin and Russia...



    I am voicing my opinion, not repeating something that someone else has said.  It's like going to Kings Cross in Sydney, been there, wouldn't go back. You don't have to know anything about an area, first hand experience enables one to comment.  I don't know what the US or EU people talking about Putin and Russia has got to do with the topic.  Not a legitimate comparison but then I could be wrong. :wai:

  2. 7 hours ago, Grubster said:

    If you own anything in the area you will miss them dearly as your values will plummet. What else does Pattaya have going for it outside tourism?

    My wife and I have property in Thailand, with Pattaya being the last place in the world where we would own property let alone live.  So sorry, nothing to miss.  And yes, I have been there, once and that was enough. Just to say that I've been there, same as Phuket.  Neither are my cup of tea.  As for tourism, some of the gems that go there, together with a certain group of locals,  really wouldn't be missed, would they?:wai:

    • Like 1
  3. On ‎19‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 5:38 AM, ezzra said:

    Don't ' change ' it, regulate it, Pattaya is well known for it's liberal sex industry

    and this is a good thing as long as you make sure it's safe and free from rouge and

    criminal elements, banish those nasty and obnoxious lady boys from Pattaya

    or bring them under control, keep drugs and underage from the sex scenes,


    If you kill sex tourism I n Pattaya, you can kiss goodbye to half or more of your

    tourists and that's a fact....

    Would they be missed?:wai:

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  4. On ‎14‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 1:31 PM, pigeonjake said:

    you could be right, but ive been told i have to be there,

    the police told me im not at fault


    Be very careful.  Exactly the same ting happened to my wife last year, she was driving through Na Krang when an elderly rider did exactly the same thing and ploughed into her right side after driving out of a side street.  The police attended and told her she was not at fault, however, she told them she would not move the car until her insurance rep attended.  This he did, as did the relatives, and all agreed that the motorcyclist was at fault.  luckily for her that her rep attended as two days later the man, unfortunately passed away from his injuries.


    On the second attendance, she had a different rep and everything changed, the relatives wanted money, the police told my wife she was at fault and the insurance rep took the side of the deceased.  As the deceased was drunk at the time, was not wearing a helmet, had no licence and his bike unregistered and actually drove into her, she told the police that she was not accepting this, reported all to the insurance company, who sacked the second rep and sent out the initial attendee, after which it all changed again.


    There were discussions over two more attendances at the police station, where my wife and the rep stood firm, told the other party that the deceased was at fault and also called the doctor who did the autopsy and when it was determined that it was the handle bars into the gut of the deceased that killed him, combined with all the other factors, my wife was exonerated and the deceased's family never received any compensation.  My wife however, as per Thai custom, gave some money toward the funeral and she heard noting further.


    So, as a warning, if you have insurance, get a rep and if not happy with the result complain to your insurer, who believe me, will be on your side, as they don't want to pay out unless they have to. And never trust the coppers, as in my wife's case, it turned out that the one investigating just happened to be a family friend.  My wife, obviously, is Thai, and told me to keep away as if they knew a Farang was involved, then they would have tried to get money out of me and have made it harder for the rep.:wai:

  5. 2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    You did see the part where I said As I said, "commentaries are a different issue. ".  Or does that not suit your agenda?


    I don't watch, and never have, any of the above programs.

    Yes, I saw it and did you see the bit where I said that CNN claim they are news but really, they are commentaries.  Not my agenda, especially when again you at being selective and taking one piece of my response to highlight that I am referring to just one aspect and turning it around to suit yourself.


    I would dearly like to know how you can make such a statement about from what you see from CNN is news being unbiased, yet, in the next breath, you are telling me that you don't and never have watched any of those programmes.  Wow, you go on about CNN, yet you have never watched any of those people, who just happen to be news anchors and/or reporters.


    You are quite clever, you have made a statement without having any facts or knowledge of what CNN presents, day and night, allegedly as news.  Yep, there is some news but they're all the same, putting in their two bob's worth of commentary or call in their so called experts to do the same.  Give you contradictory statements it appears that you are talking through you hat when you say they are not biased.:wai:

  6. 3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Can't help you with your reading disability. I said what I meant. If you feel the need to construe it otherwise, that might be a matter for you to take up with your therapist. There's nothing I can do about it.

    If you want to insult me, feel free to do so, at least I retain a civil tongue in my head and will treat your response with the contempt it deserves.:wai:  

  7. 22 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Because some liars out there persist in saying that Trump's electoral victory means that he represents the silent majority. Which is what I was replying to.

