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Posts posted by mumbojumbo

  1. Mae Sai is a day trip for shopping, visa runs, etc. Not many stay the night except back packers.

    There are some bargains there. Optics-binoch's, telescopes, cigs, umbrellas, toys, nuts, reading

    glasses, calculators, cheap chinese made anything, cheap viagra and others-maybe. Night time

    is dead last time i was there. :o

  2. If it's a contract then hold them to it or go elsewhere. It's one thing to boost prices for tourists, but to enter into an agreement and fail to honour it is unacceptable.

    Written agreements with Thai hotels are the same as bathroom tissue. :o

  3. contrary to popular myth (and its name) the Condotel does NOT have condominiums! I know this for a fact.

    As far as I know, there are no condos in Chiang Rai. tiny college apartments, and townhouses and houses. But an apartment with one or two bedrooms and a decent kitchen is an alien concept to all but western-influenced Thais.

    A condo has to have bedrooms and a kitchen???-wrong :o

  4. Eskimos use refrigerators to keep food from freezing.

    Where did you get this fact-the days of the igloo are over. Most live

    in modern, heated houses, and have atv's, snow mobiles, and 4-wheel

    drives for transportation. :o

  5. A dwarf nicknamed Od has died in a circus accident in northern Thailand. According to the Pattaya Mail, he "bounced sideways from a trampoline and was swallowed by a yawning hippopotamus which was waiting to appear in the next act. Vets on the scene said Hilda the Hippo had a gag reflex that automatically caused her to swallow." The vet said it was the first time the hefty vegetarian had ever eaten a circus performer. "Unfortunately, the 1,000-plus spectators continued to applaud widely until common-sense dictated that there had been a tragic mistake". (Melbourne Herald Sun - July 16th, 1999)


    False- http://www.snopes.com/horrors/freakish/hippoeatsdwarf.asp :o

  6. I can't work you guys out, someone comes on with a thread that's literate and interesting and instead of saying your only interested in reading about Ultraman you stick the needle into him. If you're not interested don't read it, and if he's promoting a book it makes a change from everything else that gets promoted on this forum.

    This pretty well sums up a type of farang you see in this country, prepared to contribute nothing but only too quick to shit on some one who does.

    Mr Joel has been hear some time, and if you are interested in old times Thailand, he has

    most of the frarang bars stocked with his books. I just said why flood TV with his knowledge,

    because he will loose book sales. I don't think you can say sh*t on TV,but you got away with it.

    Question: What happened to our moderator Limbo?? :o

  7. hello,

    how come i never see any farang dating thai girls with white skin? i think the white skinned girls look better, and they all seem very interested in dating me. i went to the mall today and seven girls approached me and gave me their phone numbers.

    do farang only like dark skinned girls? i dont get why i am the only farang i ever see with a thai girl with white skin.

    Because, once you go dark, you will never go bark. :o

  8. Q: why did the blonde walk into the bar with a ladder?

    A: coz she heard the drinks were on the house

    one vote towards the "libby" award

    ahh jamesyboi.


    Oh, dear. I am counting the last meagre posts until JB is up for incarceration. Hope he brings more than comedy subway.

    And, um, who is Libby, Bronco? Is she related to Dave?

    If you don't know who Libby is then you haven't been here much. He had the worst jokes in the

    world, but his preludes were great. He can't post anymore cuz Jamesboi has taken over :D

  9. Q: why did the blonde walk into the bar with a ladder?

    A: coz she heard the drinks were on the house

    one vote towards the "libby" award

    ahh jamesyboi.


    Oh, dear. I am counting the last meagre posts until JB is up for incarceration. Hope he brings more than comedy subway.

    And, um, who is Libby, Bronco? Is she related to Dave?

    If you don't know who Libby is then you haven't been here much. He had the worst jokes in the

    world, but his prehudes were great. He can't post anymore cuz Jamesboi has taken over :D

  10. And she gave up a very good government position so I could be cooler :D

    We are good people, I know how to drink beer and know how to pay for it sometimes :D . My wife doesn't drink and is a good Buddhist girl.

    Anyway we are looking for future friends in the area, and welcome any response.

    Mark and Pook

    Don't understand your "she gave up gov gob so you cooler, but welcome in, when you come. :o

  11. Not true. I legally own a condo in Chiang Mai so would be stunned if this was not allowed in Chiang Rai. One rule that must be adhered to is that the building has to be 51% Thai owned which mine very much is.

    This 51% owned by Thais used to be true. But i have heard that BKK and Pattaya have got the

    rules relaxed for lack of Thais buying and frarang wanting.?

    Actually, there are a total of 2 condo's in CR. The Condotel, which i cannot give you a #, and one

    by the sports stadium. If you are interested in a condo in CR, come up and look. :o

  12. Thank you for your reply.

    I know where the bar is but I don't have a telephone number, which is what I need

    A lot of busineses,especially bars, do not have land lines. Cell technology has taken

    over. The owner + every girl working there has one. I also heard that the bar has

    changed hands-??

    Good luck :o

  13. we have the most venemous land snakes in the world here in Oz and none of them will kill you in 15 minutes, sea snakes are worse

    Bronco is right

    venem facts

    Most venemous snake=sea snake

    Most venemous land snake Aussie brown snake

    stongest venem=So. Am. spitting tree frog

    If a snake has any red in its color, it is usually dangerous

    I kill them all, cuz i got no mice or rats, and the bamboo

    viper looks like the hamless garder snake where i come

    from, and i got kids. :o

  14. I lost most of my vhs tapes-ants nested in them. If you have tapes you really want,

    i would suggest you take them to a film shop and have them made into cd's or dvds.

    If you buy a video capture card, you can do it yourself. :o

  15. Just which part of....

    "You cannot withhold your mobile phone number in Thailand."

    .... do some of you have diffficulty understanding? :o

    If this is true, why have i recieved calls that say "unknown caller".

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