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Posts posted by mumbojumbo

  1. What was the name of the FANTASTIC Italian restaurant run by Gabriel - an Italian/American guy who died of the dreaded disease maybe 10 years ago? It was the best restaurant in Northern Thailand for quite some time.

    La Cantina :o

  2. You guys have to realize this is an elliagal system, since you are not paying a monthly fee. I have had it for a long time and if i loose it, i have got my moneys worth. The scramblers have got better, and our local descrambler can't keep up now-i think. :o

  3. I had too give up being politicly correct. Before I could not call a spade a spade. And i can

    call a ###### a ######. As for as poligamy= go for it, as long as you can afford it.

    And your Yi doesn't make duck food. :o:D

  4. Yes, there is.

    Ten years ago the church was half empty, now they put extra chairs outside. After the Mess there is coffee and some food. A very good atmosphere!

    Limbo :o

    Sorry limbo, had to point it out. :D

  5. Add to that the huge cloud over the whole general area from eternal flames in Indonesia (fires that never get successfully doused, they've amazingly made the earth beneath so hot) - which have been making Singapore unliveable) -

    I can't believe that north Thailand is affected by fires in Indo. The pevailing winds do not come from

    there. There was a storm hitting Viet Nam yesterday that might make it here to clean the air, but the

    pollution here in CR is nothing like CM. CM sits in a bowl, and when the inversion effect hits, a smog basin. :o

  6. Anyone ever eat "en gai". It is breaded and fried chicken knees. Its like Thai style chicken mcnuggets.


    Yeh I really like them. They are great to nibble on when drinking beer "Gin gam beer"

    In The Rai!

    I have eaten chicken feet, but knees, there cant be much meat on a knee??? :o

  7. There are no shortcuts to Nan. But it is quite easy to get there.

    Take 1020 towards Toeng, in Chiang Kian (after maybe 35 km), you take to the right into 1128, sign says "Nan". That is jus before you come to the little tricky road in the mountains.

    After maybe 10-12 km that road goes into 1126.

    Follow 1026 passing Pha Daet and after around 30 km there is a small road to the right, sign says "Nan".

    You come to Chun and there you take 1091 all the way to Nan.

    Going back you can go north 1080 and go over Chiang Kham.

    Both roads were very good 2-3 years ago.

    Nan is a nice place and take your time. I hope to go back in the near future.

    Good luck !


    The shortest way to Nan is Thoeng, Chiang Khaem, straight, over a mountain to Nan. You don't have to go to Pha Daet. :o

  8. When i lived in Patters many moons ago, every so often you would see a caged pickup come down the sois and stray dogs were stunned, thrown in the back and sold to the crocodile farm for 50 baht each=another solution :o

  9. And what is wrong with a human zoo?? I remember as a kid at the fair, my favorite attraction was

    the "freak show" I got to see sealman, rubberman, huge fat lady, octopussman, and many more

    that intrigued me, but also helped me realize how lucky i was to be born almost normal. The human

    rights advocates fought to shut these shows down and won, and the freaks were totally p*ssed to loose

    there 6 figure jobs.

    My 2 experiences to the longnecks, i thought they looked very happy and content. Never mind the

    percentage of the gate they get, they get cash in hand from photos, which has to be gobs. I had guests last year that went there and thought it was a wonderful zoo. The price was 150 as i recall.

    They had seen pic of them, but amazed to learn they didn't have long necks, but the rings push

    there shoulders down.

    The owner, who i have met, has to charge x amount, because he is running an operation that

    requires payoffs. The tour quide ops that charge 5x more are rippin the people off. :o

  10. I dont understand, Is there an affiliation with Tom and the Chiang Rai Magazine?

    Confused :o

    In The Rai!


    Thomas was the co-founder/investor/?/ of our infamous new mag. He had a falling out with his partner

    after 1mo+. I heard the Oct issue ha been cancelled, cuz its Nov., and it's not coming out for a while.

    No more trolls. :D

  11. House and utils--------5000mo

    wife---------------------7000mo ea.

    kids---------------------4000mo ea.


    big c and macro-------8000mo

    eat out------------------1000mo



    Hope this helps ya :o

  12. mr. ozark,

    I think your 2nd issue was better than the first, but when you discribe our community being 500 meters above sea level which is equal to approx 500 feet, then you need some proof readers too. Just a suggestion. 500 m=1645+ feet. :o

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