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Posts posted by konying

  1. Meanwhile the Palestinians despite all the injustices and repeated instances of the OP atrocity are still there after 66 years...and they are out breeding their occupiers.

    The next serious elephant in the room question as the world's attention is grabbed by the present OP obscenity is ..what is Israel going to do about all this? And this time the whole world is watching.

    More of the same OP?? As Winston Churchill? once said:

    "It is a good thing to follow the First Law of Holes: if you are in one, stop digging."

    Yes, and they managed to keep refuge status for the entire 66 years, which happens to be the only people who managed to keep refuge status for that long, at least thats something to be proud of.

    Its not something Israel should be proud of. But soon will change whether Israel likes it or not.

    Has little to do with Israel.

    Look up what happened in 1948 and tell me again who is to blame?

  2. When an occupying force is denying you the right to self determination, you can either resist whatever the odds or collaborate.

    History is full of examples of injustices ended by brave resistance. This OP incident is no exception.

    Palestinians have more than rocks to fight against live ammunition; today they have Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, and a whole panoply of international instant communication. Hence we are discussing this atrocity now on TVF.

    Israel will ultimately be shamed into capitulation by world pressure.

    Sorry but tired of the same boring nonsense.

    They never had any self determination to start with nor have any planned for the near futurecoffee1.gif

    .. the Palestinians are slowly but surely reaching universally recognized statehood.The truth will out. Always does ultimately.
    "As of 30 October 2014, 135 (69.9%) of the 193 member states of the United Nations have recognised the State of Palestine."
    The IDF is shoving the proverbial uphill without a barrow if they hope to resist it.
    The atrocity in the OP is another PR nail in the coffin for Israeli propaganda.

    Sorry truth about what?

    Truth that they will always live off foreign aid? I am certain its already clear

    Truth that they can not build anything and have no leadership? i am certain its already clear

    Truth that they are not interested in living in peace? That is also very clear

    Truth that they never existed as a nation? That is also a known fact.

    As you so proudly proclaimed, 66 years, no economy, no army, no functioning government.

    NO recognition from any of the arab brothers, ALL arab nations keep them in refuge camps, ALL arab brothers refuse to give them perm residency or citizenship.

    SOME arab brothers known to slaughter them at one point in time, SOME arab brothers are slaughtering them now.

    The sooner you realize the easier your life would be that Israel is actually the only one who extends any courtesy to them even if you think Israel's way is a wrong way.

    over 2 million of them have Israeli citizenship, they do not get beheaded and do not get judged by sharia law or a law of the ruling mullah

  3. Meanwhile the Palestinians despite all the injustices and repeated instances of the OP atrocity are still there after 66 years...and they are out breeding their occupiers.
    The next serious elephant in the room question as the world's attention is grabbed by the present OP obscenity is ..what is Israel going to do about all this? And this time the whole world is watching.
    More of the same OP?? As Winston Churchill? once said:
    "It is a good thing to follow the First Law of Holes: if you are in one, stop digging."

    Yes, and they managed to keep refuge status for the entire 66 years, which happens to be the only people who managed to keep refuge status for that long, at least thats something to be proud of.

  4. Konying. It is you who have shown your lack of local knowledge re your Phuket comments exposed thanks to ThaiDown.

    Carry on ranting. You have to get your kicks somehow until you can find yourself a good English speaking g/f with similar culture and values

    You mean gf NOT from the bar?giggle.gif

    My lack of knowledge re Phuket? Go register your 20 year lease and then come back yelping.whistling.gif

    Troll, see you in 6 months with another thread on what to do because gf threw you outcoffee1.gif

  5. Yes sure it's annoying about all the little extra charges, especially when one wants cheapest as possible yet best.

    No different to people booking into budget hotels with no service charge yet expect 5 star services and all the extra 's free of charge.

    Plenty of full cost airlines where all charges are included in the price, just price is double ;)

  6. Poor konying.

    You really must have suffered during your relationships with foreign ladies to have so much bitterness within you.

    You shouldn't assume that all of us meet their girlfriends in the same sort of establishments you obviously do.

    I have no concern regarding the integrity of my girlfriend but one mustn't assume that because I am a lot older than her that I will leave this earth before she does. In the event that I don't, it would seem wise to safeguard my future security. Hope things turn out for you better in the future as it is clear some things in the past have built up this enormous chip on your shoulder that you are clearly burdened with.

    Possibly due to an old age you do not grasp the basics .

