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Posts posted by konying

  1. Typical of these people to attack unarmed and usually from the back or with a car.

    I guess not enough kahunas to man up, but then situation in Israel is no different to the rest of the world where these people managed to get their way in,

    I suppose one way to follow their religion of "peace"

    Maybe "these people" should do what's typical of the occupiers and drop bombs on schools and hospitals that slaughter hundreds of women and children. I guess that's how they "man up". bah.gif

    I suppose that's just expected from the "chosen" people. vampire.gif

    By the way, the word you're looking for is "cojones". gigglem.gif

    Personally i prefer for occupiers to fire back rocket for rocket with the same aim, but thankfully Israeli government is above that.

    Last time i checked Gaza was not occupied, so pretty weak reasoning and before you come back with nonsense of blockade, blockade was created because of rockets so again pretty weak excuse.

    I suppose running people over with cars and stabbing in the back is what manning up is? or shooting rockets targeting civilians only is the real man actiongigglem.gif

    Actually purposely targeting civilians and then gloating, thats the real arab man waythumbsup.gif

    And by the way, its an expectation from normal people who do not start wars, riots or make crazy demands

  2. Typical of these people to attack unarmed and usually from the back or with a car.

    I guess not enough kahunas to man up, but then situation in Israel is no different to the rest of the world where these people managed to get their way in,

    I suppose one way to follow their religion of "peace"

    And before Arab lovers & Co come back with yet another nonsense, do tell where in the world arabs live happily, if not fighting someone else, fighting each other, if not each other some ridiculous demands.

    Israel made a mistake to give them back Gaza, only to be rocketed for past decade.

    Do not give them an inch, until they learn to live in peace and stop targeting civilians,

    Christ, they even unable to form an army, let alone government or economy.

  3. Technically speaking Pattaya is in central Thailand, Phak Glang.

    The North which Thais refer to as Phak Neua starts just before Sukothai and extends up past Chiang Rai,

    Unless you are just meaning North in planet Pattaya which some Thai visa members think is the whole of their known universe.

    Have you actually travelled around Thailand at all ?

    I prefer to stay out of the jungle.

    Considering you were referring to soi 6 and North in one sentence, my apology for thinking you would be indicating different regions

    Though on the subject of different regions, Pattaya is Eastern seaboard, not central.

    Stick to jungles, some people feel like at home there

  4. Actually nothing wrong with ladyboys, I have met many decent ones working normal jobs, and anyway, life is hard enough for them without homophobic attitudes from misguided people....they are humans with a difficult life , and all they are looking for is a decent life , they are ok , and I do not know about soi 6 pattaya or beach rd ladyboys, but let's be honest, the guys that spend all their time in these places can not exactly be classified as cream of the crop......

    Have you been to Thailand yet or just done research for your first trip?

  5. Pattaya 3rd Road/Junction with Pattaya Tai was gridlocked at 7.45 last night. Coaches everywhere & a gang of police doing their usual thing.

    Not sure how you relate traffic jam to number of tourists.

    As already said, loads of buses with Chinese who also hit Walking Street making it look packed.

    Once you enter any bar or club or restaurant, you quickly find its empty.

    Chinese have their contracts with certain hotels and those are busy

    Chinese have their contracts with certain restaurants and massage shops and "markets" and again those are busy

    All the rest are empty

    Take a drive down Soi Buakhao tonight and see how busy bars and restaurants are. lucky to have 3 customers in each.

    My biz is right next door to 7-11, this shop is always packed with Chinese buying mama noodles

  6. You don't get it. You're confusing drag queen shows which yes gay men often enjoy with mainstream gay men wanting sex with transgender male to female persons. What matters is how the pursuer identifies. It varies. But I can guarantee you that the vast majority of gay identified men are not turned on by female identified male. Why is this so hard for so many straight people to process?

    You do not get it

    I never said anything about drag queens, and by the way, plenty of local boys, full on boys dressed as girl

    I do not doubt that it is not gay man taste, what i clearly pointed out was that in the West, you would rarely find a ladyboy or whatever western term you like to attach in a straight bar, while in Thailand, you will rarely find a ladyboy in a gay bar.

  7. You don't get it. You're confusing drag queen shows which yes gay men often enjoy with mainstream gay men wanting sex with transgender male to female persons. What matters is how the pursuer identifies. It varies. But I can guarantee you that the vast majority of gay identified men are not turned on by female identified male. Why is this so hard for so many straight people to process?

    Most likely because its hard for gay man to understand that straight men do not go with other men dressed like womenthumbsup.gif

  8. You have to wake up to the fact that katoeys are so numerous because their services are in high demand.

    Many, many guys, myself included, go to Pattaya and seek the company of ladyboys.

    Yes, some are bad.. the same as some girls are bad.

    Myself, I like Katoeys and Thailand just would not be the same without them!

