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  1. Twin Peaks: The Return; Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me; Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces; and of course Twin Peaks TV series.
  2. The Carter administration laid the groundwork and made significant progress toward securing the release of American hostages in Tehran through persistent diplomacy and the negotiation of the Algiers Accords. However, the timing of their release, which coincided with Ronald Reagan's inauguration, sparked controversy and speculation, overshadowing Carter's efforts in the eyes of the public. A set-up? Maybe. The so-called "October Surprise" theory did not reveal conclusive evidence to support this theory.
  3. That’s quite a sweeping generalization! Spreadsheets, like any tool, are only as accurate as the data inputted and the people using them. Blaming them for Western financial troubles is a bit like blaming calculators for bad math. The challenges faced by Western countries are often due to policy decisions and unforeseen global events - not the humble spreadsheet! Also, let’s not forget that spreadsheets are used worldwide, not just in the West. It’s probably fairer to say that spreadsheets reveal issues rather than cause them.
  4. We are in the same age bracket, and I’m not fully aware of any potential age-related implications regarding vehicle insurance. To address this, I transferred ownership of my car and its insurance to my wife, who is significantly younger than me.
  5. AI search engines can and do make mistakes. The assertion that a "Retirement Visa" for Thailand does exist is misleading.
  6. Dare I suggest that long-term expats, retirees over 65 years old, married without children, and owning their accommodation and car could comfortably (in my opinion) live in Thailand on THB 800,000 annually, less THB 16,500 in taxes.
  7. I somewhat agree with your perspective. If, after calculating your tax exposure, you find there’s no tax liability and the penalty for not filing a tax return is relatively minor, one might question whether it’s worth the effort to file at all.
  8. Analysts' Forecasts: Commonwealth Bank forecasts the AUD/USD to fall to 0.62 by mid-2025 and to 0.61 by September. https://www.poundsterlinglive.com/aud/21192-australian-dollar-to-fall-materially-further-in-2025 Westpac predicts the AUD will be worth 0.69 USD by December 2024, rising to 0.70 USD in Q1 2025. https://arielle.com.au/australian-dollar-forecast/ NAB anticipates the AUD to climb to 0.72 USD by mid-2025. https://stocksdownunder.com/article/aud-usd-forecasts/
  9. Slightly off-topic but have you considered including Phu Quoc in your search for an alternative retirement location? I've heard great things about it. Direct flight from Bangkok to Phu Quoc Distance: 327 miles (526 km) Flight time: 1 hour and 20 minutes
  10. I understand that there is currently a requirement for a gift contract, which may be reviewed by the Thai Revenue Department as proof that the funds are indeed a gift. Would you be willing to share the procedure you follow when gifting monetary funds to your wife?
  11. Higher rents are hardly a negative for the proprietor. There’s frequent criticism that Thailand operates in a 'monopolistic' environment, yet the moment competition puts someone at a perceived disadvantage, the whining begins.
  12. That's a weak argument. Car manufacturers should prioritize safe driving and focus on safety features, not compete with mobile phones for attention.
  13. I always thought safe driving takes precedence over entertainment. Any form of entertainment, no matter how convenient, is ultimately a distraction.
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