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Posts posted by dirtycash

  1. im just back from pattaya last month, building work on ccr has been slow, i was talking to a guy there who overseas the construction ( farang ) who is not in any way connected to matrix developers. the guy told me that he has heard from a very good solid source that building work is going to stop , asked why he said matrix have run out of money. now my friend has just called me to say he has been round there today and said there are no workers on site. he also sent me up to date pics and it seems the building work has not progressed any since i was last there 4-5 weeks ago

    i have the contract and it states i,ll get my money back if building is not completed. but if matrix have no money then who pays me ? my condo is in a thai company name although no company has been formed as yet. just wondering should i get it into my thai wifes name quickly incase these are not only rumours.

  2. Why would tourist come to Thailand and pay as much for a restaurant meal and a beer as they would at home?

    Because the Issan hooker (from the OP) he takes home, after dinner and the beer, costs 1/10 the price of a western girl and is 10x more attractive (not to mention 1/2 the age and 1/2 the weight).

    But now you have an increasing numbers of tourists ( farangs ) in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodscha and Myanmar. Most of this places are cheaper and easier ( Visa ) as Thailand. Thailand is down for theie politicle situation and mant restrictions and the habit of cheating / overprizing the people.

    my next stop colombia.... 180 days on arrival, FREE

  3. Do you really think you got a 300,000 thb discount ?

    yes i did . check the price list here - http://matrixpattaya.com/pricelists/city-center/pricelist.pdf

    i bought for 2.5 total cash payment pre sale. on completion they ( 35 sqm one bedroom ground floor ) are selling for 2610000 with no furniture package inc. empty shell with no units or air con or anything.

    as you can see from the price list 95% of all one bedrooms are allready sold . only studios left of around 70% of studios have been sold.

  4. I wish the OP would be clearer about what he has done.

    What name is on the purchase contract? His? Some company name? Has his company actually been formed yet?

    If he wants to give the thing to his Thai daughter anyway he should just transfer the contract to her now and that way the chanote (when it arrives after completion) will be in her name and he wont need a company at all.

    As far as I know it costs about 20,000B to wind up a company, but I am far from being an expert.

    the contract is obviously in my own name now, the thai company will be made further down the line upon copletion , im led to believe . so can anyone advise would they rent it, sell it now , or put it in my daughters name to avoid paying thai company fees , but then my daughters mum is her sole carer and could get her paws on this condo and sell it.

  5. DO NOT under any circumstances...leave your daughter alone with these two boys...she may have been molested already and does not want to be left alone with them...she is vulnerable and defenseless...you are her only protector,..DO YOUR JOB...

    sorry for any mix up, all kids are now living in uk with their mum who is thai , with who i am seperated and living apart soon to be divorced.

    i have allways sat down and told my daughter the rules :

    1. not to sit with her skirt up,

    2. not to go into toilet when a boy or man is in the toilet,

    3. not to talk to strangers,

    4. never ever to keep a secret ( she can allways trust her daddy or a teacher ) without us blaming her in anyway.

    5. if she goes away with mum she has never to be left alone in bed ( her mum goes away regularly to stay with friends )

    so she does know and understand the rules. as i say ive bought her a phone to keep with her at all times. her aunt is a police woman and has also told her the rules. i will get her aunt to keep drumming these rules into her . as i also said before when this ladyboy friend of my wifes told me never to let my daughter stay with " thai boy / brothers " that made me really concerned. i told her surely thai boy is the same as any farang boy and her answer was " thai man not good , thai boy is known to do this type of thing with sister because he dont care " also the reason she does never want to be left alone with them, she has grown up with them both in isaan and here in uk since born so why now she doesnt want to stay with them alone, surely this is not normal behaviour ? ive often asked her many times but do not want to push it.

    im just asking on here to see if any one else had the same worries , issues.

  6. Sorry just to clear this up...you are all in the UK?

    If so leaving a young girl all night in the care of a 15 year old has to constitute an offence in itself I would have thought.

    exactly, i have pulled my wife about this, she seems to think the boys can look after her but i go around there and all they do is sit in their rooms playing video games in darkness.

    its a sad state of affairs but ive been warned by my sister and previous gf not to involve social services in uk as my child could be taken into care. ive now bought her a small phone to keep on her at all times so i can call her.

