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Posts posted by mumbojumbo

  1. I found that during the big holidays, some round bomb/firecrackers are for sale. I load up on them, and the local packs

    don't come around so much, but if there is a local bitch in heat=forget it. :o

  2. this rental is an ad - and should be in the classifiedds section.

    if allowed here, then I couldn't mind posting about a house I have available for rent.

    mr brahmburgers

    thank you for being so righteous and above board by pointing out the

    error of my ways with regard to my post in your opinion being in the wrong section.

    from a person that does not have a work permit but tries to have more fingers

    in the pie than the pied piper your double standards when they suit you also compliment you.

    if you wish to be so righteous and above board in the future may i suggest you show your friends in mae sai your web sites

    You are both trying to rent a property you want to rent- don't understand the dif?? :o

  3. Terribly annoying bird, called a Minah bird, and in Thai called "Nok eeyan." No way to get rid of them either!

    Think your wrong on this one-a Minah bird is all black with a yellow bill that you can teach to talk :o

  4. A very interesting read. Always appreciate the fruit of a good mind at work.

    As for the negative posters, I am surprised you were willing to go public with that closed-mind mentality. You are the intellectual equivelants of "salad-dodgers" :o

    Pavlov's dogs. Automatic reaction when certain people post. Welcome to the Chiang Rai Forum.

    Why do you keep defending this man with these massive posts?? He has books out that say the same thing.


  5. I am looking for a good hotel west of Chiang Rai. Obviously I have looked on the net and found all the obvious hotels. But wondered if anybody in the forum with local knowledge had any more ideas. I have stayed at the Waterford Hotel/Golf club before in the area I am looking for. The reason I am asking is that dispite being a substantial hotel the Waterford hotel is quite difficult to locate when searching the net and not very well promoted, therefore just wondered if there are any more out there in the West.



    Waterford Golf course is North East of Chiangrai, not West :o

  6. Wait! 18th of July is not today, Tuesday, it's tomorrow, Wednesday. I'm confused. When is the ceremony?

    With all the confusion with you and others, it has been put off till next year i think. :D

    Actually, it is tomorrow and is free to frarang, can't tap us for 6x a Thai pays-such a deal. :o

  7. Big Gary

    I hope you dont mind me asking but is it possible to make a goo living haveing a bar in Chiang Rai.

    Know we have never met but just interested and you obviously have the experience.


    You can deffinitely make a goo living haveing a bar in Chiangrai. :o

  8. Also, spend the extra money and get frost-free only. You don't want to be defrosting the thing constantly in this hot, humid environment or having to deal with food spoilage issues...

    What do you think a "frost free" frig does- it defrosts it on some time table. I like defrosting myself when needed with a fan and a butter knife. I know you are not supposed to dig with a knife, but i am a pro at this. You catch the snow and ice at the right time and it goes to the sink, rather than the catch bucket in the rear, that can overflow and make a mess. :o

  9. no where is it stated that this ,

    will not be a deep water port ,

    think ferries and coastal freighters ..................

    not cruise linners and container ships .

    Marina? Yacht basin?

    Deep water ports are usually on the ocean-not a river. Cruise liners and container ships cannot get up the mae khong

    river to Chiang Saen, because of rapids somewhere-? The last dock they built there sank-?? The only traffic to CS is

    small frieghters from China bringing apples and other fruit. :o

  10. There are a couple of cheap hotels near the old airport for 350BT .Good standard, parking, cable tv, free internet. One is called Sports Inn but the sign out front says budget hotel

    This guy said "cheap", i think 350 is over his budget-but we don't know cuz the cheap charlie

    did not set his parameters. I have a tent for rent for 60bt a night, but you got to supply the

    bedding. :o

  11. Was talking to a guy today who told me that, though this idea has turned into a fad, it was started by people who had accidents especially fatal ones and believed a ghost of the accident followed them.

    This doll is to warn off would be ghosts.

    The "baby on board" made more sense, but why not put the sign in the back window, and what

    does that mean??? Just because you are approaching a BOB sign in the back window, means

    the people will slow down and be more careful.??? Maybe these dolls are like the ones they use

    in Haiti, etc. They want all the rain sludge and stuff hit them and inflict pain.-My liew.?? :o

  12. I have seen many 3-4" dolls hanging from cars/pickups near there back bumper underneath.

    Why, it kinda looks satanic to me. I have run over many of these dolls that have dropped

    off there hanging place. What is the deal with this ritual???? :o

  13. I know we can't talk bad about our superiors (forum rules) , but i hope the next time that local natural

    major happenings don't get dumped into the General forum.

  14. Ah yes, I will look into alot of different supplies when I go to Chiang Mai next time. Last time I didn´t have time because I had to bring a friend on a bit of sightseeing.

    Regarding Chiang Rai, I do know of the Doi Tung brand and where to buy it, Doi Tung or the airport, but it´s just too expensive for the amount you get. Yod Doi both tastes well and sells for a reasonable price.

    Where is that second Yod Doi shop!? Was I the victim of a "save face" reply?? :o:D

    I've found that you pay for what you get. If you enjoy premium coffee, than you have to pay.

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