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Si Thea01

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Posts posted by Si Thea01

  1. 5 minutes ago, Johpa said:


    If being built on time and under budget means not paying your contractors then yes, the Donald is the man for you. But I believe Trump Casinos did have cost over runs which is why he screwed the small contractors out of their pay. And of course there is the example of Trump Tower and the "Polish Brigade", which ended up in a lawsuit in order to get his, well actually his mobster friends work force of illegal workers to get properly paid. Look into Trump's business dealings and yes, some may have come in on budget but only if you do not count the sealed legal settlements that occurred later.

    Trump is a swindler, a con man, a "wise guy". Outside of New York and New Jersey it is unlikely to find a politician with such a long history of consorting with felons, gamblers, drug dealers, and mobsters. Only idiots and the evangelicals who see any and all wealth as a gift from some god (much like Thais see fate and wealth) fall for his con.




    It's really sad to see so much envy and hate still out there. Has he been convicted of anything you're promoting?  Just remember, happiness is the ability to say something nice about people. :wai:

  2. 2 minutes ago, simple1 said:


    Chinese contributed a minimum of AUD20million.




    Not sure of third party countries requirements, other than goodwill, to fund the search as the search area is the Oz govt responsibility



    Thank you for the update but I wouldn't call Malaysia and China 3rd party countries, considering it was a Malaysian Airline, being flown by a Malaysian and that majority of passengers were Malaysian and Chinese.  I still stick by my statement that the Australian Government is a soft touch.  The cost should be divided equally.  :wai: 

  3. 30 minutes ago, bandito said:



    With this idiot as the President  the world will surely enter its 3rd Worldwar in the near future.

    Gonna build my a nuclear shelter in my backyard.

    Like the pc game Fallout.


    Get the Donald to build it for you, it will be built in time and come in under budget, smart people do this, only idiots run over time and go over budget.  Just look at the New York Skating rink debacle.:wai:

  4. 8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Drain the swamp ... :post-4641-1156694606:


    Didn't the swamp draining start when the voters elected Republicans to the Presidency, Senate and Congress and got rid of the deadwood from the other side.  It looks like Republicans will still control an all-time high 69 of 99 state legislative chambers, while they'll hold at least 33 governorships, tying a 94-year-old record.  That means that come 2017, they'll have total control of government in at least 25 states, and partial control in 20 states.    :sorry: :post-4641-1156693976:  :wai:

  5. 8 hours ago, bark said:

    Malaysia pay some, but it is near Australia( maybe). They also pay.


    According to a recent report, Malaysia did contribute A$40 million and China, who initially sent some surface vessels to assist in the search, have not contributed any funds, and no longer have any vessels involved.  So is it fair that Australia meets the majority? :wai:

  6. 9 hours ago, Silurian said:

    Good...now that all that messy electoral stuff out of the way congress can concentrate on impeaching Comrade Donald for a variety of reasons such as colluding with a foreign government or any of the multiple conflicts of interest due to his world wide business dealings or heck even his DC Hotel conflict of interest. Spin the wheel...pick a reason.


    Get him fattened up for the impeachment slaughter and subsequent humiliation. Then after he is ceremonially booted from office he can slink his way into obscurity taking with him any semblance of value to the "Trump" name. Let the game begin!!!



    Everything was thrown at him, including the kitchen sink, all failed like the Democratic wonder woman, HRC.  They then tried to have the electoral college change their votes, absolute idiots, as many states, are required by law, to vote for the person their state voted overwhelmingly for.  So what is this impeachment, the last throw of the dice?  You wish.  Why can't you just get over it? 


    Collusion for what?  Conflict of Interest, does not apply to the president in such aspects, treason, or some other serious matters, such as lying like BC did, may cause that to happen but all your wishing will be for nothing, the same as what you are on about, nothing.  Yeah, let the games begin and watch how 4 years will turn into 8.  If I'm still around and your are too, you will probably be drinking that JHolmesJr's Christmas whine, which it appears you've given a good serve to recently.:wai:

  7. 3 hours ago, bark said:

    Sorry to say, but they need to stop this search, now.

    Take the victims families out to the area, where they think the plane crashed and let them throw flowers and say prayers.

    The costs of this search is out of sight. Who will pay back the money to the Aussie Government ??

    Buried at sea.



    Agree with stopping the search and let the relatives give their final respects.  As far as the cost, it should be up to the Malaysian government but given how the Australian governments are such soft touches, the cost will end up being met by the Australian taxpayer. :wai:

  8. 46 minutes ago, kamahele said:

    The difference between Trump saying it and the President or any other sane leader saying it is that sane, intelligent leaders wait until they have the facts while Trump just shoots off his mouth without any evidence. 


    And has he been wrong?  It is those so called sane and intelligent people who have caused the problems now being experience world wide.  All gutless wonders with their failed policies.:wai:

  9. 23 hours ago, dave moir said:

    Amazing they don't know how he died ! throat cut but not sure ? 


    Just because his throat was cut does not necessarily mean that was the cause of death.  Hence the reason for an autopsy.  It may well be that it was but why do many jump to conclusions, it is because of the obvious?  Of course it is extremely suspicious but let's wait for the finalisation of the autopsy before unleashing the TV detectives. :wai:

  10. 8 hours ago, Strange said:


    I read this and formed an opinion based on the context in witch it was written:



    You probably know more than me about Thai Law, but that statement ^^ does not sound like a 'conviction' it sounds like a settlement option offered under a threat of 10 years. 


