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Posts posted by dirtycash

  1. Agreed. But you should be able to walk around freely without being harassed by these nut jobs. They are the source of many crimes here in Pattaya. Don't want to generalize, but those on beach road late at night need to be dealt with.

    I no longer get bothered by them, might have something to do with having my 40kg pitbul with me wink.png

    Happy to rent him out on hourly basis smile.png

    Had a friend a girl with maybe 40 kg who had an unusual big Rottweiler and always went for a walk in a pretty bad area. She told frequently other women asked her if they can walk along and if she might change the route a bit so it goes closer to their place.....Lovely dog...unfortunately complete untrained and a bit nervous.....

    Oh mine has not had any training , since puppy he hates Thai man. No idea why. Loves women but hates Thai man

    oh my god ...........what next. another clown who hates thai men ,eh ? coffee1.gif but he employs ladyboys gigglem.gif

  2. cats do not scare rats ... ive seen rats and cats feeding from the same bin bags in kao san road in bkk. rats would probably kill the cats, i dont believe for a minute tht rats are scared of cats ive witnessed it many times in bkk. i have a video of it in my files here but i cant copy and paste it here for some reason.

    buy a good terrier.

  3. i was with a very good thai friend last week in bkk around sukumvit just at the junction heading towards soi cowboy there are a lot of street beggers. some of these children had no arms or were blinded intentionally. my friend told me that a lot of them are kidnapped by mafia gangs and sold and made to beg. i knew there was some truth in it but my friend assured me it is very real situation.

    dear god how can anyone be so cruel . and surely the police can do something about this ? or any charitable organisations ?

  4. best visa option if i were you would be the non (o) you can get it in 2 days from the thai consulate in hull . it will do you for 1 year and 3 months im pretty sure though you,ll need to ask the experts in the visa section.

    check this link, im sure you have the 800000k - http://www.youblawg.com/immigration-law/royal-thai-consulate-in-hull-uk-said-non-o-visas-now-need-800000-thb

  5. get the yellowbus or the bell bus from roi et to bkk. from bkk get a cheap flight via www.skyscanner.com for around 3000 thb. under no circumstances even attempt to get a minibus from bkk to samui ...ever !!!

    the bigger coaches are decent enough with vibrating fold back comfortable spacess seats. yellowbus have a website you,ll need to google it. here is bell bus website - https://www.belltravelservice.com from bkk i think bus leaves around 12am midnight and it takes around 12 hours

    if for me, i will allways fly for 3000 thb, the bus cost plus the ferry cost to island plus the 12 hours journey is just not worth it. get a flight. though i do enjoy going with the car so i,ll usually leave udon thani, stay in bkk a night , then another night in hau hin then ill leave hau hin at night to get to samui in morning.

  6. africans get a free 60 day entry. you know the ones selling <removed> on walking street and nana. thats just an example , what about the arabs and iranians / indians ? why give poorer countries better visa options. i cant understand the logic behind their thinking. and then they are now making it harder for the ED visa , making it difficult for the decent hard honest working guy to earn a living, why ?

    ive spent countless millions upon millions of baht here so im dumbfounded blink.png

    • Like 1
  7. Of course they give. It's to purge all the bad karma they've gathered. Wasn't it some carpenter in an old fable that did a crackdown on priests selling similar services? Anyway, I suppose it's 10b for adultery, 100b for murder and 100M baht for calling the Junta <deleted>.

    they are greedy and selfish people , they only give to get something back !!!!

  8. Ground floor pool side 34sqm and in Thai company name for 2.5M? Is this in central New York? Keep dreaming. I wonder when will people wake up from their dreams and stop buying these overpriced "bargains".

    On the MAtrix HP they sell the cheapest 34sqm Condo now for: 1,489,000 THB/


    Good luck finding another Idiot that pays almost double ;-)

    looks like your the retard here.

  9. after having some trouble trying to find out a more comfortable route from hau hin to pattaya ( instead of taking the dreaded minivan ) i will leave you this up to date information.

    ok heres the link to their website - http://www.iloveyellowbus.com/en2/contactus.php

    the price is one way 455 baht. only 2 stops in chonburi. journey time approx 5 hrs.

    get there from hau hin centre you go towards cha am past the hau hin airport approx 3 kilo and there you will find the yellowbus station pick up point. unfortunately they dont pick up inside of hau hin which is a bit stupid, saving you from getting a taxi 10 kilo away.

    new express bell bus. have read that bell bus will start a new route from hau hin to pattaya , starting on 1st december 2015. here is the link to their website - https://www.belltravelservice.com/pages/PageHome.aspx

  10. i refuse to travel by these mini vans again, last two times from pattaya and then bkk to hau hin have been a nightmare. crazy drivers, broken laptop in my luggage due to being dropped from back of van. squashed in like sardines, farang off course allways get the worst seat. no aircon.

    anyway, what is my best option to go via coach from hau hin to pattaya .

    i cant find any website for yellowbus, anyone know where i can find link for yellowbus and where is the depot / station in hau hin. i have tried bellbus but the route is only starting on 1st december. i need to travel soon this week.

    thanks in advance

  11. easy enough drive, i done it a few times though i split the run and stay a night in hau hinn, then leaving hau hinn next morning early to get onto ferry to samui around afternoon. watch driving through bangkok its a nightmare and one wrong turn will cost you hours.

    stick to superhighway/motorway right to lat krabang, then take the motorway no9 road to bang na direction, stay on no9 road and it will bring you onto the kanchanapisek road, then take the 35 road to samut sakon. after samut sakon its an easy drive but boring so hence the stop in hau hin.

  12. What B.S. , talks to 20 and comes to this conclusion. What a rag of a publication to call this writer a reporter.

    How many have you spoken to?

    BS back. i know a massage worker in soi honey pattaya , she is 26 years old, her name is superstar ( wonder why ) she earns average 8-10k a day sometimes as much as 20k a day - 300000k a month average. plus she has 3-4 farangs sending her money from abroad. she allways has a large smile on her face.

    please tell me she doesnt just love her life in thailand.

  13. "But came anyways because it was cheap and women are submissive. "

    I've never found any 'submissive', but have found many 'readily available'.

    As for what happens here,

    My money is imported, so generally speaking, and short of civil war,

    The worse things are locally, the better off I am as a retired person.

    bet you look like your avatar

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