    You are the foolish one buying house in gf name .

    You are the one with trust issues, otherwise you would not be doing a lease

    You are the one, completely oblivious to local laws, rules or regulations and yet here you are questioning my abilities?

    Can only hope your batgirl can spell your name properly or spell it at all or know what your blood type is.

    Crawl back under your rock instead of making bigger fool out of yourself.

  7. ^^ Leases of more than 3 years up to 30 years if recorded on the chanote at the land Office are legal.

    The Phuket cases relate to 30+30+30 year leases which were, of course, ruled illegal. The unexpected suggestion was that the whole of the lease agreement, including the first 30 years was therefore null and void.

    Again , leases up to 30 years (recorded on the chanote) are legal. If the lease was not registered at the Land Office then the 20 year lease is not valid.

    I believe that an unregistered 20 year lease will be treated in law as a 3 year lease NOTE this is only my belief, get legal advice for the truth of the matter.,

    You could be right as I said I was not too sure about the legality of 20 year lease , I do know when I did lease of my business it had to be 3x3x3 and so on to be registered with land office

    Do not recall the reason why

  8. Assuming that the 20 year lease has been registered at the Land Office and is noted on the chanote, the lease is legal.

    She can sell the property during the 20 year period but the outstanding part of the 20 year lease must be honoured by the new owner.

    On your death the lease is terminated since, in Thailand, it is considered a personal right not a real asset that can be passed onto heirs.

    If you have any assets in Thailand then you should make a will stating exactly how they should be distributed.

    I am pretty certain 20 year leases are not legal, recent court ruling in Phuket ruled out 30 year leases, so 20 year lease might fall in the same category .

    I seriously doubt op registered it with the land office, because if he did gf would be liable for yearly tax payments

    Bar girl love is tough, when one needs a lease yet calls gf closer than a blood family.

  9. She owns it, but couldn't sell it while I am alive during the 20 year lease. After I die does the lease cease to exist or do my next of kin have ownership of it for the remainder of the term. Not too difficult to understand the problem.

    Konying my g/f is closer to me than my next of kin but from your comment that would appear to be something you have never experienced.

    May be 3rd time lucky.

    She owns it and can do with it what ever she likes, including selling it.

    You are right I have never experienced a girlfriend to be closer than next of kin, who does not speak my language , does not understand my culture or values .

    True love ;)

  10. So presumably Konying you have not made a will because you don't give a damn what happens to any of your next of kin after you have gone

    1. You said GF, hardly next of kin

    2. Again, YOU bought a house in HER name, what happens to her? she owns the house now and will continue to own it. Common sense should prevail at some pointw00t.gif

  11. Sweden, Norway - what's the difference...;-)

    Where Holland comes in? Part of the "Coalition of the Paranoide" - and the anti-Russia hysteria that's consumed the West in recent years.

    Good that Norway has the courage to admit this mistake.

    Waiting now for Holland to admit that there is not enough evidence to claim that Malaysia Airlines flight was shot down by the rebels, and there is a probability that it was actually shot down by the Ukraine Army.

    Where does Norway come into this?

    And why should it effect the report of the Netherlands' government the shooting down of the Malaysian passenger plane?

    I know who I'd believe between Netherlands and Russia - and it ain't Vlad and his mates.

    Russian Bear escorted today by Norwegian Airforce then RAF Thyphoons out of Lossimouth, prob be more of that paranoid, anti-Russian western sentiment again (against the peaceful, iternational law abiding Mother Russia who cares after the defenceless poor peoples of the world and defends international human rights...


    Today? or 6 months ago?

  12. When an occupying force is denying you the right to self determination, you can either resist whatever the odds or collaborate.

    History is full of examples of injustices ended by brave resistance. This OP incident is no exception.

    Palestinians have more than rocks to fight against live ammunition; today they have Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, and a whole panoply of international instant communication. Hence we are discussing this atrocity now on TVF.

    Israel will ultimately be shamed into capitulation by world pressure.

    Sorry but tired of the same boring nonsense.

    They never had any self determination to start with nor have any planned for the near futurecoffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  13. What is it with Australians who knowingly break the law abroad and then seek public support to escape the punishment set forth for breaking that law?

    Maybe he should just go ahead with their laws an bang a few 9 year old girls instead would that make you happy you P O S I bet you are a muslim

    Seriously! You'd have to marry the girl to do that, and I doubt they'd let an infidel marry one of theirs in KSA.

    I forget what the punishment for unmarried sex is in KSA, but it's pretty severe.