    To me thats not a conviction at all. Hasn't even been decided by a court. Its an offer to make it go away. 


    Personally, 400k sounds like a steal, but I would still advise anyone to lawyer up & shut up. "Friend" or not. 


    I may be completely wrong as well. Its just what I interpreted. 



    I may be wrong in my interpretation, however, I based it on the content of his post where he indicated that everyone was convicted, which suggests that the group was found guilty of a criminal offence.   


    As I found the post to be somewhat ambiguous my initial response was to outline the possible charge applicable for a group involved in the crime of murder, which, together with a couple of other questions, is what he was querying, as well as the penalties that apply.


    When noting the amount he indicated, B400k each, and the gaol time involved, which bears no similarity to the penalties that could be imposed I also asked if he got it mixed up;  was someone exaggerating or if what he alleged actually occurred.


    Given that he has only responded once in some three (3) days to over thirty four(34) posts, I am now starting to doubt the legitimacy of the post.  Despite a number of the responses bearing no relevance to what he was asking, one would think, if he was legitimately concerned, then he would come back and at least clarify the situation, given that others had the courtesy to respond.  I hope I am not being too harsh but it does need some clarification. :wai:





  11. 11 hours ago, Strange said:


    You need to tell your friend to get a lawyer and you need to stop talking about this on an open forum. I know you want info but a murder charge is huge. 


    Everyone involved, and everyone that knows anything needs to shut up and only talk to a lawyer. Nobody else. Only a lawyer. Thats what they are there for. 


    Given they've been convicted, why would they need a lawyer? I'd say they've already been assisted in that regard.  He's only asking two questions in relation to Thai law, not about lawyers. :wai:


    Although you are unable to provide the relevant details surrounding the incident they would have been charged under the section of the Thailand criminal code relating to murder. However, given the brief outline you have provided and noticing that there were over three (3) people involved than the section below may have been applicable.

    The amount of money paid (B400K) may well be in the form of compensation and not a fine, as the fine under this section is only B4,000.  Also the sentence is way above that listed, which is two (2) years., or the two (2) combined.

    The amount of the fine indicated is also way above the maximum of B20K, as is the or ten (10) years imprisonment.  Either you have got it mixed up; someone is exaggerating or what you are alleging is not what actually happened. 

    Your last wo questions, the answers are no and no.  They can seek compensation but the courts, under the law, impose the fines and sentences, not the aggrieved family. 


    Section 294. Death as a Result of Mob Activity


    Whoever participates in a public order offense among three persons upwards, and any person, whether such person participated or not has died, shall be imprisoned not more of two years or fined not more of four thousand Baht, or both.


    If the participant in such affray can show that he or she has acted so as to prevent such affray or in lawful defense, such participant shall not be punished.


    Given, according to yourself, that they were all brought before a court, then they would have had legal representation, so why others are telling you to get a lawyer, I cannot understand, however, under Thai law they have the right to appeal, to the Appeals Court, then to the Supreme Court, if the first appeal is not successful.  Also, given they were punished by the court, then the embolden paragraph would not be applicable.  In Addition the family also has the right of appeal. :wai:



  13. 17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I'll never understand why vibrators are illegal here but selling E.D. drugs on the streets is definitely is bad thing, considering even if you're using legit meds you need a medical consult to make sure that won't kill you, and WHO KNOWS what's actually in the stuff they sell on the streets! Not to mention how they're stored ... in the hot tropical sun, so even if real, they'd be messed up. 


    They're illegal because they would make most of the man redundant.:wai:

  14. 30 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    I'm surprised that food vendors haven't set up their carts to feed the people in the queues. Missed opportunity there ;). Then there is the taxi mafia to deal with once they emerge from the airport. On the bright side, the arrivals will definitely feel they need a holiday after surviving immigration.


    But it baffles me why anyone would want to go to Phuket. Why? Plenty of far better places in the region. I just don't get it, how so many people can be so ill-informed about the place.



    It is, other than Bangkok, the best known holiday hotspot for people to visit, given many want a beachside holiday.  But then, maybe it's the way westerners think the name is pronounced. Could lead to all sorts of connotations. :wai:

  15. 21 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

    Good reply , now tell ( the not say ) on here who put this lady down as telling  BS .

    sick of Tv members who try to know it all with out the Facts , the fact is she made a report of rape and you have to go with that not try and run that lady down like some members have .


    I think you have done a pretty good job of that.  No need for me to add my two bob's worth.:wai:


    Let's not worry about the facts, the evidence  required, we'll just tell her we tried but couldn't find anything and there wasn't enough DNA to get a result so sorry but can't help.  Hope you enjoyed your holiday and have a safe trip home.


    Give me a break, they'll try to finalise their inquiry within a week. Now they have time constraints on investigations, obviously they have no idea and have never given their best in order to conduct a complete and in depth investigation. Now, I am only basing my thoughts on what has been reported and hopefully it has been misreported but given the way this incident is progressing, it may well be ineptness rather than misreporting. 


    So what if the victim has to go back home, do the bloody job properly and either prove or disprove the allegations, not keep coming out with the spin they are now. Being an ex copper this truly makes me heave when I see what is going on. All they seem interested in is their 15 minutes of fame.  :wai:

  17. 14 hours ago, DrDave said:

    “If all counters were open, it would help shorten the queues, but some counters still have no computer terminals installed,” he explained.


    Did the reporter from the Phuket News ask WHY all of the counters don't have computer terminals? 

    Seems like a fair question.



    Definitely a fair question but requires intelligence to be asked.:wai:

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