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Posts posted by konying

  1. Thailand use to have life time driving license, ie issued for life.

    I recall reading that those are no longer being issued/offered.

    The other day popped into a shop(driving shop) and was advised they could assist in obtaining life time driving license

    So can anyone confirm or have links to official sites confirming if life time is still offered or stopped?

  2. Have to file for urgent tribunal hearing and get an order to release bond back to you, otherwise you can not get the bond.

    Also you can ask for any outstanding amount.

    Surely tenant will not willingly pay, you then cAn ask for either bank order or sherif order.

    If you know where tenant banks, you take bank order and bank will deduct this amount without even asking the account owner, or if you know where tenant has moved, you can use sherif order for shirt if to go around and take goods worth owed amount.

    From memory, do not hold me to it, urgent tribunal application is around $200

    Check out ACCC website for full details, costs and forms

  3. Dog enjoy sells goat milk, about 40 baht per can.

    With cats I find they know the limit when it comes to food.

    Just keep giving until he turns away.

    Dog enjoy also occasionally gets "puppy" milk from Australia , 1 litter carton , which is also good for cats, about 125 baht . Suitable for cats also .

    Milk powder is cheaper but goes off pretty fast and has less nutrition.

    I believe for grown cat can also give human milk.

    Try to leave it out and encourage cat to find a way to eat by himself , he should be able to figure out a way .

    I would even put out cat buscuitd also , as cats chew it rather than lick it.

    Sorry to rant, thought will cover all the basis smile.png

    Hats off for helping , good on you. Only people with big heart willing to take on a disabled animal and provide the care.

    I think the concern is keeping his wound clean until it heals.


    Then as i mentioned, cats do have limit when it comes to food, so i would keep giving, until he turns away

    Again, good on you for helping.

  4. Just came into my mind: Don't use Aspirin or similar medication. Paracetamol is OK.

    Yep i read up about that. thank you

    I am ok, just the itch from rash is killing me.

    I am also eating 6-7 tabs of vitamin C daily

    just tried it as well.....

    40 degree fever and headache like never before, but not much of a rash (unless it didn't come yet, I am in day 2 or 3 I think (With the 40 degree fever I lost a bit the overview of time). But I would have happily take any rash in exchange to the headache and the weird fever dreams, I almost didn't know when I am away and when I am sleeping.

    Area west of Bangkok...

    Try antihistamin, seemed to help me, Do not hold me to it, as i took everything i could, but i think it helps in some weird way.

    Also 8 hour tylenol.

    Good luck, hang in there, it should get better in a day or so, first 3-5 days are the hardest

  5. Dog enjoy sells goat milk, about 40 baht per can.

    With cats I find they know the limit when it comes to food.

    Just keep giving until he turns away.

    Dog enjoy also occasionally gets "puppy" milk from Australia , 1 litter carton , which is also good for cats, about 125 baht . Suitable for cats also .

    Milk powder is cheaper but goes off pretty fast and has less nutrition.

    I believe for grown cat can also give human milk.

    Try to leave it out and encourage cat to find a way to eat by himself , he should be able to figure out a way .

    I would even put out cat buscuitd also , as cats chew it rather than lick it.

    Sorry to rant, thought will cover all the basis :)

    Hats off for helping , good on you. Only people with big heart willing to take on a disabled animal and provide the care.

  6. You talk of pathetic arguments and then you go and contradict yourself... A moment it's air con and now it's not. How much I tip is immaterial... I could say 10k or 1 baht... But it wouldn't change the point about the original video... Which is where to get picked up if you want to avoid the fee and the queue.

    Now going back to silly arguments... How long is the video, I don't know around 5 minutes. How many times does that go into thirty? If maths isn't your strong point you could square the number of minutes and be below your stupid 30 minute haggling figure.

    Anyway - having a beer now. Have a nice evening, as I will smile.png

    Yes my bad. I assumed you could afford air con room but after watching your video , turns out you can not even afford that but a fan room yet still need to cheat to run electricity for 24 hours, your words not mine.

    You do not tip, it's just a fact .

    Enjoy your beer, 7-11 selling alcohol times just started,make sure to stand by the door so you can get air con breeze when doors open.

    Keep an eye out, they might sell discounted cans if someone drops it.

    May be idea for new video, drop and damage cans to save further 2-5 baht. wink.png

    How can you know what I can or cannot afford? If I'm comfortable and happy in a fan room why should I get an air con room because you perceive it to be better? Are you judging me because of your perception of my wealth (or lack of it), or because I "cheated" some electricity.

    You need to look up the definition of a fact. If I tip or not is none of your business. However if you are confident in your assertion I'd give up running a hotel in a third world country and take up buying lottery tickets.

