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Posts posted by konying

  1. Regarding the OP ... I am not getting why it is remarkable.

    There were soldiers with weapons that soldiers have.

    There was provocation from a crowd of hostiles.

    Things went south.

    It's hardly surprising.

    It's not like the story in the U.S. of the guy getting shot in the back by a cop just for running away where there was no provocation or threat to the cop.

    It IS hardly surprising, they WERE provocative, but I think what you're missing is that the report is a record of the ongoing conflict. We shouldn't ignore it. We should not wait just for the huge death toll incidents to report them.

    Labeling them as "hostiles" is perhaps accurate in a literal and relative way, but deceptive in reality. Just as the (so-called at the time) "red Indians" were "hostiles" to the white man...actually they were freedom fighters, indeed hostile to the interlopers, but in retrospect, can anyone blame the Native Americans for being "hostile" to the people occupying, by force, their lands?

    And maybe it is like the story in the US that you refer to. The parallel is an unarmed civilian vs a well armed trained man. We're outraged at what happened in the US, but some here simply say, "Throw a stone at a cop, expect to get shot" with regard to the OP incident. Could I equally say, "Run from a cop, expect to get shot"? (Some on here will no doubt say YES!!!, lol).

    Where do you draw the line? Run, expect not to get shot, throw a stone, expect to get shot.

    At least in the running scenario, the cop can say the crim would have got away. In the stone throwing, the cop could conceivably have gone in and arrested the stone thrower WITHOUT KILLING HIM.

    It sure is nice and safe to type away behind the safety of a screen.

    Have you ever actually confronted anyone throwing rocks at you or burning tires?

    Have you ever served in a real conflict? in situation where you were outnumbered?

    If you have not, for the life of me, i can not see how you could be in the position to say what soldiers could have or should have done

    Self defense ? Another similar case in Beyt Ummar from 14th of March 2014.

    "The Israeli occupation forces stormed the town cemetery today, during the funeral of Badria Abu Maria, and throw gas grenades and sound grenades, causing injuries and suffocation to the participants. 31 citizens were injured, one of them seriously, a 15 years old boy Mohamed Ahmed Shehadeh Abu Ayyash, was shot in his head with live ammunition from a short distance and was taken to Ahlia hospital in Hebron. He is still in serious condition. Another injured teenager from live ammunition was 18 year old Omar Arafat Isa Zaaqiq, that was shot in his chest and was also taken to a Ahlia hospital by the Red Cross ambulance. Three more teenagers in the age of 15 to 17 were injured by rubber bullets in different parts of their bodies, and were taken to Maaganhm medical complex in the town. Their situation is stable. Another eight young men and boys were injured from rubber bullets in different parts of their bodies and received treatment in the place of injury. Dozens of other citizens suffered from suffocation due to tear gas and used the occupation forces. The Israeli occupation forces shot skunk weapon (water with malodorant chemicals) into Palestinian houses at the area of the German school for girls, and fired live ammunition, rubber bullets and gas from inside the school yard."


    Please forgive me for not even reading Palestinian news , after all the have Micky mouse killing Jews

    • Like 1
  2. Regarding the OP ... I am not getting why it is remarkable.

    There were soldiers with weapons that soldiers have.

    There was provocation from a crowd of hostiles.

    Things went south.

    It's hardly surprising.

    It's not like the story in the U.S. of the guy getting shot in the back by a cop just for running away where there was no provocation or threat to the cop.

    Because any opportunity to bash Israel is a good one, no matter if the incident or circumstances were reasonable or notwai2.gif

    Beyt Ummar is not exactly Israel, whatever attempt in history derogation you will try to force...

    So, every IDF killing outside Israel is unlawfull !

    Strange, never realised self defence was unlawful or had limits to locations, but do not let common sense stop you, does not stop the Arabs so neither should stop you.

    • Like 2
  3. That is currency from THE BRITISH MANDATE OF PALESTINE with Hebrew, English and Arab writing. There has NEVER been an independent Arab country called Palestine. clap2.gif

    And when did the COUNTRY of Israel become existent?

    Palestinians just want the same thing....self determination in a sovereign land.

    Do they? they sure know how to show itrolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  4. we have a problem with our condo manager he refuses to hold a meeting to elect owners committee, has anybody used the Armies anti corruption hotline if so how did it work for you

    What does anti corruption have to do with condo manager?

    Why not call pest control?

    Better yet, spend 10 mins to read the OP to get an ideathumbsup.gif

  5. Consumer Protection Board ??? Stop the myth, this is Thailand !

    I've a problem with Boothavorn, the big DIY company in Bangkok. I wanted to fill an online complain and print it out to help with the negotiation but for that you need to register first. That's what I tried to do. Guess what ?

    Server Error in '/Complain' Application.

    The resource cannot be found.

    Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

    Requested URL: /Complain/Account/.../account/condition.aspx

    Freaking clowns !!!

    Edit : you may think it's a joke. It is but not exactly a funny one. Try for yourself http://complain.ocpb.go.th/

    Try picking up the phone? Not exactly rocket science, unless you want someone to prepare your food and chew it for yourolleyes.gif

    Joke, indeed


  6. It's funny how Isaan family ties pops up when riding someone else's back.

    The moment money or inconvenience is self related , all over sudden family no longer exists.

