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Posts posted by mumbojumbo

  1. Anyone know of the highest city in Thailand? I think Chaing Mai is about 1,000 feet above sea level (300 or so meters).

    Chiangrai is 300' higher and 1-1/2 degree further north than Chiangmai. Have seen it 4 degreeC here before with wind in cold season. Last few years lows only hit 10-12c. Many CM people don't concider CR as a "City", but we do have a big C and a Macro, and a bowling alley. :o

  2. I often don't stop for pedestrians for the simple reason that people behind me can't see what I'm doing, and a quick stop could send them up my backside... Pedestrians (farangs, mostly) have to be careful of their expectations of what cars should be doing when they are in the road.

    In Thailand, the bigger you are the more right of way you have. Unfortunatly the pedestrian are at the lowest status of this right. I continually run red lights, because i see the guy behind me has no intention of stopping, and don't want the wreck hazzles later. When i do run a red light badly, i always view the back mirror and see 4-5 more flashing their light and running it too> TIT :o

    Farang have to realize that these multi white striped crossings that look like Ped x-ings are not. The paint crew had a few x-tra gallons left and decided to make a street disign. :D

  3. Were we can go then afterwourds to drink beer and other drinks. :D

    There is a new bar on Jetyod road named CR 49. Another dutchman-but good place, i recommend it. :o

    Why is the "Netherlands" taking over our community???? My leiw. :D

  4. As most of the readers of this forum know, I am a fanatic sports man, (biking, Bowling etc. etc.)

    So now that we introduced Biking and Bowling in Chiang Rai i think that my team and i are ready for a new challenge.

    Yes dear forum reader, we will paddle the Kayak, we start in Chiang Rai in the Nam Mae Kok, wich will bring us to Chiang Sean, were we float into the Nam Mae Khong, also know as Mekong, from were we will float to Chiang Khong.

    This trip is going to take two to tree days, so bring clean underwaer.

    (Anybody know were to buy or rent the so called SEAKAYAK, this is a kayak were you sit on, instead of in.) :o

    They rent/ sell them down in Krabi. Go down and bring some up for us. :D

  5. I'm glad this thead has been revived. The missonaries, sp are out of control. more. more. Got lot of money-new pickeus, new residences, etc. Too much power. More and more coming and setting up foudations ---My Dee Just my obsevation. :o

  6. Milk- we used to have a farang who had a bar/rest that when told he had an ulser, he

    switched to Sang som and milk. He had a hard time keeeping it in, and would leak through

    the corners of his mouth. Not a pretty site. It worked for a while, but i heard he bit the dust last

    year+. So sometimes milk can kill ya.

  7. And you can read the Bangkok Post and The Nation at the same location (30 times 40 Baht = 1200 Baht), so finally it only costs you 580 Baht :D

    Limbo :D


    Get with the times. The Post and Nation are 25bt each now=50bt a day x30=1500bt savings if you went everyday. If you read them online= 0bt. Deduction not allowed. :D:D:o

  8. Have been staying in chiang mai 5 years; want to move to Chiang Rai .can somebody tell me where in chiang rai it is possible to rent a house for around 6000 bath in a nice area, not more than 5 kilo from downtown

    There are hundreds of rentals in CR for 6K or less in nice areas. You need to make the trip and look for yourself cuz we don't know what you really want (1,2,3.4 bedrooms, furnished/partly, etc, etc.) :o

  9. I just met a very rude taxi driver i ever met in chiang rai yesterday, before i went to Bo's Place lastnight. He tried to double price up for us me and my (almost )bf. i didnt pay him as he asked after that heyell on me and said super rude words to my friend than drove away. I really got pissed lastnight made my bowling time at night not that fun too...I hate when ppl try to take advantage from tourists or non local ppl. i know exactly how much it cost not i am kee niew!! im i wrong to call him" MORON?"

    All transportations in Thailand are negociated and agreed upon before the trip. If you did not do this, than he was not the "MORON" :o

  10. Hi Mumbo, now it is your turn again :D [/color]

    Limbo :o

    Jeez Limbo, ya kinda put me on the spot. For arts sake, its hard to beat the porn on the net, but i do enjoy the hilltribe art displayed at a lot of places. I don't have the money you have to buy real art. Cheap prints are fine with me. Art is in the eye of the beholder, with monitary limitations. Art is good. Art is the recordance of existense. Art is for arts sake. For arts sake, I gotta to go go bed. :D


  11. i have just browes the general topic forum were they are having a poll asking about the best place to live in thailand.

    i was very surprised to see chaingrai only had one vote and that was mine so if you dont get on and vote we could end up with bangkok or pattaya topping the poll (can you imagine that)


    I voted=now has 2


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