    Do you think I cannot understand what you were replying to. Now you've gone from you initial statement that a large number of conservatives "BELIEVE" Trump got more votes to "SOME LAIRS" are persisting he got more votes. Make up your mind, what is it?


    As I said, she did, but she lost and is not the POTUS, so there is really no need to keep harping about the popular vote crap, makes no difference.  And instead of calling some people liars, try and say being nice for a change or does your definition of believe mean lying?:wai:

  8. 4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Most of what I see from CNN, is just reporting of the news.  A blast happened in France, the president of the Philippines said something silly again, some news event in the US.  Those are not lies.  Just the news.  As I said, commentaries are a different issue.  But news reports are just that...like...Trump blasted Nordstrom on Twitter.  Well, he did.  And they reported the Tweet. LOL

    Ah Craig, selective viewing and reporting on your behalf, hey.  Yes, I've seen all those and yes he did say that, cannot deny that, and all the other new bits that you have mentioned, of course they are news, reported the CNN way.  Now try watching and then talking about Don Lemon: Anderson Cooper; Wolf; John Berman, Becky Anderson, Chris Cuomo; Jake Tapper; John Vause;  Isha Sesay and Kate Balduan.  I can give you plenty more of the biased leftist reporting of CNN should you want them.  But I don't think so, as it would not suit your agenda.


    They all bring on panels, loaded to the hilt with those opposing the POTUS,  sometimes zero Trump supporters or 1 or 2 Trump supporters, at the most but of course they're not biased just because they balance their panels with 4 or 6 from the HRC camp. 0=4 0r 0=4 or 6: 2=4 or 6, and you have the hide to say they're not biased  Give me a break.  They all claim they are news but really, they are commentaries and they try their hardest by putting leading statements to those who they know support Trump and then cut them short or even cut them off  when they do not follow their lead or give answers that suits their agendas


    As I said, CNN does more, a lot more, than just report the news and what it is up to is promoting it's left wing views as well as those of other media outlets and the biased commentaries of their reporters and anchors.  So please, if you want to comment on something, then put the whole story, take of you glasses and be fair dinkum for once.:wai:

  9. On ‎10‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 10:24 PM, ilostmypassword said:

    The silent majority?  Really?  So are you among that large number of conservatives who believe Trump got more votes than Clinton?

    Why do you have to persist with the popular vote crap. So she got it, who cares, she is not the president, so boo hoo.  Remember, it's a 4 year term, and I do worry about your health considering it's only three weeks with another 205 weeks to go.  :wai:

  10. On ‎4‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 9:54 PM, oilinki said:

    Hmmph. Is there some rumours going on, which we have not heard of, which causes people to be afraid of abandoned packages?


    Then again, why a terrorist would put bombs in a suitcase as simple black trashbag would work much better?



    Do you really need to ask such inane questions? Don't you listen to the news or read papers?  Try reading up on the Boston Bombings, bombs contained in pressure cookers and carried inside two back packs.  On the 19th September, 2016, a suspicious package in New Jersey, was being cut open by a robot when it exploded. 


    So many people carry back packs, have luggage, and carry packages, all of which does not draw attention to them however, when and where they are left gives rise to suspicion.  There are many more if you would only take time to educate yourself thus preventing the need for you inquiry. You couldn't be that naïve could you, or are you just having a lend of everyone?:wai:

  11. On ‎6‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 11:57 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Oh dear, another one trying to make me say things I didn't. I said he could make them pay for their own defence. Nowhere did I say I wanted to destroy Germany. I believe you need to retract your untruthful statement.

    NB it is not acceptable to alter the meaning of my post.

    Come on TBL, you know that won't happen and how dare you question his right to alter their meaning of the statement, anyone would think yo have the right to question him. :annoyed:  It's lucky you didn't ask for an apology I doubt if he could spell it yet alone known the meaning.:wai:

  12. 13 minutes ago, berybert said:

    That's the end of that then.

    You could be right but they are not all dumb.  They do have some truly experienced and professional investigators who were trained by one of the best police forces in the world, the NSW Police Force.  All personnel are now required to complete the Policing Degree at Charles Sturt University Goulburn, with the majority having exceptional skills and great street cred.:wai:

  13. 11 minutes ago, berybert said:

    People who think this guy should cry and tell the police everything he knows.

    How long do you think he will live once he starts talking ? drug lords don't tend to allow things like that to happen, and if it does happen they will soon put an end to the source.

