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Posts posted by theonetrueaussie

  1. 5 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Was checked for the first time yesterday at Makro, both the gf and myself measured 34.0c , we had just stepped out of an airconned car.

    Wonder what someone arriving on a mc ( helmet or not ) would check at ?

    rode my motorbike at midday to makro about 20 mins with a jumper on to not get sunburnt....first time he did it 37.5....he wouldn't let me go in...tested another spot on my head and 36.5 he said ok you can go in now.......I normally used to goto makro after the gym and sauna but doubt they will let me in now lol....such a joke...

    • Like 1
  2. If you read what the doctors are saying the surgical masks do absolutely nothing to stop corona and the N95 if they ARE the proper ones and you put them on properly you will be able to use them for 30 minutes at a time before you need to take them off as they are incredibly hard to breathe through....If you can breathe easily after 30 minutes using the N95 it is not a proper N95 or you have not fitted it to your face properly and air is coming through the sides of the mask making it ineffective anyways!!

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Onrai said:

    I agree that something or everything doesn’t make sense. She makes $US 1,160- 1,333 and they give her a credit card with a limit of$US 20,000.  I have a credit score of 825, generally considered excellent, and I have never been offered  $20,000 limit credit card. I don’t think the banks and the credit card companies are naive, so why would they give her just a generous limit in the first place? Something doesn’t add up.

    very normal here, my ex only used to earn 30k thb month and had 500k thb credit card debt and she had just got another credit card before we broke up. Not the same as the west here...

  4. my ex was the same she was only 28 and had 500k of credit card debt BEFORE we broke up and she went to Australia for a 3 month holiday, stayed with friends but put everything on the credit card. When she came back she wanted to get back together but I said we should just be friends lol. It's only a matter of time until she starts asking you to pay it off for her...get out now!


    • Haha 1
  5. It's back to business as usual here in phuket, Central festival still does not give out bags at the supermarket there so most stopped going there and big tesco lasted a whole 3 weeks without bags and they now have plastic bags back. The manager told me not just tesco but all the stores in the complex were losing lots of money because of it, people didn't want to walk around and shop while carrying 6-10 items....Good to see some of the big shops showing some common sense!

  6. My advice would be to tell her to forget about him and get on with her life. If she wants child support in canada then as others have said she will need a canadian lawyer and most probably need to be in canada herself. As he could make it drag out and demand if she wants to file in canada that she be there in person...he could as others have said make her fly their multiple times etc and make it extremely expensive..

    She could file in thailand but that will not be enforced internationally and even if he was to return to thailand be in the amount of 3-5k thb a month!!

  7. On 1/15/2020 at 4:35 PM, prakhonchai nick said:

    I believe this has nothing to do with obtaining child benefit or money from a government source. It is a matter of making the FATHER responsible for HIS child and forcing him to make payments for this child. A claim should be made initially to the Father requiring him to make monthly payments, and the guidelines suggest 12% of his gross monthly earnings. If he refuses, then take him to court, and a court order would likely be issued  forcing him to pay or be in contempt of court.  In this situation it is irrelevant where the child is living.

    yeah take him to court and the court will order him to pay 3-5k thb month normally (not 12%) which is only enforceable if he is in thailand. If he is in another country then it is not enforceable...this is not the west lol.

  8. No she cannot and are you surprised the british embassy is making it harder....They know if it was easy she would get her kid citizenship then herself then move over there mooch off the taxpayer while still being a bargirl on the side and paying no taxes and then also bring the rest of her extended family over.....

    As for the fathers name being on the birth certificate I highly doubt that unless they were married or he went through a ton of paperwork and paid lawyers a ton which sounds extremely unlikely. Again with the confirmed dna sample, Not as easy or cheap to do here as it is in the west and more then likely he was gone before the baby was born. 

    This is just another scam....If I was you I would be more afraid that she will try and do the same to you...run now boy!!!

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    If the nomad lives in Thailand for a period(s) aggregating 180 days or more in a single calendar year they are classed as a "resident" and are liable to pay income tax on any income earned be it local or abroad.


    Not sure how that works if one is scum bagging it on visa exempt stamps and extensions though.

    This is incorrect....You only pay income tax on foreign sourced income if you BRING it into thailand. If however you deposit it in an overseas bank account then you do not have to pay income tax in thailand on it according to the lawyers i have seen here in the past. 

    Is it illegal to be a digital nomad in thailand, short answer yes. you do have options, you can go to an immigration lawyer and for 50k thb upfront and then 9k thb month get a work permit and all the paperwork done with extensions every 3 months...but again how legal this is no one really knows and that is the problem here there is no official legal way for digital nomads to live here long term.

  10. 14 hours ago, HHTel said:

    I'll say it again for all those posters who don't read or research. To all those that point out that they use these 'single use' bags for other things.

    'Single use' plastic bags is a convenient name for bags made with plastic less than 36 microns thick.  It's not about how many times it's used.  No matter how many times it's used, it's still thin plastic that can't be recycled and more often than not finish up as litter, in the klongs, into the sea.........

    what's your point the REUSABLE cloth and other bags need to be used 1000-7000 times before they are BETTER then the single use plastic.....how many people reuse them that many times....no one i bet so you are doing even more damage to the environment for what.....

    • Sad 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

    So he was new in the country, picked up a hot girl.


    Got back all excited, she performed some acts on him that he thoroughly enjoyd, went a bit farther after that and she had a johnson, he lost it, and in the ensuing fit end up turfing him/she/it over the balcony. 



    How am I doing? 

    pretty bad...unless he had scratch marks all over his face and body from him

    fighting back......

  12. On 1/2/2020 at 11:45 AM, Salerno said:

    I just want to know where you get 50 or even 30 friends from ????‍♂️

    Other than FaceBook and other <deleted>.


    Try joining a gym where they have daily classes.....You will make friends in no time but sounds like you just stay in your room all day. If you have trouble making 30 friends here in a year you are doing something wrong or very anti social!

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  13. 16 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

    Crazy, I know...but here me out!

    There is this thing called " a shop" and you cab go there and buy garbage- bags!

    It's not that hard! 

    Or even better you just go on lazada and buy 300 PLASTIC BAGS like the shops used to have...Just like I did cost me a whole 170THB for 300 of them and will just throw a pack of 30 in my bike to use at a time...and then use as garbage bags later on......All my friends have done the same, turns out way cheaper then buying garbage bags too!!!

    • Thanks 1
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