  7. The bottom line here is a responsible adult should be looking after your daughter at all times.

    You need to fix that immediately.

    i have spoken to the 2 twin boys, they have been left under no illusions of what the consequences will be, though i worry if this would stop anything happening. my wife has the mai pen rai attitude when i talk to her about my concerns, she brushes it off. i allways just wonder my my daughter hates staying with them , its wrong. my ex wife needs to go to work to support the kids and i allways now take my daughter but i will need to gom away to work soon.

    when my wifes friend told me that abuse is rife amoungst thai teenagers and especially when its with their ( not full sister ) this scared the sh*t out of me. now im more paranoid as ever which is probably a good thing so i allways ask my daughter everyday if she is ok etc and look out for any signs though sometimes she does seem to be withdrawn.

    there has been a good few times ive went round to check on my daughter when my wife has went to work and the last time was 8pm at night , i asked one boy where is his young sister , he shrugged his shoulders and said he didnt know where she was, i told him it was dark outside and never leave her outside alone ( dumb stupid little ********** ) its as if they just dont care . lucky my wifes friend a neighbour had her with her at her home. i told my ex wife about her sons letting my kid out at that time and her reply was " yes i yak him because he stupid ) thats not a good enough excuse, though i suspect she didnt really shout too much at them .

    wish i had of left them back in thailand years ago, i fought through 3 high court cases against the border agency to let them join their mum in uk but really ive regretted it ever since. seems they do not give a sh*t about much. one was suspended last week for fighting in school. the other has been in constant trouble for being disrespectfull to teachers and telling one teacher to f** k off. all this after the money and heart ache it cost me to get them here.

    im living on my nerves everytime my wife has to work.

  8. i really do not know how to word this but i have 2 thai teenage boys 15 yr olds in my ex wifes home both living with my daughter of 6 years old. they arent my biological sons.

    i have some concerns regarding my wife going to work at nights as my daughter allways tells me she does not like staying with her older brothers. i ask her why but she clams up and does not go into detail. once 2 years ago when they first came to our country one of the boys was sitting with my daughter on the sofa and i walked in on them unannounced , i noticed his hand down his pants and it was moving as if masturbating , i screamed at him what the f*** was he palying at, i then called my wife who told me not to be stupid that her son " not same dirty farang kids " though this incident has been etched in my memory now. i did not imagine this either.

    recently a thai ladyboy friend of my wifes told me to be carefull of thai man and thai boy, asked why she told me that incest was rampant amoungst thai teenage boys and they may touch her , so now im scared sh*tless and really concerned. ok it happens everywhere and one must allways been vigilant.

    has anyone any issues of their own regarding something like this , could this ladyboy be only teling me this to cause trouble between me and my ex wife . no smart ass remarks please , this is a very serious question .

    • Like 1
  9. Have to totally disagree with about everything Theguyfromanotherforum said. Let's crunch the numbers. The OP paid 2.5MB for a small, new fully furnished condo. That's around $72,000 American dollars. I'd love to buy a new, fully furnished condo, even a small one, in a "World class North American city" (his words) for $72,000. So, no Thailand condos are not all more expensive than those in world class north American cities. The baht is trading for around 35.5 to 36 baht to the dollar and is going down against most currencies so that argument is rather weak, too. Now, Theguyfrommanotherforum is worried that the OP will incur "Epic losses" (his words) on this condo. Again, back to the numbers. I don't know what the condo maintenance fee will be but it's likely to not be more than 50 baht per square meter. That works out to around $600 a year for the very comforting knowledge that you will always have a roof over your head. Is $600 a year really "Epic losses"?

    The OP could certainly advertise the condo for sale but if it is in central Pattaya I don't think he will have much trouble renting it. Why? There are not that many nice, new affordable condo projects in central Pattaya so there is less competition and many renters are looking for new condos with more amenities than just a pool. For many renters Central Pattaya is where they want to be and it should be even more desirable when The Bay entertainment/restaurant complex is done next year and in a few years when Asiatique 2 is finished near Central Festival. The Chinese have made Central Pattaya one of their favorite places to be and that market is growing, and not just with tourists. So, chin up, OP!

