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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. Just having a large bowl of strawberries, grapes and kiwi Fruit, all washed thoroughly and dried then topped with whipped cream.  Didn't any one tell those of you who are missing out on the good life to always wash your fruit and vegetables before consuming. It was followed up by a bottle of strawberry juice. You lot don't know what your missing.:wai:

  2. 1 hour ago, kamahele said:

    49 percent is not a majority and not all those included in the  49 percent agree in total. 


    "The Jan. 30-31 poll found that 49 percent of American adults said they either "strongly" or "somewhat" agreed with Trump's order, while 41 percent "strongly" or "somewhat" disagreed and another 10 percent said they don't know."



    You must have a different calculator to me.  49 to 41 with 10 percent not knowing.  I'd suggest  that 9 is higher than one, and despite some not agreeing, as you put it, "In Total" there still a clear majority.


    According to the writer the phrasing was "Somewhat Agreed",  whilst he listed those who were  included in the lower percentage as the same, "Somewhat Disagreed."  So regardless, they either agreed or disagreed, it doesn't alter the majority percentage, does it? :wai:  


  3. Won't this be open to corruption and making some people very rich.  They should have checked out how some of the heavy vehicle driving schools in Oz rorted the system and saw visa applicants, who had little if any driving skills, obtain licenses for B doubles in two hours.  They couldn't even reverse them.  They want to make it harder, there are enough incompetents on the roads now, so they're are going to open the flood gates.  Highly intelligent, I don't think.:wai:

  4. They're all liars, cheats and thieves.  They do not care about the country's debt, tell the pensioners and others to tighten their belts whilst they pig out at the trough.  They call them entitlements, the clowns are not entitled to anything.  They're supposed to be work related expenses.  Just imagine what would happen in the private sector.  They'd be investigated, charged with fraud and locked way for some time.


    They're worse than leeches and truly it's about time that the Australian public woke up and stopped being walked over by the public servants.  It is not only happening in all parties but also in the hierarchy of the public service, State and Federal and even local government. And it's getting so bad that they are taking their whole bloody family on holidays at the taxpayer's expenses.  Unless the people put it to them, then they deserve everything they get  and if it's not curtailed then Australia will do a Greece within10 years.:wai:

  5. 2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:



    Tell me what is political , or "slagging off about this. She was commenting on Trump (and never mentioned his name) when he mocked a disabled reporter (which Trump did, and do not try and deny it on here as denying it is not taken lightly)



    I am not one, as you quite explicitly put it, "slagging off" at Ms Streep but she didn't really have to mention his name to get her message across.  One would have to be a dill not to know to whom she was referring.


    My two bob's worth is that I don't believe he did so, (MO) so what  do you mean by the statement that if someone denies it on here than that the denial will not be taken lightly?  I hope one is not resorting to threats. :wai:

  6. 23 hours ago, MekkOne said:

    'Officers believed he may have suffered from cramp and subsequently drowned. '


    If you Drown you'll not floating... Anyway there are probably scientist in the RTP.


    Initially it doesn't but the body does rise after awhile.  Given the depth of the pool it wouldn't matter if the body was submerged , it would be easily seen.


    Check this out it explains what happens to the body when someone drowns.  http://www.operationtakemehome.org/sar/Fire and Rescue Personnel/Biology of drowning.pdf  :wai:

  7. On ‎13‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 11:22 AM, canuckamuck said:

    Must have some part of the train pushed his legs out of the way before the wheels got him, or he pulled up his legs on his own. Peculiar way to commit suicide by train, by just having your legs on the track.

    Either a trick, or a very unexpected outcome.


    I don't know what it was but quite weird that's for sure, given what one sees from different angles, he looked a goner by all accounts.  I can however, assure you that if a train ran over your legs, it will kill you, it's the shock that does it, not the actually amputation, as the wheels cauterize the wound and stop the loss of blood.


    I know as when I was a serving police officer in Australia I attended many railway suicides, some lay their heads on the line, others jumped in front of the train, others put their legs across the track. Not a pretty sight I can assure you, especially when you have to retrieve pieces so the dogs do not get to them.  it is the driver of the train who I feel sorry for, they are the ones who suffer, many cannot go back to driving as it affects them mentally in more ways than one.:wai:

  8. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    Not all members here supporting Streep are HRC followers.  Some are just opposed to the harsh comments about a very accomplished actress. 