    He doesn't have to say anything, he could be between the cross hairs already but at this stage if anything happened to him it could well lead the dogs to the fox. On the other hand, if the cops are worth their salt they can get him and depending on how well the drug lord has covered his bum, maybe get the direct link.  But they will have to know what they are doing.:wai:

  14. 1 hour ago, smedly said:

    I think he is very well linked already, what he is doing is trying to unlink himself, drugs are big business in Thailand involving huge amounts of money, if I had confidence in the Thai police actually being interested in convicting people rather than enriching themselves then this whole drug network should now be busted with many already in lockup


    For once I agree with you.  I still have confidence in the coppers but it has been diminished substantially given some of their many recent stuff ups.  Hopefully there may be some decent ones involved in this investigation.


    To bring down criminals, in particular those involved in drugs, or other major criminal activities, the most damming evidence, if they are not caught in possession, distribution or the actual activity at the time, is gathered from informants, gleaned from their financial records, what their current assets are at the time and is their life style and expenditure consistent with their income over the period that is being looked at.  So follow the money trail, especially from when this mommy's boy first started his business. 


    Racing and what he has in vehicles costs a lot of money and back in the 80's, I was involved in the investigation of a certain high profile racing car driver in Australia and we nabbed him through the money trail.  We also found that he was heavily involved in the rebirthing of stolen vehicles, with many stolen vehicles found buried on his western NSW property.  It took  5 detectives over two years to get their man and his accomplices but we did, not only for drugs but also for a the stolen vehicle racket.   Needless to say they were given quite a number of years but then it was in Australia, we knew what we were doing and how to go about it.:wai:

  15. 20 minutes ago, pokerface1 said:

    Government benefits are  extremely important issue for immigrants from any country when deciding which leaky boat they will take. Often there skills are no recognized and their English is poor so little chance of getting a job unless it's for $7.00 per hour. When I travel overseas im often asked what benefits do your government pay when you can't get a job.When I tell them there eyes light up in surprise ..... then I have to explain to them the cost of living in Australia after that the lights in their eyes go out hahhah.



    Yeah but they come back on when certain nationalities find out that because they are allowed to and do have multiple wives, that they get benefits equal to the number they have, be it 2, 3, 4 or more.  Then there are the benefits paid for the number of children they have, up to 7 in some instances.  Some so called refugees, not all, have an income in excess of A$130k per annum, so why wouldn't they want to come here, even despite the expensive cost of living.


    To this add the free housing to start with then later, subsidised private housing or placed into subsidised government housing ahead of many who have been in the queue for over 10 years. Then top this up with free furnishings, free medical, it just goes on an on so the lights glow even brighter when they realise that they don't have to work as the poor Ozzie suckers will keep them in a manner to which they have never before been accustomed to. Everything that they can legally claim can see what they receive in cash and benefits total up to almost A$200k pa.  Not a bad lurk if one can get away with it.


    You mention skills, what skills, many have none and many elect to remain within their cultures, reside in enclaves, not speak English, or at least pretend not to when it suits them.  Now don't get me wrong, not all refugees fall into this category and many do assimilate and go on to become excellent new citizens and contribute to the country through their hard work and efforts to make a new life for themselves but sadly those who do are in the minority.


    Now why are the protesters not up in arms over how some Australian citizens are being treated.  Why, because it does not suit their ideology and many are just as parasitic as some, not all, refugees, who  even after being in Australia for over 5 years  have not worked a day since their arrival.  And it is becoming generational as well. :wai:

  16. 15 hours ago, maoro2013 said:

    Oh, I  omitted to ask,  are most of the protesters millenials who have been trained not to think?

    Of course they are and the majority are on government handouts, you know, the non-working type.  Oh, and of course you don't have to guess what side of politics they're on.  It's a shame they don't get off their a#$@ to protest about the homeless, what the government is doing to pensioners, the cost of electricity, the corruption in government, the A$500+B debt.


    I could go on and on but I won't, as whatever I say won't make one iota, it just allows me to vent at these P's who only do things to suit their agenda.  Feel better now and had my coffee as well.:wai:

  17. 15 hours ago, NumbNut said:

    It is not illegal to be a refugee.

    Certainly isn't but when they destroy their identification, come in under false passports, tell lies about from whence they came, skip past the first safe country, pay smugglers thousand of dollars to come by boat, then they cease to be refugees and upgrade themselves to illegals.  :wai:

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