    Reminds me of a nice girl I knew who came crying one day because her father has cancer and chemo was not free.

    I told her to go take out a loan to pay for it( she had a decent job)

    The tears stopped and response was unbeatable.

    But if I borrow money , I have to pay it back .

    Long story short, father died without any treatmemt.

    Isaan family ties ;)

    • Like 1
  7. Israel builds and advances while the Palestinians refuse peace offer after peace offer and remain in a purgatory mostly of their own making.

    Yes again, builds and advances on land not their own.

    While Israel refuses peace deals in order to keep building settlements. Israel keeps doing the same things and expects a different result. They will have to change the way they donthings if they want peace.

    Linky, i posted for you before, since you missed it will repost again

    Hamas rejects 5-year Israeli truce in exchange for end to Gaza blockade http://rt.com/news/240209-hamas-rejects-truce-deal/

    Tell me again, why Israel should be bending over backwards? Who is the superior power?

    • Like 1
  8. Perhaps the legal context will tell you more about the degree of consiousness :

    1. actus reus: any conduct resulting in the death of another individual. This is when you shoot with live bullets to a crowd. No Israeli was reported as hurted... but a few palestinians were shot with live ammo and rubber bullets.

    2. mens rea: intent or knowledge that the conduct would result in the death. Palestinians went to a funeral for a relative. IDF forces didn't really had to go to the funeral in occupied territory. Armed soldiers worked provocative.

    A fragile counscience is acceptable in a funeral if you're a relative of the victim. The funeral could have happened completely different and peacefull without IDF.

    Why do not you try to attack a police officer in your country and if you do not get shot on the spot, you could use the degrees of conscientiousness in court and see how well it will do you thumbsup.gif

    • Like 2
  9. Facts of life when economy struggles crime goes up.

    Pattaya being mainly tourist populated, makes it an easy target.

    No fines or jail time will ever change that.

    Some countries have death penalties for drugs yet it does not stop people from selling and using.

    Thai laws are also pretty tough on drugs, yet people continue to use, sell and transport.

    I also believe younger generation are not being raised with manners or any ethics, They are lazy but want to have all the nice gadgets.

    Crime may not have changed but reporting has.

    • Like 1
  10. So, has the 400,000 Chinese cheapskates arrived yet? Nobody passing through swampy to confirm this?

    Pattaya roads are chocker blocked full of them in buses, while markets, restaurants, shopping malls and bars remain empty.

    Some people do not grasp the concept of quantity versus quality.

    I would much rather own a bar that has only 10 patrons, who are drinking, then own a bar which is packed, yet no one is drinking anything.

    Though for the onlookers, the full bar looks great and fun, yet i am the one making the money in the end of the daybiggrin.png

    • Like 2
  11. Israel has a problem. They better solve it, before the whole world (except a

    few)comes down on them.

    Or so the irrational obsessive Israel demonizers WISH.

    Of course Israel has a problem.

    So do many other countries, and often much worse.

    But for some strange reason, so many are focused ONLY on Israel.

    Hmm. coffee1.gif

    To the Israel demonizers Israel "solving" their problems translates as Israel giving up it's fight to exist.

    Good luck with that.

    Every victim, from both sides, can be seen as a tragedy.

    Why not for the guy from the OP ?

    Because when you attack someone who is armed you make a conscience choice that you could be hurt or even killed

  12. Sounds like Pattaya is burning, time to get some popcorn and a cold drink . Pattaya is a mess, outdated roads, flooding, crime, A big city on the water and they have no idea how to take advantage of this. Walking street on the ocean side should be all open air bars and restaurants with huge patios to enjoy the ocean breeze and moonlit sky.

    How about changing the traffic flow on beach road and second road, knock some buildings down so Jomtein second road and beach road Pattaya come together at some point and second road Pattaya joins smoothly into Jomtein second road. If you had some Engineering vision you could see this easily. No more sharp curve at walking street and of course getting rid of all the crap parked on beach road.

    Seeing this will never happen Pattaya will slowly get worse. Instead of building something like a bypass or over pass the are going to build a short little tunnel which will not to anything to relieve traffic congestion.

    Bangkok is no different,

    Was there over the long weekend, In Nana go go's, i visited 6 at around 10 pm, there were 2-3 customers in each.

    Patpong was totally dead.

    Pratunam Markets, you could actually easily walk

    I believe there were similar murmurings of discontent emanating from Phuket a while back, but then one of the guesthouse owners reported that he was booked out till the end of May - not sure what's going on down there but overall its not looking good for what remains of this 'high' season.

    Patpong not patong:)

  13. Can not help but wonder who is the idiot who wrote this piece ?

    What hotels are booked? Chinese owned ones? Or the ones catering to Chinese groups?what airlines are full? The charter ones catering to Chinese groups?

    Yes, thailand will be packed out with Chinese in the busses blocking the streets , how exactly would it benefit restaurants? Bars? Shopping malls or markets?

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