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Posts posted by mumbojumbo

  1. Also met a guy that was pissed at the price of "corn flakes", and he said he knew Thailand

    had a lot of corn and he had Mr Kellogs secret recipe. Told him i would by from him if it

    was good. Think he died in the Mtns shortly aft of an overdose.

  2. Xenophobia. It is a real thing all over the world.

    I was raised to believe that it is our world, not my country.

    Because I was born somewhere doesn't give me the right

    to treat others coming to visit as somehow less than myself.

    The UK isn't the same as Thailand by a longshot. They are

    so open and protecting of foreigners (ok, except for the electrician they

    shot 387 times in the subway for looking suspicious). In fact, the UK is

    so freaking open and fair that a lot of natives don't want to live there -

    they are leaving.

    This is a great thread and could elicit a lot of soul-searching

    for those that have souls. :o

    ABSOLUTLY,. the minorities have all the rights,.gone way over the top,.

    The minorities in Thai are the hilltribes, and they have no rights.

  3. i think that I can earn some good money hiring out my baby daughter for adverts, tv etc etc as she is so cute

    what do you guys think? will it be a big earner??

    What a little cutie! You must be very proud. Is this your first child? She certainly resembles the family.


    You sure these 2 are not the parents.


  4. 7 out of 23 dead is sad, but i remember 14 yrs ago, a pickup with 22 sailors from Satahip head oned

    a 10 wheeler going to Pattaya, and all 22 died. I saw something in bkk post that after this accident,

    the gov. is going to set a limit for how many bods in a pickup. This will cause a big prob for

    construction workers going to work in the non-holiday season. The earlier post stating recommended

    bods is prob the manufacturers re-condemnations. Drunks, vehicles, and water=deaths. :o

  5. I recently had a discussion with an ultra-liberal, who told me that global warming is being caused

    by the rich and there SUV's. I informed him that the riches cars were fairly new, with latest in

    emissions controls. I told him, as far as vehicle bad emissions, it is caused by the poor. They drive

    old smoking vehicles, that don't have to meet today's emission standards-got him thinking a little. :o

  6. Funny thing though as I drove along 2nd road there were girls throwing water around in the midst of heavy downpour of rain. TIT :o

    Thought Patters only had 1 day of Songkran, usually a week later than the rest of Thai, which

    would put it next weekend. :D

  7. You should filter the air through red LMs Sven, it's the best way, I promise! Anyway, it's a little bit clearer now but when I went to Phrae and Lampang a week ago the forest next to the roads were all burnt and you could still see some fires.

    I kind of like it. I used to be a 2 pack a dayer, but now only require 1. I am saving 42 bht a day. :o

  8. Mumbo,

    As for the moderators of this thread:

    Why don't you have any rules against slander?

    I am being slandered in this post

    This person is able to say that

    5,000 copies were never printed when in fact they were and he didn't even contact the printers to find out.

    Read my post. I did not say 5000 copies were not printed, i just questioned whether 1k went to Cm

    and Patters, and how am i supposed to contact the printers??? Give me name of shop.

    When it comes to community, most people have good intentions but are quite naive about what the dynamics are. With most people as idle lemmings, their right hand holding the remote and left hand holding a beer

    How did you know??

    Where am I going with this? The moderators of this thread have the responsibility to be aware of destructive lies and slander on their site.

    And keep false advertising off.

    Mumbo: The new magazine is out now. You should pay for your copy. You don't deserve a free one. And no pudding!

    Great, just tell me where i can get one, and how much.

  9. There is a water based spray product made from flowers that i cannot spell-chrisanthenums-best try called Permedan which works for me. Not only kills ticks,

    but ants, mosqits, and 10 other bugs. Foodland used to have. Missus puts small amount in

    mop water before moping. Only time dogs had ticks, sprayed them direct and worked. Found safe

    for plants too, especially for killing aphids which can desimate a plant very fast. :o

  10. Hello all,

    Yes, I believe Silver has the magazines today and a couple of good friends are helping with distribution. Northstar B&B #1 is just over the bridge (your first real left) on the way to Bandu, but still basically in town.

    Would this be the 1/2 Jan/Feb issue promised in mid Jan or

    the almost finished month of Mar/April issue or

    the missing Oct issue.

    Ozark, you had a good idea in the beginning, but you never followed though like promised.

    Originally you promised your advertisers 5000 issues monthly. 3000 for here, 1000 for CM, and a 1000 in Patters. If this was ever followed through, and i had a business, i would of halve thought

    of using u. Everyone (not all) here is defending you here, but excuse me, i have to call foul.

