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Posts posted by konying

  1. Why is it Pattaya gets all the quality tourists !! whistling.gif

    When you cater to people who need to pay for sex, you get a lot of tourist who need to pay for sex.

    Maybe that is why???

    Or may be because people with money go to fun places, instead of farms in the middle of the jungle

    Interesting comment,

    but it can not be for me.

    I have the means and time to travel wherever and whenever I desire.

    But the sleazy sex pits of Thailand are not on my list.

    Yes you prefer the root of it all, unless you were not aware all those sleazy girls and boys come from Isaan and often return home to feed the buffalo's of their hard work at a factory in Bangkokthumbsup.gif

  2. Really ? how do you know i have no experience with the labour dept, how do you know how much i know about the thai legal system ?....granted i am not a lawyer

    Ok So show me 1 case link where somebody has gone to debtors prision over money not paid in a civil case involving a contractural dispute in the manner you describe....just 1 and prove i am talking rubbish

    Your state the DOL take the side of employees, which is true, but if they didnt think there was a case, they would not taken the case and issued the letter in thr first place

    You employed a lawyer so what, win or lose your paying him and he will persue any case you intruct him to

    You work for a company you are not an employer. Unless to appear smart you now want to claim you are not an employee.

    Pick one chair to sit on.

    Again I have clearly explained , first they stated employee needs to sign a waiver. After they contradicted themselves and stated otherwise .

    After lawyer was involved they stated a special waiver form was required.

    This has nothing to do with OP's case, my example was on how labor department operates .

    And yes I am certain a labor lawyer knows little more than self proclaimed expert with no real like experience .

    Though I am certain that would not stop you from posting more rubbish based on what you might think is true

    Still waiting for that link showing a case where someone was sent to jail to a debtors prision for a civil case to show i am talking rubbish...

    Until that time your posting hot air and diatribes....how do you know i have no real life experience you keep making assumptions all the time, i am giving rational, logical argument thats all...

    Now you just trolling for the sake of trolling.

    Last time i checked courts do not post their rulings on internet, unless a very high profile case and you know that.

    For the last time, you have no legal knowledge nor first hand experiences, so stop posting utter drivel.

    Your initial post was spot on, from there on when you decided to be an expert on labor department and thai legal system , nothing but utter drivel

    • Like 1
  3. Konig I.m just blowing off steam, i don't have the whole story yet but you can bet when I get the date and time my dash cam files will cofirm just what it is they are talking about.

    If you want to tell me where I may go what say you and I discuss that out of the forum, with 3800 posts it would seem that you might need some exercise mate

    You are blowing off steam for being fined $25 for breaking traffic rules?

    And blaming Thai for it?

  4. You talk of pathetic arguments and then you go and contradict yourself... A moment it's air con and now it's not. How much I tip is immaterial... I could say 10k or 1 baht... But it wouldn't change the point about the original video... Which is where to get picked up if you want to avoid the fee and the queue.

    Now going back to silly arguments... How long is the video, I don't know around 5 minutes. How many times does that go into thirty? If maths isn't your strong point you could square the number of minutes and be below your stupid 30 minute haggling figure.

    Anyway - having a beer now. Have a nice evening, as I will smile.png

    Yes my bad. I assumed you could afford air con room but after watching your video , turns out you can not even afford that but a fan room yet still need to cheat to run electricity for 24 hours, your words not mine.

    You do not tip, it's just a fact .

    Enjoy your beer, 7-11 selling alcohol times just started,make sure to stand by the door so you can get air con breeze when doors open.

    Keep an eye out, they might sell discounted cans if someone drops it.

    May be idea for new video, drop and damage cans to save further 2-5 baht. ;)

  5. So freaking sad.

    So after 19 hour flight, you would want to have more headache to save $1.50 just to see if you could save $1.50

    I guess different people have different priorities.

    I've said twice in this thread and atleast once in the video that it's not about the money. I could have gone and waited in a line with my bag on, then had someone fill in a form for me and then hand the form to someone else who then walked me to a car... I chose instead to stand on an escalator (could use lift) and walk 20m to talk for around 30 seconds to be on my way.

    The video was aimed at people who wanted an easier way to get a cab from the airport. It's not for everyone. But respectfully - Thailand is probably the number one gap year destination on the planet. Travelling on the cheap is important for a lot of people who come here. If I'd have payed that 500 he asked originally that equates to 5 street food meals to a student.