    Never said they were. They can be opposed just as others are opposed to the harsh comments about the President elect.  I have no problem if things are dealt with in a fair and even manner.  :wai: 

  9. 2 hours ago, thurien said:

    thinking about all the fatal pool accidents in Thailand I wonder what the hotel operators do with the now impure / hazardeous (?) pool water, drain it completely and refill or just add a few extra cans of chlorine or call a monk and give his absolution to the water? I mean, there WAS a corpse in the water which undeniably had started rotting away already...the operator may, however, just as well tend to adding formaline in high concentration to the water, every fish monger does that to  his dead fish corpses  in the open markets (we were informed)



    Sorry but not correct.  He was dead for about three hours and it takes between 24 and 72 hours for the internal organs to start decomposing and up to a week before parts starting falling off.  So all you have is a dead body, nothing to worry about, the chlorine would keep impurities at bay.:wai:

  10. 4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    If you know anything about awards ceremonies, many have been used as platforms for politically oriented speeches.  Meryl's is spot on.  She's a highly respected, and awarded, actress.




    Yes, agreed that many have been used in that manner but does that make it right? Maybe she's spot on in you eyes but others have differing opinions so why can't you respect theirs or is it because you believe you're always right, that others are not. Don't forget, the world is still looking for the perfect man.:wai:

  11. 8 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    Shouldn't that be "under the electoral system......?"


    Surely for the system to be truly democratic the person with the most votes should become president?


    Whatever,  its the way the Yanks operate their system and it's been working for a very long time.  Everyone was happy with it up until now and they still refer to it as being democratic, so who am I to argue.:wai:

  12. 1 minute ago, bannork said:

    Yes, it makes them look like idiot followers for following a messiah idiot.

    Dumb and dumber.


    I thought this was about Trump and Streep, not what type of person has a differing opinion to yourself, or who follows who.  Have you ever heard of the word, civility?  If not, please look it up and please use some.  And yes, like you I have gone off topic but not to denigrate you, just to ask you to stick to the topic and show civility to others, as you would like them to show to you.  And please have a good night. :wai:


    7 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    When you say you had a couple stop for you, were you already on the crossing? In the UK, and probably other western countries, when you want to use a Zebra crossing, you are supposed to put your foot on the road on the crossing, that is to give any approaching vehicles time to stop, then when they stop, you cross the road. Try that in Thailand, and how many vehicles will actually stop for you? If the road is really busy and the traffic are moving very slowly, they may stop and let you across. But put your foot on the crossing, and wait, no Thai driver is going to slow down and stop, and let you cross if they are driving say near the speed limit.


    Yes but remained close to the gutter until they actually stop.  I am also wary of the m/c's who undertake and overtake stationary vehicles, cars from behind who do the same thing and vehicles approaching from the opposite direction.  What you are supposed to do in other countries does not apply here, I'd rather be a few minutes later than dead on time.  Agreed with you last comment about them driving at or near the speed limit, I wouldn't even attempt that.:wai:  

  14. 30 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    Fruitman is saying that the cars don't stop, we all know they should, but 100%, not 99.9%, of Thai drivers will not stop to let anyone cross the road, they will not deliberately run them down, although that's the impression you get, but put one foot on the road at a crossing, and there is no chance of any Thai driver stopping.

    Also, no one has any right to stop traffic to allow someone come out from a side road or an entrance to anywhere, security guard or not, they should wait until the road is clear.


    Your not quite right with 100 percent, I would say about 99 percent as I've had a couple stop for me but I am still wary of the clowns behind them.  I've learnt a new trick now, but only at the supermarkets.  I push my trolley in front of me and most tend to stop but when it appears they won't I just push on the trolley and let it roll in front of their car.  They stop but to date no one has said anything although I do get some dirty looks.  I also find that most of the offenders are females.:wai:

  15. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    Don't you get tired with deflections?  This has nothing to do with Obama! LOL  Topic is Trump.  Nazi practice comment.  Etc.


    It's like Trump's PR team. Blame everybody else.


    I find it unusual that given you made a statement about the current president being a reputable president, one who doesn't lie, has been challenged by another, and is backed up by facts that he has, you suddenly go off on another tangent, accuse that member of deflecting, something which I have noticed you are also guilty of.  You mentioned this in post ID 75 if you cannot remember.


    You also state that  it has nothing to do with Obama, which is true but it was you who initially deflected and introduced him into the conversation when outlining that he does not lie.  That in itself is untrue.  In so far as the President-Elects reference to Nazi Germany, I took this to relate to the item that was leaked by whoever, as being the same method and style of propaganda that was used by the Nazi's against their opponents whey they were vying for power just before Hitler unleashed his madness upon the world.


    I don't think it was any more or any less but then others have differing opinions to which they are entitled but I do not believe they should attempt to change the meaning to suit their agendas or delegitimise his election with and his right to be inaugurated as the 45th President of the USA.  But please, if you accuse others of deflecting then I suggest you desist in doing so as well.  And have a nice day  :wai:

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