    Yes, the mag needs a manager. Someone stable and reliable and likes the idea of the job. They would basically be someone good at dealing with Thai culture and work style able to manage the monthly distribution and follow up on sales. Probably someone married to a Thai person and living in this area and planning to die here. Hopefully not soon - the death part.

    Why would anyone take over your mag as manager?? Anyone can start there own, just as you

    did, and don't have to carry the baggage. I don't think anyone will because of the history of Communithai. Sorry, but some things have to be said to set the record straight. :o

  11. A CM person badmouthing Patters is like ____________ bad mouthing ____________. You fill in the

    blanks, couldn't think of a witty one.

    Been to CM many times in the last 15 years, and only see it getting worse.

    1. The polution in the bowl is not just in the last months=year round. Go up Doi Suthep any

    time of the year, and stop a couple k up at a look out, overlooking the city. A brownish cloud

    will be there, no matter what time of the year, unless they have had a hel_l of a rain recently.

    2. The traffic might be worse than BKK. Toxin gave some of his cronies contracts to make

    these over/underpasses over three years ago. They ran the money out and most are

    incomplete. No mass transit started, but needed.

    3. Night Safari-need i say more??

    4. Flooding almost every year 3-4 times.

    Sorry original poster, but i have to call foul on this one. :o

  12. Rainmakers fight choking haze in Thai north

    Royal Thai Air Force rainmakers bombarded clouds over haze-choked northern Thailand for a third day on Tuesday, hoping to coax rains to clear away thick smoke from forest fires and stubble burning.

    Cloud seeding is questionable to its effectivness. The first thing you have to have is clouds. Been

    clear here a long time here now, where are they finding these clouds to seed????

  13. ....TescoLotus MaeSai was slightly interesting once or twice, but not anymore. ....

    I did not know there was a TescoLotus in Mae Sai. This raises the town's credit a notch.

    Can you tell me how to get there from the main border gate?

    It is not listed on Tesco's website. In fact, when you click on the Mai Sai dot on the map on the Tesco site, you get the Chiang Mai store.


    It's a small crap store with nothing to offer :o

  14. From CM forum: Why don't we just cancel the holiday this year because of the lack of,da,water :o

    Item from Yahoo News

    Thai city may celebrate water festival early to reduce haze

    Thu Mar 15, 3:38 PM ET

    BANGKOK (AFP) - The mayor of Chiang Mai in northern Thailand on Thursday proposed bringing the city's water festival celebrations forward to help reduce the choking haze from forest fires that has enveloped the north of the country.

    Thais celebrate Buddhist New Year by throwing water at each other from April 13 to 15, but Mayor Boonlert Buranupakorn said that he would like Chiang Mai to start the Songkran festivities on April 1.

    "My idea is that we can have the water festival at the beginning of April, so that when people throw water it creates moisture and absorbs the haze," Boonlert told AFP.

    "If my proposal is positively received by Chiang Mai residents, then we will go ahead," he added.

    The haze blanketing many parts Thailand's usually scenic north eased Thursday, pollution officials said, but remained above levels considered safe to human health.

    "The haze improved in Chiang Mai this morning due to the reduction in high pressure from China, which allowed hot air to dissipate," said Duangjai Duangthip from the northern pollution office.

    She said strict controls on the burning of forest and farm materials also helped reduce the haze, but warned that there were still 834 fires burning across the northern region.

    Paiboon Wattanasiritham, minister for social development, said that there had been a 20 percent increase in patients with respiratory problems at hospitals since the haze hit.

    "Although the situation is better, we cannot be complacent and we will monitor the situation on a daily basis," he said.

    Air quality is measured in micrograms of particles of matter per cubic metre, with 120 considered unhealthy, and 300 considered dangerous.

    Chiang Mai province, one of Thailand's most popular tourist destinations, reported levels of 382.7 Wednesday, but these had dropped to between 260.5 and 229.5 by Thursday, a pollution control office report said.

    The Chiang Mai weather bureau said visibility had improved to 1,800 metres (just over one mile) from 800 metres on Wednesday.

    In Lamphun province, which borders Chiang Mai, the air quality reading dropped from 218.7 on Wednesday to 152.6 on Thursday.

    There were no comparable readings for the two other worst-hit provinces of Chiang Rai, which has declared a province-wide disaster zone, and Mae Hong Son.

    A total of eight northern provinces -- encompassing about five million people -- have been hit by the haze caused by forest fires and agricultural burning in northern Thailand and neighbouring Myanmar and Laos.

    The haze was exacerbated by northeasterly winds and high pressure from China.

    Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont is expected to tour the region later Thursday

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