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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. So sad, just goes to prove how cheap life is here.  I don't know what has happened in Loei but there has be a marked reduction in the past 12 months of these lunatics plying their trade between here and Udon Thani.


    Maybe if they adopted the approach that a certain service company has in Udon Thani, then it could change driver's habits.  This company has over 70 vehicles and has fitted GPS tracking to all its vehicles and If any driver is found to have broken the company's rules or road rules they are dismissed immediately.  All have to pass a driving test and of course hold  current license and the company also deducts B500 a month for insurance, which is returned if they adhere to all the rules and have an accident free year. 


    A friend's son, who used to drive at break neck speeds has, since starting with the company, has changed his poor driving habits and is now quite a responsible driver.  He drove our family to a New Year's party the other night, kept to the speed limits, did not flit and out of traffic and only drank soft drink whilst at the gathering. He also drove my wife from Udon to Loei the other night and even she commented on how much his driving has improved and np longer speeds.


    If this is an example of what can occur with these type of units fitted then maybe it should be compulsory for all passenger carrying vehicles, and hopefully reduce the type of carnage we are witnessing now.  They also need to be more stringent when dealing with drink driving offenders, if convicted fit with their car with alcohol interlocks or maybe that would be too easy. :wai:


  2. 1 hour ago, rtco said:

    So where would you load of old grumpy Thai bashers be if the ferry had sailed on time and undergone a successful journey? Sh1t happens and there is no accounting for the weather even if it is monsoon season. Get a life people. I for one will use this service once it is properly up and running and I am sure many other people will as well. 


    Could you imagine the uproar if it sailed and in doing so the voyage ended in grief.  Those who continually indulge in criticism should check out the ferry disasters that have occurred around the world when authorities have not erred on the side of caution. :wai: 


    "Offences that could be settled under this reset campaign include using vehicles with incomplete parts or equipment, not carrying driving licences while driving, not wearing crash helmets, not fastening safety belts, using mobile phones while driving."


    Minor offences, geez, any one of these could result in a crash and result in the death of an innocent but some super sleuth has deemed offenders worthy of receiving a gift by way of a fine reduction.  It is getting sillier by the day.  No mention of enforcing the rules, why worry, life is worth nothing here, who cares, the BIB sure don't.:wai:



  4. 37 minutes ago, Morch said:



    So you made an off-topic comment on two other posters and then whine about the response. Right.

    As for the "clueless" remark - it is what it is. You obviously aren't aware of this disagreement being in place well before the elections, or that my position on this extended beyond just the US elections. You just took a pot shot and whine at the flak. But do go on about politeness.


    Oh please.  Your politeness extends to the word only. You really should get over it.:wai:

  5. 1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

    You're just a typical old man who is looking for any excuse to pretend he's becoming 'marginalised'.


    I agree with some of your viewpoints, but on the whole you're just ranting about those with a different POV.  IMO obviously.


    You're an absolute genius to reach such a conclusion from something that was meant to be taken in a lighthearted manner, after all it is Christmas, a happy and joyful time of the year for some of us, maybe you should lighten up. Of course IMO :wai: 

  6. 20 hours ago, Mangostin said:


    That's if you are absolutely confident that the thai driver it's telling the truth...as thais never lies or do anythings wrong, right???  :partytime2:

    Too often i have seen drivers going from one lane to another, at speed and without using their indicators, they couldn't care less about road's rules or safety whatsoever, it's an almost daily issue (only when i am out driving, never a problem when i stay at home, i got to be honest on this), that i see with my own eyes.


    You're right about the indicators.  I am convinced they're an optional extra, either that or the salesman not knowing how to use them has failed to show the customer how they work. It must be really hard to remember one click down for right, one up for left or is it that they cannot multi task.:wai:

  7. 5 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

    That infighting's been going on since Bernie lost his momentum in the primaries.   It's certainly not the only reason the wingnuts lost, but it's on the short list.   But you're right about the stress of the loss.  Dems are showing their true colors.   Fascist Brown Shirts (without the brown shirts..), now taken with threats, violence and intimidation.    It actually started with Hillary's arrogant and elitist ignoring of the same security rules & regs everybody else has to follow, then continued with the disruptions of Trump's campaign rallies, then progressed to the car windshield smashing, setting buildings on fire, and closing public highways after the election, intensified to death threats and attempted intimidation of electors, and most recently made even the usually-silent-on-such-matters MSM news with that episode with that moron that had to be removed from the airline the other day.  The American public is getting a real taste of and education about the Democratic Party, how they do things, and what it REALLY stands for.  (As if 8 abysmal and self-obsessed years of Obama weren't enough.)





    And some of their ilk have the hide to  call us clueless and then respond by saying they are being polite.  :wai:

  8. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:


    I certainly did respond to the post I was responding to, and she lost BECAUSE of her character, so how is that not relevant?

    This thread isn't about me, so perhaps stick to the subject rather than making it personal. You don't have to agree with what I say, but I have every right to say it as long as it is within the rules.


    He and others have a bad habit of making it personal, going off topic and full of subtle insults.  If it was one of us we get a holiday, yet they are free to carry on.  I wonder why?:wai:

  9. The New Me.

    I used to think I was just a regular guy, but I was born white, which
    now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist and responsible for

    I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s standards,
    makes me a fascist because I plan and support myself.