    Anyway - please don't look at my other videos of how to get the electricity to run without the card or you will think I'm really really sad smile.png have a good day mate.

    This video is aimed at cheap charlie backpackers who would rather spend 30 mins on arguing just save $1

    In 15 years i have never seen or been in lines for 45 mins to get a taxi and after 19 hour flight last thing anyone in the right mind wants to do is haggle and argue in order to save $1

    Do not try to make it out as if getting a taxi is a problemblink.png

    Indeed it is sad, you book cheapest hotel and then cheat to have air con going while you away.

    Travelling on the cheap and being a cheap charlie is NOT one of the same

    As a hotel owner, in my opinion nothing short of fraud. I wonder if at home you run your aircon while you awayrolleyes.gif

    the big return in Los of Bonnie and Clyde cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif they stroke again !!! cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

    Yep the big tipper gets not only cheapest room, but room without air, so no more than 200 baht per night and then he wants to run fan 24 hours per day.

    True quality tourist.

    Next video would be how to skip 200 baht room bill and keep moving aroundbah.gif

  6. So freaking sad.

    So after 19 hour flight, you would want to have more headache to save $1.50 just to see if you could save $1.50

    I guess different people have different priorities.

    I've said twice in this thread and atleast once in the video that it's not about the money. I could have gone and waited in a line with my bag on, then had someone fill in a form for me and then hand the form to someone else who then walked me to a car... I chose instead to stand on an escalator (could use lift) and walk 20m to talk for around 30 seconds to be on my way.

    The video was aimed at people who wanted an easier way to get a cab from the airport. It's not for everyone. But respectfully - Thailand is probably the number one gap year destination on the planet. Travelling on the cheap is important for a lot of people who come here. If I'd have payed that 500 he asked originally that equates to 5 street food meals to a student.

    Anyway - please don't look at my other videos of how to get the electricity to run without the card or you will think I'm really really sad smile.png have a good day mate.

    This video is aimed at cheap charlie backpackers who would rather spend 30 mins on arguing just save $1

    In 15 years i have never seen or been in lines for 45 mins to get a taxi and after 19 hour flight last thing anyone in the right mind wants to do is haggle and argue in order to save $1

    Do not try to make it out as if getting a taxi is a problemblink.png

    Indeed it is sad, you book cheapest hotel and then cheat to have air con going while you away.

    Travelling on the cheap and being a cheap charlie is NOT one of the same

    As a hotel owner, in my opinion nothing short of fraud. I wonder if at home you run your aircon while you awayrolleyes.gif

    Why are you using ridiculous examples? Did it look to you that it took me half an hour? Do you think it would have been quicker for me to get a form filled in and then a form given to a driver only to then be walked to a cab?

    We are not talking about aircon being run all day. Again you are using an extreme and ridiculous argument. We are talking about charging a laptop... If you have a problem with that why don't you put up a sign telling people not to do it?

    Getting a cab there isn't illegal. It's above board. It saves time and money. Sorry that you don't like that.

    (Side note - the taxi drivers don't get the 50 baht. The poor do not do well out of it.)

    Now after reading how ridiculous you sound you are trying to wiggle out by rather silly arguments.

    To start with how long is your video? thats already long enough to give me a headache

    Secondly i have no doubts you were haggling over toll ways, no point denying it

    You then claimed to have tipped, i do not believe it even for one second, this is just your justification hoping to appear not to be cheap a$$

    Why else would you cheat to have electric without a card if not for the running aircon?

    When card is removed , all power points still active, including the fridge, again, nothing but silly justification to justify your tight a$$ behavior.

    And now to top it up, you want to bring up the 50baht not going to poor?giggle.gif so why did you not give him 50 baht/$1.50, are you that tight that you can not afford to give the poor $1.50?

    Let me guess you also wait for 1 baht change during happy hour 39 baht beers?gigglem.gif

  7. So freaking sad.

    So after 19 hour flight, you would want to have more headache to save $1.50 just to see if you could save $1.50

    I guess different people have different priorities.

    I've said twice in this thread and atleast once in the video that it's not about the money. I could have gone and waited in a line with my bag on, then had someone fill in a form for me and then hand the form to someone else who then walked me to a car... I chose instead to stand on an escalator (could use lift) and walk 20m to talk for around 30 seconds to be on my way.