    I doubt you've even been there to write such rubbish.

    Just out of curiosity, what if one was to convert for the time being.

    Would all the punishments apply the same? and would one still be considered an infidel or part of the brotherhood?

  14. Like it or not, this was expected after US fiasco with Ukraine.

    Did US administration think Putin will just take the abuse and crawl into a corner.

    I am afraid, this is only the start, more to follow to undermine US everywhere else.

    Already some UN members are advising US to listen to Russian advice on Syria,(though unsure what the actual advice was)

    One thing you can not take away from Putin is that he is an excellent tactician and plays very well.

    Only US is surprised, this was most certainly expected and the more US and NATO play around Russian borders, there would be more sales to come and not always to the friendliest people on this planet.

    • Like 2
  15. Sorry for being out of line, but who is the childish one?rolleyes.gif

    Brother touched my hand? is this some kind of a joke?

    Has brother hit the OP? no, Has brother said anything bad to OP? no

    OP, Grow a pair of balls and either be a man of the family or move aside.

    What is wrong with being touched? its not as if brother grabbed your testicles or grabbed you by the neck.

    If you too insecure about your sexuality, go try a ladyboy and then a man and see what you feel.

  16. "...Russia hopes the Swedish military and civil authorities will be soberer in assessing the security situation in the Baltic Sea..."

    Yeah, the Russians would NEVER do this would they...nah...never! cheesy.gif

    Have they?w00t.gif

    I seem to recall an incident when a Russian sub ran aground in Swedish waters ... led to lots of jokes about 'Whisky On The Rocks' ! rolleyes.gif


    So Russian sub running aground was a security threat to Sweden?whistling.gif

  17. Perhaps the legal context will tell you more about the degree of consiousness :

    1. actus reus: any conduct resulting in the death of another individual. This is when you shoot with live bullets to a crowd. No Israeli was reported as hurted... but a few palestinians were shot with live ammo and rubber bullets.

    2. mens rea: intent or knowledge that the conduct would result in the death. Palestinians went to a funeral for a relative. IDF forces didn't really had to go to the funeral in occupied territory. Armed soldiers worked provocative.

    A fragile counscience is acceptable in a funeral if you're a relative of the victim. The funeral could have happened completely different and peacefull without IDF.

    Why do not you try to attack a police officer in your country and if you do not get shot on the spot, you could use the degrees of conscientiousness in court and see how well it will do you thumbsup.gif

    A police officer is not occupying my land illegally. If the IDF were not occupying the West Bank illegally they would not have rocks thrown at them by way of resistance and especially in retaliation for murdering of fellow Palestinians.

    It looks like the IDF yet again provoked the situation.

    And if police officer was occupying your land, you would be stupid to attack armed men with power to use his arms.

    Looks like IDF provoked? as usual you rightrolleyes.gif , morons threw rocks and burning tires, and IDF dared to respond.

  18. I don't get it. What's the big deal? It's not as if so-called Americans and Europeans aren't guilty of being in support of their own leaders from doing that and much more. US military budget annually totals more than all other nations combined.

    I have no problem with Iran. It's a country many thousands of miles away, and every Iranian I meet when out and about are truly kind and generous and seriously interested in my thoughts about world events.

    Iran is a great country with a great history, cultural values, traditions, etc. and moreover has not attacked anyone in over 200 years.

    How many military bases does Iran have all over the world?

    Yes... and no!

    That Iran has not attacked anyone for 200 years is simply untrue.

    That Iran has military bases in the world is demonstrably true.

    Yes, many Iranians I meet are charming and gracious. But this is usually how things are once past the polices of any government. It is always the regular folks who get screwed.

    It is true that Iran has used its military wing (Hizbollah) to attack targets, but usually in response to assassinations by the Israelis.

    Israel has something to do with Syria or Yemen or Iraq ?

    Do tell, love to hear it

  19. Can you image if this happen to a Aussie in Israel The Australian Government the UN and most of the world will go crazy

    But Saudi Arabia nothing

    Wake up soon

    But I doubt that they will

    Some countries have strict drug and alcohol laws. The whole world did not go crazy over a couple of Aussies caught with drugs in Indonesia. I doubt the whole world would go crazy over Aussie criminals in Israel. And the whole world will not go crazy over an Aussie breaking the law in KSA.

    Yet the very same countries expect and demand different treatment for their citizens when abroadblink.png

    The hypocrisy of "some" countries and religions

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