    And I have to disagree about everything you said. I pretty much stopped reading after "there are not that many nice new affordable projects in central Pattaya ".

    i think hes right though, initially this condo appealled to me for rental market and living in it as its central 4-5 minutes walk from soi buahkao. it has everything included within the development such as .



    steam room jacuzzi


    sports bar

    childrens creche / playroom




    though now when i look at the rental market in pattaya it has fallen dramatically , i can rent a larger condo in pattamak for 15000 a month. but i dont like pratumnak , i like soi buakao area. i was hoping to get 20 - 25k a month for this place but i dont know, time will tell . im not feeling too confident. although they are going to be very very beautifull when finished and a few weeks ago i spoke to the foreign guy in charge of overseeing the construction and he took me a walk round and told me the standard of workman ship is outstanding and he will not let anything pass unless its 100% .

    fingers crossed ;-) heres a link - https://youtu.be/UJo1TeiorZc

    i was hoping to get 20 - 25k a month for this place

    For a 35 sqm shoebox cheesy.gifcheesy.gif There is one born every minute for sure

    ok smartarse, show me a link to a condo of same spec in central pattaya for far less per month.

  10. Have to totally disagree with about everything Theguyfromanotherforum said. Let's crunch the numbers. The OP paid 2.5MB for a small, new fully furnished condo. That's around $72,000 American dollars. I'd love to buy a new, fully furnished condo, even a small one, in a "World class North American city" (his words) for $72,000. So, no Thailand condos are not all more expensive than those in world class north American cities. The baht is trading for around 35.5 to 36 baht to the dollar and is going down against most currencies so that argument is rather weak, too. Now, Theguyfrommanotherforum is worried that the OP will incur "Epic losses" (his words) on this condo. Again, back to the numbers. I don't know what the condo maintenance fee will be but it's likely to not be more than 50 baht per square meter. That works out to around $600 a year for the very comforting knowledge that you will always have a roof over your head. Is $600 a year really "Epic losses"?

    The OP could certainly advertise the condo for sale but if it is in central Pattaya I don't think he will have much trouble renting it. Why? There are not that many nice, new affordable condo projects in central Pattaya so there is less competition and many renters are looking for new condos with more amenities than just a pool. For many renters Central Pattaya is where they want to be and it should be even more desirable when The Bay entertainment/restaurant complex is done next year and in a few years when Asiatique 2 is finished near Central Festival. The Chinese have made Central Pattaya one of their favorite places to be and that market is growing, and not just with tourists. So, chin up, OP!

    And I have to disagree about everything you said. I pretty much stopped reading after "there are not that many nice new affordable projects in central Pattaya ".

    i think hes right though, initially this condo appealled to me for rental market and living in it as its central 4-5 minutes walk from soi buahkao. it has everything included within the development such as .



    steam room jacuzzi


    sports bar

    childrens creche / playroom




    though now when i look at the rental market in pattaya it has fallen dramatically , i can rent a larger condo in pattamak for 15000 a month. but i dont like pratumnak , i like soi buakao area. i was hoping to get 20 - 25k a month for this place but i dont know, time will tell . im not feeling too confident. although they are going to be very very beautifull when finished and a few weeks ago i spoke to the foreign guy in charge of overseeing the construction and he took me a walk round and told me the standard of workman ship is outstanding and he will not let anything pass unless its 100% .

    fingers crossed ;-) heres a link - https://youtu.be/UJo1TeiorZc

  11. As far as my lawyer and my friend who is head honcho at land dept have told me, you can put in kids name but then it can not be sold until kid reaches 18 years old (or maybe it was 21).

    That oughta be long enough for the price to go up considering your kid is only 7 now, eh? Course if you need to money before that, sorry; unless perhaps you simply rent it out for income.