    The video was aimed at people who wanted an easier way to get a cab from the airport. It's not for everyone. But respectfully - Thailand is probably the number one gap year destination on the planet. Travelling on the cheap is important for a lot of people who come here. If I'd have payed that 500 he asked originally that equates to 5 street food meals to a student.

    Anyway - please don't look at my other videos of how to get the electricity to run without the card or you will think I'm really really sad smile.png have a good day mate.

    This video is aimed at cheap charlie backpackers who would rather spend 30 mins on arguing just save $1

    In 15 years i have never seen or been in lines for 45 mins to get a taxi and after 19 hour flight last thing anyone in the right mind wants to do is haggle and argue in order to save $1

    Do not try to make it out as if getting a taxi is a problemblink.png

    Indeed it is sad, you book cheapest hotel and then cheat to have air con going while you away.

    Travelling on the cheap and being a cheap charlie is NOT one of the same

    As a hotel owner, in my opinion nothing short of fraud. I wonder if at home you run your aircon while you awayrolleyes.gif

  8. Mass rallies?

    Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

    I suspect that the calls are for peaceful protest, but en mass. And I really hope that is what they will do. An "Occupy Wall Street" type sit-in in all major Israeli centres.

    How will Israel react? The world will be watching.

    You would suspect , because Hamas has a proven record of peace protests.

    Good thinking 99 wink.png

    Max's surname was ironic, and 99 was the smart one. thumbsup.gif

    So not only you are a diplomat but a comedian as well .

    Do not know how you keep up with all the jobs you have,might be the reason for sucking at all of them ;)

  9. Really ? how do you know i have no experience with the labour dept, how do you know how much i know about the thai legal system ?....granted i am not a lawyer

    Ok So show me 1 case link where somebody has gone to debtors prision over money not paid in a civil case involving a contractural dispute in the manner you describe....just 1 and prove i am talking rubbish

    Your state the DOL take the side of employees, which is true, but if they didnt think there was a case, they would not taken the case and issued the letter in thr first place

    You employed a lawyer so what, win or lose your paying him and he will persue any case you intruct him to

    You work for a company you are not an employer. Unless to appear smart you now want to claim you are not an employee.

    Pick one chair to sit on.

    Again I have clearly explained , first they stated employee needs to sign a waiver. After they contradicted themselves and stated otherwise .

    After lawyer was involved they stated a special waiver form was required.

    This has nothing to do with OP's case, my example was on how labor department operates .

    And yes I am certain a labor lawyer knows little more than self proclaimed expert with no real like experience .

    Though I am certain that would not stop you from posting more rubbish based on what you might think is true

  10. I reiterate ~ "the reason why the OP has come to this forum, seeking legal advise, is anyone's wild guess?":coffee1:

    Perhaps to seek assurance that he does not have to repay

    or may be because seeing lawyer would cost at least 3000 baht, so any free advise is great

    I have never had good dealings with Labor department,

    Latest one, my staff pushed me to the limit, so i decided to engage a lawyer.

    Just to show how this department works.

    My contract states, employee must give 15 day notice to resign, failure to provide 15 days notice will result in deposit of 3000 baht not being returned.

    First case, Labor department stated that this is not legal, and i have to give back deposit. Employee does not have to give any notice at all.

    HOWEVER, if employee signs that they are leaving without 15 day notice and willingly forfeit the deposit, then it is legal

    Second case, employee signed the waiver, recorded on the video with sound.

    Then she goes to labor department.

    I went there, showed signed contract, showed signed waiver, showed video, was told ok, all clear

    1 month later, letter from labor department that i have to refund the money, all the waivers are irrelevant or go to court.

    So got a lawyer, he went through all the documents and basically explained, labor department represent employees and will say or do anything to help them.

    Labor court would over turn that, however will take anywhere from 3 months to 1 year and legal fees would be around 30 000- 60 000.

    I can not claim this money from employee or the labor department, however i could pay this money, then file civil suit against employee for breach.

    Would win 100%, cost 60 000 upfront. and little chance of recovering this money,

    Employee could end up in jail for failing to pay, however if she/he makes even a small payment then no jail.

    What your talking about is a completely different scenario, taking a deposit off an employee with reference to resignation is an unfair labour practice as your withholding money from them which is rightly theirs, irrespective of what they signed or the terms of the contract....the DOL's case is justified.