    Curious. Guys chasing ladyboys are classified as gay?
    Ask the chaser. Most identify as straight. Mainstream gay men are attracted to people who present as male. There's much more to sexuality than genitals.

    Interesting observation, in the West, Ladyboys will be found ONLY in gay clubs or areas, while in Thailand ladyboys are hardly anywhere near the gay clubs or areas

  9. You have to wake up to the fact that katoeys are so numerous because their services are in high demand.

    Many, many guys, myself included, go to Pattaya and seek the company of ladyboys.

    Yes, some are bad.. the same as some girls are bad.

    Myself, I like Katoeys and Thailand just would not be the same without them!

    I do not agree with you.

    They are increasing in numbers because lazy ass guys think they can make more money as girls.

    You see them in chats 24 hours per day, if the demand was as high as you claim, they would not be so aggressive and would not be hanging around on the streets day and night.

  10. Well, I bow to your superior knowledge, and, especially, the overpowering logic you use. Captain of the debate team, no doubt.

    And, oh, those emoticons - devastating!

    History according to Konying...can it get any better?

    So, please fill in the details for us, and include a Thai lesson to help us poor sods who have only 30 years time in Thailand...

    Thanks so much, dak ling...

    I already did, but i guess it went WAY over your head, glad your bar lessons are paying offcheesy.gif

  11. i have the contract and it states i,ll get my money back if building is not completed. but if matrix have no money then who pays me ? my condo is in a thai company name although no company has been formed as yet. just wondering should i get it into my thai wifes name quickly incase these are not only rumours.

    As usual you are a bit short on detail. And that's always where the devil is.

    Is your contract with Matrix or some subsidiary? It's common for developers to create a new company for each development precisely so as not to have too many liabilities hanging over the mother company.

    I dont think that changing the name on your contract will have real effect at the moment, and I'm sure that there will be a charge made by Matrix for doing so. But I am not a lawyer.

    Did you ever get an estimate from a real estate agent as I suggested? Without that (or, better, several of them) you really are floundering in the dark.

    You missed the point for the second time.

    He owns nothing.

    No one owes him anything.

    Contract is in a company name, which does not exist, he has no shares in it or any affiliation to it

    He is a troll, because it is not possible to be that stupid, to pay full amount and have a contract in fictitious name

  12. "Israel is not the problem at the Temple Mount, Israel is the solution," he told his Cabinet

    Wrong! Israel occupation and oppression of Palistinians (sp?) for many years is the problem. Just guessing, but I would say that the oppressed people are just fed up and are beginning to take matters into their own hands since over 20 years of negotiations has seen no progress. coffee1.gif

    Arab part is under Jordanian jurisdiction ?

    You see any Jordanian police policing it?

    It's good to know the facts before posting drivel.

    Residents are not prohibited from visiting, outsiders are . Those are a risk to national security and have proven over and over to be a risk.

  13. Assailant... what a nice word for a terrorist.... and how much sugar coating can the world's media

    apply to minimize the crimes of the Palestinian's ' Assailants ' ?

    Exactly. This shooter WAS (some good news here) a terrorist, no grey area about it. He opened fire on innocent civilians in an attack clearly related to the recent terrorism wave inspired by the fake issue of alleged intention to change the status quo at the Temple Mount.

    Why you looking for justification,

    For the regular arab lovers group it makes no difference.

    when jews are killed they justify it with dumbest reasoning

    when IDF responds harshly, they whine about disproportionate force

    when civilians respond in self defence, all over sudden they whine about not having an investigation

    do you see a pattern here? like dogs with bones and its killing them to know Israel is around and prosper.

    seen any arabs living happily anywhere?,

  14. Your account is just clearly wrong, and no amount of ad hominem ranting and attempts at insult will change that.

    Here are a few hints, for those not brain dead:

    Saen Pinyo Co.

    BTR Holding Co.

    Tisco (not Tesco)

    Sukhumvit Silver Star Co.

    Nickle Co.

    I won't recount the entire litany for the intellectually lazy, but Google can be helpful, given the ability to search intelligently.

    Oh, and I didn't say I knew bargirls in Sukhumvit Square (although I did know one or two). I said I knew shop owners, and Malaysian Auntie was among them, along with an aircon pool bar owner, who is still around, and prominent. But nice try.

    BTW, just what does 'konying' purport to mean? That you're a 'girl person'?

    Just wondering...

    Perfect example of someone posting utter drivel, claiming to know, yet not even basic understanding of Thai language.

    Hope your next 10 day holiday coming up sooncheesy.gif

    Yes a Malaysian auntygigglem.gif

  15. If you manage to find a suitable bitch and do breed. I would love to take a pup, preferably a male . My Rottweiler passed on a few months ago and my boxer (bitch) is lonely, as I am. I find it sad so many people are ready to criticize a breed. There are in my opinion, no bad dogs just poor and ill-equipped owners.

