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Posts posted by mumbojumbo

  1. I'm glad Popeye finally bit the dust. He was a bad influence on kids. He smoked all the time, he fought all the time. He pushed that crap veggie. All i want to know is who fathered Olive's kid Sweet Pee??

    My theory is that it couldn't of been Popeye or Brutus, cuz they spent too much time fighting. It had to be Whimpie, who found time between hamburgers-just my theory. And why didn't Sweet Pee grow??

    Good bye Popeye, and Olive, the days of anoresia are over for you, start eating mega burgers a day like your kids father. and her to your 20 y o kid too. :o

  2. I live in the North and have had ttt maxnet for about 2 years +. It was fairly good the first year, but has steadily gone down hill. I pay for 512k and am currently connected at 32k, and is not a good 32k.

    Download 4k for 15 sec, drop to 0k for 10 sec, etc. It seems thier policy is to have drives to hook up more people, but not install the added equipment and service men to take care of the added and older customers. When is a reasonable sat direct system coming here? Heard rumors.

  3. Just follows as suggested by the above posters on your visa run. I would suggest not to buy any illegal or copyrighted goods for the time being, as the thai custom might bang on you for smuggling illegal goods.

    Agee. The DVD and audio tapes can be purchased on the Mae Sai side for twice the price, but that is still only a 100 baht, and if bad, can be returned.

  4. Hi

    Maybe this is the road that comes down through Laos to Huay Xai, opposite Chiang Khong.

    A lot of trucks on this road bringing coal to Lampang. No bridge so cross Mekhong on barges.

    Why would they bringing coal to Lampang?? Not to far from Lampang are a couple huge coal mines, that bring it down the mountain. I know, had quite a few try to run me off the road :o

  5. I'll be on a 30-day tourist visa, and intend to do a visa run via Mae Sai. I'm just confused about the process from various sources on the web. Do I go straight to the border bridge to cancel my visa, or do I need to stop at the immigration office first, which is about 1km from the border?

    You are confused. A 30 day stamp is not a visa. The laws are changing the 1st of next month on this type of stay. Go to the bridge.

  6. "Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians and other minority groups in 'sharing their vision of American society.' Atheists are also the minority group most Americans are least willing to allow their children to marry." -- U of M survey of 2,000+ households :o:D:D :D :D:D:D

    If the whole world were Atheists:

    Poverty would be eliminated instead of giving wealth to a religion.

    Most wars and conflicts would not happen in the cause of religion.

    Guilt and religious psychosis problems would go away.

    Everyone would live happily ever after.

  7. The only drawback is with these Muslim places having no alcohol....well it will be in 29 days time :D a drawback that is :o

    There is nothing in the koran that tells muslim people they cannot drink the brew, according to a

    good muslim friend of mine. Bahrain and Dubai are not dry. He attests that the religion states

    don't do anything that would offend ala. If you are an a-hole drunk=bad, but if you a happy

    good drunk=OK.

  8. dictionary says FUSS: 1. To trouble or worry over trifles.

    so in actuality you are the FUSS, chiang rai guy, being that you are troubled and worrying over the definition of said word.

    Agreed, if you want to know the meaning of a word hit the dictionaries or encycl's or google search it, not a CR forum topic. :o

  9. Hill tribe just seems a bit nasty to me. Does anyone understand this thought?

    And what would you call them- a diverse people of many different ethnic backrounds and beliefs that are colorfuly dressed that just happen to live mainly in the mountains and are bait for missionaries-hilltribe people is much easier and everyone understands the term. :o

  10. Living in Chiang Rai many of us have had some kind of interaction with hilltribes - the major tourist attraction here. Through work or volunteering, personal relationships, supporting lunches at a school, sponsoring a student or an event, the Night Market, etc.

    Without mentioning or promoting any specific project or organization – what’s been your experience? What impression do you have of their situation?


    I think it is dispikable (sp) that 2nd and 3rd generation, born in Thailand have to apply for an ID at the local umpher offices for years, to become a citizen of this country. The Queen Mother stepped up this process, or it would really be in the dark ages. I hope it will be esclated soon. :o

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