    You'll also face a (substantial) transfer fee if the title is in company name now and needs to be changed. Since you're still in contract phase you can probably change anything but make sure it doesn't end up in your daughter's name unless you're sure you wanna wait that long. And you're sure the Ex isn't gonna have more control over your daughter when the time comes.

    And I think what the other reply suggested is correct, maybe you should just take the hit now if the down payment was small and walk.


    thanks uncleE so i can transfer it now to daughters name ? avoiding the thai company fees and hassle ?

  12. i read somewhere the legal age to own property in thailand is 20 , correct me if im wrong. i have an issue with my condo in a thai company name and want to avoid paying company fees etc every year hence now trying to sell just before completion. the only way around this i see is , sell now, or put it into my daughters name who is half thai and has thai passport, she is nearly 7 years old next month. could io put it into her name now if i give consent and witness the papers signed ? do i wait untill she is 16-17- or what age ? i also heard that a thai can be transfered to the contract as long as parent is there to witness the transfer , again i stand to be corrected on this .

    worst case senario is sit this bloody thing out and ride the storm for a good few years and rent it ( headache ) then give to my kid. sell now possibly at a loss.

    or make some deal with the thai wife , we are still on good terms ( sometimes lol )

  13. so if a thai buys the condo , then obviously he does not want or need the thai registered company and i,ll be stuck with it . so 3 questions please

    1. how much to sell or wrap this company up

    2. if completed and ive no title deeds or company name as yet what foreigner in their right mind will buy it ?

    3. my daughter is near 7 years old. she has thai passport, this was initially investment for her so would it be better to hold onto it , rent it then put it into her name ? and what age can she be before i sign it over to her ? 17 years old or before.

    just hate the fact that i have to pay company fees and taxes every year on top of mainenance fees . i did not know i had to pay company taxes and fees etc before i rushed headlong into this bloody deal. as i say my head was up my ass going through the split up from my wife back home and wasnt thinking straight to be honest.

    so moral of story think long , please think hard and do your homework before investing in anything here.

  14. I would definitely not recommend waiting it out on a condo in Pattaya.

    I think real estate is an excellent "investment" long term, but not in Thailand right now. Thai currency is too high and price per square meter is higher than in most world class North American cities. This is just ridiculous. You are not buying property at the Cannes. You will be waiting long time and with the world class condo maintenance in Thailand you may well wait forever to make a profit.

    As someone here suggested, you really need to sell this unit while still in it's "paper" form otherwise you may incur Epic losses.Have your Thai gf write you an add on Prakard. Up the price a littlebit and you will have a few lowball offers. Negotiate and close the deal. Have done it this myself. Even made a bit of profit. Trust me, way less headache than selling it under ownership. I can only imagine the hassle of it being sold under a Thai company.


    though selling now before completion you say would be better option for me ? why not wait untill complete when i have title deed etc in thai company name . i bought for 2.5 mill with full furnitut=re package 35sqm. on completion the bare empty shell condo ( unfurnished ) will sell for 2.61 million baht in thai company name, the furniture package cost me 300.000 baht . so maybe i should try sell now for 2.73 mill and at least try get money back or lose a little , cut my loses and run ?

    can anyone go into this problem with thai comapnay name ? here is link to latest ccr condo price list - http://matrixpattaya.com/pricelists/city-center/pricelist.pdf

  15. Led by a number of foreign blunders...both economically and politically, by the US in recent years...the world no longer looks to the US for leadership or "intelligence" when seeking help...

    Russia and Iran are the default leaders in the ME now...brought about in part by the US attempt to disengage instead of providing a plan and building a coalition of ME, European, and other allies to combat the extremists...

    There is a New World Order forming around the countries of Russia, China, and Iran...economic and political cooperation...to unseat the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency and to supplant US economic dictates and sanctions with what the US sees as "uncooperative" nations...meaning that they balk at becoming a vassal state under US directives...

    The US arrogance in dealing with the world...will likely lead to it's economic demise in the not too distant future...as the world dumps US Gov't debt bonds which will effectively smash the dollar...

    us puppets and close behind the uk muppets. im ashamed of my country and the sh*t in power.

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