    Good luck and let me know if you are successful in your search.

    Thanks, if it happens, will let you know smile.png

  16. Without the customer (sexpat, tourist, john whatever you want to call them) there would be no "working" boys and or girls. I know that explanation of fact doesnt figure into your bigoted and childish ideas but, its the truth.

    Its dead quite and has been for a while, i do not see the reduction in "working" boys or girls, nor do i see them rushing to get a real job

    So your theory might be little flawed.

  17. No such park exists.

    If your dog was not socialized before, it would not be wise to let it play with other dogs, unless you are experienced and so are other owners.

    For the sake of your dog, take it for daily walks, twice a day better.

    Plenty of grass areas where it can run free.

    However note many of those grass areas, have locals with tents and chickens so make sure to check out the area first.

    Last month, these f....ing chickens have cost me almost 20 000 baht. All fighting chickens, so 5000 per head.

    I am happy to try to meet up with you and my gang of 6, however do expect initially a few scraps between them before they get to know each other and settle in.

    I have already mentioned that he gets walked twice a day. Tell me a grassed area where he can run free and is also soi dog free. In my area I can't think of one place where there aren't packs of soi dogs. However, the place I went today, Mirabel, is probably as good as any. You are allowed to swim your dog there as well, if you're so inclined.

    Pattaya Tai, opposite PinkyJimmy shop

    Sukhumvit road, near big c, not so hard to drive and look left/right to see grass and open areas

    Then go for a walk to see if any dogs or people inside.

    Theaparsit soi 5 and 7

    List goes on

    Mirbel is more of a dog hotel than a dog park

    But you clearly know all as usual, so best of luckthumbsup.gif

    All these areas you mentioned, how do they manage to keep the soi dogs out? AFAIK these are all open areas. There are grassed areas near where I live, and although there may not be any soi dogs when you arrive, they seem to materialise out of nowhere. Mirabel is a resort that does allow guests to bring dogs, it's not compulsory, and as I said there were only two dogs there today that an outsider brought in to have a swim and a bit of a frolic, then he took them home. I waasn't being a know-all, I just don't think the areas you mentioned are what I'm looking for.

    Mate, its not Australia with designated dog park areas, You make the most of what you have.

    There are so dogs everywhere, however some soi dogs live among people so are more friendly and less likely to attack, it also depends on the time of the day, as often soi dogs sleep and do not bother to come out.

    No, these are not cut grass nicely kept parks or gardens but either empty lots with tall grass and rubbish dumps or empty spaces with construction taking place.

    As i said, you make the most of what you got.

    I keep my dogs up to date with vaccinations and worming, as i mentioned, not too long ago, it cost me 20K for the fighting chickens.

    The other day, big pup cut his paw on broken glass, today he cut another paw.

    There are no alternatives if you want for your dog to run free.

    Most soi dogs i came across, did not have a problem with my pack, but my pack consists of 6 dogs, 2 are pitbulls,it might be the reason, but in 8 years, my pack never had a fight with soi dogs. They had arguments but nothing major

    As i said, MIrabel is a dog hotel, while you can bring your dog there, its hardly a park, but might be best option for you.

    Personally, i do not have the time nor desire to drive 1 hour if not more if traffic twice a day to have little play area.

    My gang needs space, as they run around like mad cows for 10-15 mins and then happy to go home sleep.

    It would be AWESOME to have a proper park with dog designated area, but it will not happen, unless someone opens one up privately, in which case it would be pay per visit and most likely out of business very fast

  18. No such park exists.

    If your dog was not socialized before, it would not be wise to let it play with other dogs, unless you are experienced and so are other owners.

    For the sake of your dog, take it for daily walks, twice a day better.

    Plenty of grass areas where it can run free.

    However note many of those grass areas, have locals with tents and chickens so make sure to check out the area first.

    Last month, these f....ing chickens have cost me almost 20 000 baht. All fighting chickens, so 5000 per head.

    I am happy to try to meet up with you and my gang of 6, however do expect initially a few scraps between them before they get to know each other and settle in.

    I have already mentioned that he gets walked twice a day. Tell me a grassed area where he can run free and is also soi dog free. In my area I can't think of one place where there aren't packs of soi dogs. However, the place I went today, Mirabel, is probably as good as any. You are allowed to swim your dog there as well, if you're so inclined.

    Pattaya Tai, opposite PinkyJimmy shop

    Sukhumvit road, near big c, not so hard to drive and look left/right to see grass and open areas

    Then go for a walk to see if any dogs or people inside.

    Theaparsit soi 5 and 7

    List goes on

    Mirbel is more of a dog hotel than a dog park

    But you clearly know all as usual, so best of luckthumbsup.gif

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