    In the case of the OP the company fronted the costs for his employment, therefore would incur a direct financial loss if the OP resigns earlier than stated therefore this clause is valid to claim the costs back

    In your case your with holding money from them before the fact - unfair labour practice

    In the case of the OP they are claiming costs they have incurred after the fact - standard contractual condition in cases like this

    Further in your case the employee will not end up in jail for failure to pay... stop talking rubbish, Thailand has no debtors jail, and this is a civil case not a criminal one

    You are wrong again, as i clearly explained already.

    The only one talking rubbish is you, You have no experience with labor department from employers point of view, so please stop pushing what you do not know.

    I clearly already stated i employed a lawyer and call me crazy, but i am certain he would know little more about Thai legal system than you

  11. Mass rallies?

    Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

    I suspect that the calls are for peaceful protest, but en mass. And I really hope that is what they will do. An "Occupy Wall Street" type sit-in in all major Israeli centres.

    How will Israel react? The world will be watching.

    You would suspect , because Hamas has a proven record of peace protests.

    Good thinking 99 ;)

  12. Mass rallies?

    Did they say peaceful ones or the usual bring large rocks, crash cars, knives, bombs, and Molotov cocktails?

    Respond to the usual Palestinian violence with force - crushing force. It is all that they seem to understand.

    The white colonialists used to say things like this with reference to their blacks as well, and they where considered subhuman as well ;)

    Egypt , Syria , Iraq - force is the only thing that works and they understand . "Arab Spring " has shown that already throughout entire region.

    Like it or not , that's how it is

  13. So courts evict 1 family from 2 apartments and Arab & Co lovers jump to ethnic cleansing.bah.gif

    They did not gas them or murder them, they just moved down the ally.

    As clearly pointed out this property belonged to a trust.

    Then arabs complain about this part of the city NOT being looked after, yet they are the ones dumping the rubbish and turning it into swaps, just as they do all over the world.

    Go visit any arab area starting from Sydney in Australia to Paris to Amsterdam.absolute dumps.

    And now they fear, that in 5 years it will not be the same, but clean and flourishing? Yeah that would be a real tragedy.

    They supposedly want to live in peace with Jews, yet can not stand to live among jews? pack up and go live in all arab country,

    Then this arab claims his furniture was damaged, well next time hire a removalist or get the entire family to move it, instead of thinking to pick up a knife.

  14. Good overview of taxout.

    What Phu-rich claims is NOT true anymore, at least here in EURope now. There have been several court-procedures about it and hotels/accomm are now free to quote lower prices if they so want on own sites, on the ground or whatever. Ans I myself have found this to be true. The booking site has indeed been adapted to reflect this. There have before also been procedures about its exxaggerated claims about ''no more rooms left for tomorrow'' etc-they also were forced to blow a little less high.

    Agoda is a sub-site of booking, as is hostelworld (specialising on hoStels=multi bed dorms). HW still wants customers to pay a commission upfront when booking, the acomm sees nothing of that.

    Agoda is NOT a sub site of booking.com

    Both are owned by Priceline ( as is hotelsbycity.com, who i work for as a second tier affiliate.) Kayak & Hotwire Hotel

    of course u can offer a lower price BUT if u do, (at least here in Asia) the hotel booking site will no longer work with you ( its in ur contract) . and as most hotels get upwards of 65% or more of their guests thru the hotel booking site they will not offer a lower price

    PS: looking for deals>

    start here

    Name ur own price on Priceline


    Incorrect again .

    In the contract it only states offering cheaper rates on other sites , it does not mean in person or over the phone.

    And no they will not drop hotel, they will however call non stop annoying you if they see hotel being offered through other site even at 25 satang cheaper .

    when u sign up, you sign a contract that states you will NOT offer lower prices for your rooms ON YOUR website

    wha u do with call in and walk in guests is up to the hotel

    Exactly, but this is not what you said. You said staff can not sell for cheaper.

    Contract states ONLY about advertised rate on other sites, including hotels own site, it does not stop me from having huge sign with cheaper rate or offer cheaper rate to walk in guests or over the phone.

    I can also offer a rebate on my own site, making it cheaper.

  15. Personally i prefer for occupiers to fire back rocket for rocket with the same aim, but thankfully Israeli government is above that.