    I do enjoy a beer from 7-11 though. I'm not a big drinker, but when I'm chilling on a balcony having a beer is nice. Does your beer taste better/worst depending on where it is purchased from? I'm not sure I'd want to purchase a broken bottle. But I'll bear it in mind.

    Have you always been so sad and bitter? You are in an amazing country with loads to see. But you chose to come on the internet and be negative. Try being happy and seeing the good in things. It will make you a better person.

    P.S. Where is your hotel? I'm travelling around I'd be happy to meet you and have a beer. In person I'm sure you are a nice bloke and we could get along. I'd even buy it!

    Yes, in your video you clearly love fan room, hence the sweat, giggle.gif

    While your offer is tempting, unfortunately my hotel might be little out of reach for you, i do not have fan rooms and prefer to avoid cheap charlies like you.

    Stick to fan rooms and 7-11 for beer drinking, i am not a 7-11 kind of guy, and prices in the bars might be too expansive for you, unless you plan to smuggle few in from 7-11thumbsup.gif

  7. So when you said that they don't pay rent <deleted> were you talking about?

    Hint: paying the police to occupy the sidewalk is paying rent.

    Again for the slow ones, why do you think when police comes to Kaosan, all start to run away?

    a. Is it because they do not pay?

    b, Because they do pay?

    c. still struggling to comprehend?

    Hot spots do pay some, but they certainly sell little more than 5000 per day.

    Regular carts all over the country, do not pay anything and move around with people flow.

    Clearly explaining to you like to a 5 year old, is till failing, so continue in your oblivion and keep on paying more because they charging you morefacepalm.gif

  8. Konying - if people don't understand what you're saying, it's not because they're stupid. It's because your ability to express yourself in English is somewhat poor. You may be a smart guy, but your posts here make you appear stupid, not those who are trying to comprehend them.

    Soibiker, i am sorry i do not speak 5 year old.

    May be once you grow up, you might understand grown up language

    And no i will not be getting into a pissing contents with you, as reading all your posts is nothing but delusional drivel

  9. Konying why doesn't everyone set up shop right by the busiest bts entrance instead of in a back alley soi? You think it is first come first serve?

    As i said, no wonder Thai think all foreigners are stupid.

    Not only some idiots pay more but instead of listening, and trying to comprehend, go public and make a bigger fool out of himself.

    Kaosan Rd, why do you think all carts start running when police comes around?

    Walking street Pattaya, they pay for their spot.

    Somchai outside of Insomnia on soi 12 does not pay a cent, however if caught by police gets fined.

    Carts along Nana pay to cops to stay open and be protected from others.

    Try using some brain for a change or if you do not understand, at least be smart enough to ask

  10. Can you please give a breakdown of how a cart pusher makes 150k a month? Also if there is no rent how come the same perform will be in the same place all the time? And why do cart pushers in more expensive areas charge more if there is no rent? If there is no rent and it is a free for all how come they are not killing each other to get the prime spot?

    But ignoring rent show some figures for food cost and customers per hour etc


    It's easier than you think. First you take a calculator , then you input 5000, then press multiply , then press 30, being the average number in a month and then press equals

    Let me know what figure you get .wink.png

    Now why do they charge more? Well may be its just you who gets charged more because I pay the same .

    Or may be because high traffic area's have more people so charging more works, though again it's a fiction of your imagination .

    Slice of watermelon is 10 baht no matter where the cart is.

    Now do tell what does customer per hour have to do with daily sales?

    Now that you finished being an expert , try to obsorbe information provided and next time do not pay more because you too naive to believe it must cost more

    Don't get so anxious and frustrated kony, I'm sure somebody, somewhere, believes you.

    PS You do know that "Ron Burgundy" is a fictional character don't you? You might be more at ease with the world, other people, and yourself, if you stopped trying to "be" him?

    If I was a Thai and read this , I would also think all foreigners are stupid

  11. Can you please give a breakdown of how a cart pusher makes 150k a month? Also if there is no rent how come the same perform will be in the same place all the time? And why do cart pushers in more expensive areas charge more if there is no rent? If there is no rent and it is a free for all how come they are not killing each other to get the prime spot?

    But ignoring rent show some figures for food cost and customers per hour etc


    It's easier than you think. First you take a calculator , then you input 5000, then press multiply , then press 30, being the average number in a month and then press equals

    Let me know what figure you get .wink.png

    Now why do they charge more? Well may be its just you who gets charged more because I pay the same .

    Or may be because high traffic area's have more people so charging more works, though again it's a fiction of your imagination .

    Slice of watermelon is 10 baht no matter where the cart is.

