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Posts posted by theonetrueaussie

  1. On 3/22/2022 at 4:36 PM, patman30 said:

    "a years worth"
    you were them for a week at a time ?


    they literally should be worn for a few minutes at a time then discarded
    once bacteria is on them
    the bacteria continues to grow/multiply whether you continue to wear it or not.

    someone failed maths.....so 40 thb for a box of 50 = 10usd a year..... 365/50 * 40 = 292thb...so a face mask a day when you go out is literally around 10usd a year!!!

  2. 4 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    Because the guy walked up and poured  glass of water over her when she was sat eating (did not appear loud or drunk etc). 

    Just a chicken <deleted> act from someone who then showed what a coward he was as soon as his target of attack stood up to him.

    so If a woman tips a drink on me, I should follow her and give her a good beating according to you?? ok then......

    • Confused 2
  3. 7 hours ago, internationalism said:

    no, wearing mask on motorbike is not compulsory. It's outright dangerous to do so, drivers lost their lives when mask moved into their eyes, blinding them.

    You were stopped for speeding, not wearing helmet, braking road rules, but not for mask.

    Yes in phuket it IS mandatory to wear a mask when on a motorbike and you can be fined and even blacklisted if caught without one. The phuket governor issued the mandate and rules well over a year ago now and as far as I know it is still in effect. I have seen thais who work in covid hospitals/ vaccination sites take photos of foreigners without masks and their motorbikes at stop lights many times while also giving them a lecturing!

    If op continually refused to wear one, then maybe he was arrested....who knows.

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  4. 10 hours ago, robblok said:

    The discussion is going on in every country, I am all for a segregated society. If you don't want to VAX that is ok just accept the consequences of it.  Personally i feel that being vaccinated and by doing so spreading the virus LESS, and putting up to 8 times less stress on the health system should be rewarded by having more freedoms. 


    If vaxers can't accept that their choice has an effect on their life then they need to think what is more important for them. Its the soft forcing of people, who can still refuse just have to accept their limited options then.

    I agree but as you said we need to put less stress on the health system so they should introduce a QR code system for those over 50 and limit them to no more then 2 alcoholic beverages a day. Maybe also mandated 1 hour gym daily for those over 50 as well and should be banned from smoking cigarettes' or anything that is bad for their health. As you said we need to keep people healthy and reduce the stress on the health system right and placing restrictions on people is the best way to do this ???? 

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  5. 22 hours ago, vinci said:

    on the same matter, does the mask in car if more than 2 people still in effect or its over, my wife keep pushing me to wear mask in car if caught we can be fine, getting very annoying 

    the fine isn't the worse part. AFAIK if you are caught not wearing a mask there is also the possibility of being blacklisted! (they may have repealed this now but doubt it as mask mandates still in effect)

  6. On 10/23/2021 at 5:18 PM, CamaroZL1 said:

    Whilst i agree to most you have said and dont think this high season will be much of a high season, but as from the 1st of November Australian citizens who have been fully vaccinated can travel overseas and return with no restrictions or need for exemption

    You want to know how many of my Aussie friends are thinking of traveling overseas? ...ZERO, While yes the Australian government are expected to remove restrictions in november those restrictions can be brought back at ANY time. Meaning if you are overseas then you could be stuck there for months if not years again if all the restrictions are put back in place not to mention the cost of flying right now is extremely expensive. 

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  7. It's pretty simple. Soon as you leave your apartment/house you are meant to wear a mask. On motorbike you are meant to wear a mask as well. I have been stopped at traffic lights many times and see thais taking photos of foreigners not wearing masks as well as their bike license plates. What happens to them no idea, but if you get caught multiple times without a mask there was a chance of being blacklisted (Whether that is still the case no idea). Just wear a mask when outside even if it is just under the nose, most people don't care as long as you have a mask on! 

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  8. This is really simple, No she has no rights to anything as you are not married. This is why many men choose to live in Thailand because there are no crazy laws like if she lives with you for 6 months she is entitled to 50% of your wealth like the crazy west!!

    The situation could be complicated because she may refuse to leave. Simple solution is to tell her you have money problems and can no longer afford the place or her generous monthly expenses. Rent a fan room for 5-6k a month and pay 3-6 months upfront. Tell her you need to move to the new room as you need to sell the condo and then let her know that you can only afford to give her 6-10k a month living expenses as you are broke now. Give her say a month to move and then after that you can safely break up with her but I give it 50-50 odds she maybe will have left you for someone else by then anyways! 

  9. On 10/10/2021 at 1:02 PM, MRToMRT said:

    I have no issues with non vaxed being allowed entry if they have insurance to cover their potential medical costs.

    what about old people > 50, overweight people, people that smoke, drink, engage in risky business with bargirls/freelancers. Should we also require them all to be denied entry as well unless they have insurance, pass a health exam upon arrival, full std test and run 5km in under 30 minutes maybe ????

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  10. Just rented a new apartment and it's great except the bedroom has a earthy/mildew smell. Had the agent send in some cleaners and clean it and it went away for a few days but is coming back again now. Does anyone know of anyone in south phuket that does mold inspection? has UV lights or other devices to see where the mold is if there is any. Want to get a professional to come in and inspect so I can know for sure if there is a problem or not.

  11. Anyone have any experience with a good insurance that pays out. I am only looking for something that will cover me if I have an accident or need to be rushed to hospital . I am under 40 and no medical problems and looking for something under 20k thb a year if anyone has any good recommendations. Again I don't need dental or anything else just accident/emergency cover.

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