    Right the Apartheid state of Israel is WAY above that. They just build a wall surrounding Gaza and bomb them whenever they want. Surely you cannot compare this to the Warsaw Jewish ghetto in Poland under control by Nazi Germany.

    In fact Israel is pretty similar to the Nazis. The Germans just wanted an Aryan state just as the the Zionists just wants a Jewish state. And both of them are pretty keen on using ethnic cleansing to accomplish their goals.

    I think you've got this backwards.

    The Palestinians MUCH MORE like the Nazis than the Israelis are.

    It is the Palestinians that demand a JEW FREE state, just as the Nazis did.

    The Israelis include ARABS as about 20 percent of their citizen population.

    It was the original leader of the Palestinian political movement who asked Hitler to exterminate all of the Jews of the middle east ... dude, that is about as NAZI as you can get!

    You insist on talking about Nazis ... so you asked for this truth. Cheers.

    So under Bibi's one-state Greater Judea and Samaria Zionist State, are "free and fair" elections to take place before of after they have been ethnically cleansed of Palestinians?

    More drivel?rolleyes.gif

    Why do not you post example of ethnic cleansing? and then explain the reason for 2 million arabs with Israeli citizenship and why so many want to get and can get Israeli citizenship, while all other "supporting" arab states do not even let them out of so called refugee camps


    I've ordered vitamins many times for the 10 years I've lived in the Chiang Mai area, usually from Puritan Pride in the states. The first ones were very large, $600 or more, no problems, sometimes a customs fee. About a year ago, though, customs seized a $900 order and accused me of dealing. They were going to confiscate the whole thing, but my Thai wife managed to talk them into taking only 1/3. 1-2 orders since, smaller of course, no problems. Avoid large boxes.

    But this month I needed some selenium / vitamin E / vitamin C for prostate and sinus troubles. I can't maintain good health without quite a few vitamins and minerals at my age, 67. Well, Puritan and others I see no longer ship to Thailand as of about a few months ago because my last order was about January. I don't know why, but can guess. So, I ordered from Swanson, as good or better a bargain and also same shipping route from the states to Germany then to Thailand via DHL. Well, dang, only a small order, about $120, but they have it stuck in customs again at the airport. So, Monday will take my passport, passport copy, copy of order, and my stepson to help explain it for me.

    I'll let you all know how this turns out.

    To make it easier for yourself, as you clearly did not understand what customs told me is that its NOT about how much but the size of the parcel

    So instead of 10 items, order only 4-5 and again DO NOT use couriers or any kind, it is guaranteed to be stopped,

    Look at your order, you have 16 bottles, they consider it a commercial quantity.

    Understand saving on shipping costs, but what can do you?!

    PS. Puritan has Thai site http://www.puritanpridestore.com/

    Also see this site http://www.winkystar.com/

  17. I reiterate ~ "the reason why the OP has come to this forum, seeking legal advise, is anyone's wild guess?":coffee1:

    Perhaps to seek assurance that he does not have to repay

    or may be because seeing lawyer would cost at least 3000 baht, so any free advise is great

    I have never had good dealings with Labor department,

    Latest one, my staff pushed me to the limit, so i decided to engage a lawyer.

    Just to show how this department works.

    My contract states, employee must give 15 day notice to resign, failure to provide 15 days notice will result in deposit of 3000 baht not being returned.

    First case, Labor department stated that this is not legal, and i have to give back deposit. Employee does not have to give any notice at all.

    HOWEVER, if employee signs that they are leaving without 15 day notice and willingly forfeit the deposit, then it is legal

    Second case, employee signed the waiver, recorded on the video with sound.

    Then she goes to labor department.

    I went there, showed signed contract, showed signed waiver, showed video, was told ok, all clear

    1 month later, letter from labor department that i have to refund the money, all the waivers are irrelevant or go to court.

    So got a lawyer, he went through all the documents and basically explained, labor department represent employees and will say or do anything to help them.

    Labor court would over turn that, however will take anywhere from 3 months to 1 year and legal fees would be around 30 000- 60 000.

    I can not claim this money from employee or the labor department, however i could pay this money, then file civil suit against employee for breach.

    Would win 100%, cost 60 000 upfront. and little chance of recovering this money,

    Employee could end up in jail for failing to pay, however if she/he makes even a small payment then no jail.

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