    Now do tell what does customer per hour have to do with daily sales?

    Now that you finished being an expert , try to obsorbe information provided and next time do not pay more because you too naive to believe it must cost more

    It would be equally naive to believe a pushcart can set up business anywhere free of charge.

    Oh boy , for some people not only need to cut in pieces but also chew it .

    Yes 2000-5000 to buy a cart, 25000 to have cart with a bike.

  12. Can you please give a breakdown of how a cart pusher makes 150k a month? Also if there is no rent how come the same perform will be in the same place all the time? And why do cart pushers in more expensive areas charge more if there is no rent? If there is no rent and it is a free for all how come they are not killing each other to get the prime spot?

    But ignoring rent show some figures for food cost and customers per hour etc


    It's easier than you think. First you take a calculator , then you input 5000, then press multiply , then press 30, being the average number in a month and then press equals

    Let me know what figure you get .;)

    Now why do they charge more? Well may be its just you who gets charged more because I pay the same .

    Or may be because high traffic area's have more people so charging more works, though again it's a fiction of your imagination .

    Slice of watermelon is 10 baht no matter where the cart is.

    Now do tell what does customer per hour have to do with daily sales?

    Now that you finished being an expert , try to obsorbe information provided and next time do not pay more because you too naive to believe it must cost more

  13. I love the expert opinion on hi- so and poor man.

    The fact that "poor man"makes about 5000 per day/ 150000 per month , tax free with no expenses like rent or electric does not even pass some people mind wink.png

    My neighbor, Som tam cart lady owns her house outright, 3 cars and kids at uni .

    When going to " work " she always looks poor.

    2 clowns / magicians on walking street look poor , only to own 4 townhouses and 2 cars and 6 kids each

    Sorry dont believe you even in the slightest.

    Sorry to disappoint, but could not care less what you believecoffee1.gif

  14. I love the expert opinion on hi- so and poor man.

    The fact that "poor man"makes about 5000 per day/ 150000 per month , tax free with no expenses like rent or electric does not even pass some people mind ;)

    My neighbor, Som tam cart lady owns her house outright, 3 cars and kids at uni .

    When going to " work " she always looks poor.

    2 clowns / magicians on walking street look poor , only to own 4 townhouses and 2 cars and 6 kids each

  15. That man deserves a medal.

    Nobody knows either the short-term or the long-term future of anything.

    I just hope you negative folks, or your grand children, are never in a similar situation to many of these refugees. Bottom line - you don't have any total guarantee of the current quality of life you enjoy.

    In reality the future of the whole world could go in many different directions. We all need to have some compassion and contribute to creating a civil world where all world citizens have safety and security and opportunity for choices in regard to work to feed their families.

    Australia has a very good experience taking in refuges from Lebanon during their civil war.

    Crime rates being growing ever since and jails always full of customers of the same origin

  16. I had a business in Oz and have one in Thailand .

    In terms of permits, insurances and compliances thailand is by far easier than Oz, because of its " donation " system .

    In terms of staff, suppliers and operations Thailand is a nightmare.

    Taxes are easier in Thailand but Oz system is pretty straight forward .

    Also the lack of skilled labor and accountability in Thailand can and does drive one crazy

  17. My reply was about your unfounded statements and generalization. The squandering of the aid money is largely the result of the Israelis bombing, schools or a hospital, or living areas of Palestinians, which were build before with aid money. Ironically the bombs were paid for by the USA and EU (not Israeli themselves)

    As i said reality for arabs or arab lovers is as useful as a fridge to an Eskimo.

    Israel does not bomb Westbank, so whats your excuse now?whistling.gif

    Israel, unlike any arab state on this planet gives them residency and citizenship, while everywhere else they stay as refugees and kept like kettle.

    Israel, unlike their homeland pays social security benefit of $600 per month, Israeli tax payers money.

    Remind me again what social benefit payments are in Westbank? Gaza? Egypt? Jordan? and how much can a Palestinian arab get say in Egypt or Jordan?

    Ironically, you do not have a clue who paid for what, so stop making fool out of yourself making silly statements.blink.png

  18. You will not like this but

    1. You were driving the wrong way, so your fault 100%

    2. Sure they have insurance but would not make a claim so you liable .

    3. In my opinion 12000 is too much but this is what they demand and if you do not go to police station with them , this is what you will pay.

    My best advise is to go down to BMW dealer and get a quote with them.

    Sure can be fixed cheaper at a local shop and I doubt they would be fixing it, but this would be the wisest choice to get real price from dealer .

    Door paint is 2000 baht for sure.

    Fix the dent, no more than 1000.

    They might demand car rental but I believe dealer provides courtesy car

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