    I went to HS and have held a job
    and am here not because I earned it but because I was advantaged.

    I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobe.

    I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an
    ally of big business.

    I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel.

    I am older than 60 and retired, which makes me a useless old man who
    doesn’t understand Facebook.

    I think and I reason, therefore I doubt much that the main stream
    media tells me, which must make me a reactionary.

    I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive Australian culture, which
    makes me a xenophobe.

    I value my safety and that of my family and I appreciate the police
    and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing, cop loving

    I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to
    each individual's merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.

    I believe that our system guarantees of freedom of effort – not
    freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline

    I believe in the defense and protection of the homeland for and by all
    citizens, which now makes me a militant.

    I am proud of our flag, what it stands for and the many who died to
    let it fly so I stand and salute during our National Anthem which
    takes me back to where I started – I must be a racist.

    Please help me come to terms with the new me… because I'm just not
    sure who I am anymore!

    I would like to thank all my friends for sticking with me through
    these abrupt, new found changes in my life and my thinking!

    I just can’t imagine or understand what's happened to me so quickly!

    Funny …it's all just taken place over the last 7 or 8 years!

    And if all this nonsense wasn't enough to deal with… I'm now afraid to
    go into either restroom!

    Anyway Merry Christmas to Everyone. 

  10. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Of course she lost it. All the mainstream media, the elites etc, all the anti Trumpers on here said he had no possibility of winning. He was really unpopular and had the Billy tapes to shame him. By all logic he should never have won. 

    However, she is so awful, so crooked, so unattractive, so out of touch with middle America, that she lost when it would have been an easy win for any half way decent politician.

    Unfortunately, many on here are still trying to say that she should have won just because she is a woman and it was her turn. Luckily, democracy doesn't work that way. For a sure thing, I believe Cuba is probably a good place to live.


    You forgot the popular vote that the whiners keep bringing up. Given what we're seeing on here many are still crying :crying:   in their soup.  :wai:

  11. 50 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    So you will be publishing your name and contact details then?


    Clearly you don't like Australian television news anchors. I wonder if you know how television news works? From your comments it would not appear so. I have watched some very remarkable reports by ABC and SBS journalists. But of course, as usual we get no detail, no facts, nothing to actually demonstrate anything - just generalized, predictable and boring anti-left rants.


    I'd suggest that you stop going off topic, this has nothing to do with Australian TV or whom I like or dislike.:wai:

  12. 55 minutes ago, NickJ said:

    The man was awarded the right to attempt to run the country.  Nothing anyone can do or say will prevent that. 

    News Actors seeking ratings are fueling the fire.

    Me. I have hopes. Way more than I did eight years ago. I also can show where I paid more taxes the last eight years. Versus with the previous GWB administration. 

    Like I have written time after time. I'm anxiously waiting to see if, The USA can be run more profitable.  



    At least you're being optimistic and giving the guy a go, more than can be said for some of those with opposing views and using the cloak of anonymity on TVF.  I was wondering what to the call those putting on the comedy show each day that they call news, you have done well, News Actors, very apt given their performances but none of them would ever qualify for an award, other than the one of being "A legend on their own mind."  :wai:

  13. 1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

    Not bad for a party all the wingnuts around here were unanimously screaming was "dead", eh?   I remember one particularly amusing post from awhile back.  "Hillary to the rescue" it said.   ROFLMAO now.   And one of the more verbose membership going on & on & on about how 2012 when dems lost the House - and then 2014 when they lost the Senate, too - was the "last gasp" of the GOP.   And then in 2016 that was going to be IT, the long-awaited final glorious demise of the GOP.   So THENNNNNN, it's going to be a revolution in the electoral college.   And a flood of letters pour in to electoral college members scrawled according to the officially approved DNC strategy of intimidation and threatened violence.   And what happens?   Now they've got more of their OWN electoral college members jumping ship than the Republicans do!   Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaa......


    A question for some resident wingnut:    All that screaming about the sanctity of "the popular vote" and the absurdity of the electoral college...  .  Ahhh, so speaking of electoral college members who drank the koolaid and actually DID flip on their state voters' choice, I'm dying to know how many "popular votes" "Faith Spotted Eagle" actually got??  Just curious...



    Oh wait.  I get it.  All that noise applied only to Republicans, right?  Dems, as always, have their own rules. 





    Spot on.  They're now up to impeaching the President-Elect.  Can you believe how many times these sooks cry in their porridge.  They whinge about a divided country, it's a shame they don't look in the mirror but even then they would deny the hate that they can see written across their face. 


    Just look at the morons on CNN, they're still denigrating Mr Trump; bringing on all the left wing losers who got it so wrong, so they can give each other a pat on the back for agreeing with each other.  Shows how smart Mr Trump is, used Twitter to by pass the fools and they still cant see why they lost. 


    Watch Germany next year and Australia, with the rise of the One Nation Party.  The leader, Pauline Hanson, was illegally gaoled about 20 years ago, brought about through collusion of the two major parties, and since her release has been promoting ideas similar to that which Mr Trump used in his campaign and election.  It is a movement that is happening world wide and the sooner we get rid of the lefties, globalisation and their PC agendas, the better.:wai:

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