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Posts posted by mumbojumbo

  1. anybody know of a crew available for land clearing?

    and what is the going rate for a dozer to clear land?



    400-500+/- bt and hr with a big Ford tractor. They can only knock down smaller trees and bamboo globs are ###### near impossible. :o

    I just noted that in my post d a m n was automatically edited with # signs. I didn't realise this was such a bad word. Oh fukc it . :D

  2. anybody know of a crew available for land clearing?

    and what is the going rate for a dozer to clear land?



    400-500+/- bt and hr with a big Ford tractor. They can only knock down smaller trees and bamboo globs are ###### near impossible. :o

  3. For fun, nothing beats melting a tub of butter in a microwave oven, and seeing if you can tweeze your eyebrows before the body of butter completely melts. Also fun is measuring elastic bands and recording thier data on an traditional index cards.

    Could anyone recommend a good physciatrist in Chiang Rai?..................quickly.

    Done the butter in the microwave thing, but unfamiliar with the word "tweeze", and too lazy to look it up. Hydrogen peroxide in the ears to melt ear wax is kinda fun. :o

  4. UK,

    There is a dutchman in CM that supplies restuarants. He sends a truck over here once or twice a week. The name of the co. is **RECA RE stands for RESUARANT and CA stands for CATERING. Can't remember first two letters. As far as "bangers" go, i like my cereal in a boul with milk :o

  5. You married a bar girl, knocked her up, you had a kid together, maybe, she opted to go back in the trade, you elected to transport your child back to the US. Did you bother to go to the Embassy or Consulate, and have a US baby born abroad registered? You probably did, since you got her a passport to travel there, which must be approved by the mother. Everyone says get a lawyer=why. The trollop wants only money and you can agree with her on the amount by yourself. She doesn't give a crap about the kid, she is only looking for money. Don't let the scumbag lawyers get a part of the deal. :o

  6. Mumbo,

    Thanks for the info. It is helpful. I knew the 10mb was just an example.

    I wish I was in that position. I do have one more question though. You said that if you had a regular salary of 65,000bt coming in every Month than that would surfice. Is that correct!


    I think that is the number, but the pension, or other should be coming here. There is another verification system if deposited elsewhere, but heard it is a paper nightmare. Check with immigration or i think the info is on this forum somewhere. :D P.S. Wish i had the 10m and1m.

    P.S 2 Missed the previous post which expains it very good. Thanks Lop. :o

  7. hello mumbo

    lets face it mate if you have a 10mbt house paid for, and a 1 mbt vehicle paid for, and you dont have 800,000bt in the bank thats spare cash. i would say you dont trust the wife and divorce is written all over you.

    i have had a marriage one year visa for over 14 years now,never had any problems with getting the visa just brought the paperwork up to mae sai and as long as everything as been in order within 6 weeks i have my one year visa , and i must stress excellent service from the mae sai immigration office.

    rules our rules no matter were you go in the world, and one of the main reasons i have lived here for the past 15 years is to get away from the beaurocucy in bulk (excuse the spelling) that excists in the uk

    hello soap

    The hypothetical 10m and 1m was to show assets don't count, and has nothing to do with wife trust and divorce. Besides, many people would like to keep this 800,000 spare cash in an overseas bank, where they can get better interest :o

  8. I've been led to understand that if one opts for the retirement visa (over 50 yrs of age), one must have B800,000 permanently, untouchably, in a Thai bank account...

    guess you get it back when you die :o:D


    Wow B800,000 is this regardless of whether or not you have your own home or Thai wife. You (you and your wife) could own your house outright (meaning no money owed to a financial institution) and you still need to have the B800,000 left in the bank..

    They certainly dont miss you do they!

    In The Rai!


    You can have a 10 mBt. house paid for, a 1mbt vehicle paid for, but you still need 800,000 bt. in bank when you apply or show you have 65k coming in to a thai bank monthly. The 800,000 can be touched during the year, as long as it is replenished by your next year extension time. A within 2 day of verification of amount letter from your bank is required, which costs 200 bt from most banks. :D

  9. Could someone explain to me the new and old airports, if and when the new becomes operational. Originally, the new was going to be international, and Don Muang domestic. They were talking about having a sky train in between. A news item says Don M might become a market. Is the new one going to cover both, which would be good??? :o

  10. Q. Why did i marry a bar girl?

    A. Because i can.

    When dealing with BG's, the rule of thumb is never spend more than you can afford to loose.

    Saying this, i know fools who have had to go back out of retirement, cuz there nest

    egg was gone, but know others that are happily married for many years. I would guess

    the ratio of 80-20 failed vs success, but have no facts to back it up. How could you back up a statement like that. Ok, I'm changing a 90-10 would be more accurate.

    I think it all depends on the mental capacity of both partners. There are a lot of strange Frarangs coming to the LOS looking for love, cuz they couldn't find it in there home country. There is also lazy, (or forced by there parents) Thai girls that go to make the big bucks. It's a collition course, of course.

    Time for bed-goodnight

  11. I can't see where Thailand will get much of this storm. Since early today, most models have had it tracking well to the north and dissipating in southeastern China within the next 48 hours.

    "The tropical storm will increase in power and reach land on Sunday. It will bring heavy rain to 80 per cent of the Northeast," Kriengsak said.

    What? Everything I have seen says that Typhoon Prapiroon will make landfall in the next 12 hours, well up the Chinese coast. And it probably will have totally dissipated by Sunday.

    If you look at the typhoon tracking, and it doesn't show your area very close, these storms have a very big diameter, and if you are on the outskirts, you can still get dumped on good. We don't need any more in th North for a while :o

  12. It seems Mae Sai has doubled the entry fee to 500 Baht.

    Are you saying the entrance to Myanmar has doubled. Thailand does not have an entry fee. If this is the case, just consider it has been $5 US or 250 bt for 15 years. Everything has to go up sometime. :o

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