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Posts posted by theonetrueaussie

  1. 3 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

    Keep them out for a year let the unemploymen rate rocket and the baht plumet. Never mind that most people in the tourism industry will lose their jobs. Many bars and restaurants in Pattaya have already gone bankrupt so if overseas tourists don't come back probably over 60% will follow. 

    let tourists back in too early, outbreak occurs and we are all back to lockdown for a month or two with many thais not in the tourist industry out of a job again....

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  2. 20 hours ago, Sojuncoke said:


    Ok either way I always saw that using ATM was a lot more expensive a few years back but now its actually cheaper than using transferwise. So then why would anyone use transferwise? 

    LOL why would anyone use transferwise....Well the transferwise fee is basically the same as the fee to use the ATM...and most bank cards charge 3% to withdrawl money from overseas atm's so you are basically saving $30-33 for every $1000 you take out by using transferwise...THAT IS WHY!

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  3. 31 minutes ago, dimitriv said:


    It's the UK who does not adhere to previously made agreements. It is an unreliable country.
    I personally support closing the borders with the UK. Nothing in, nothing out, and all the British in Europe back to the UK.


    this would be great FOR THE UK ????. I really hope the UK goes around the EU and does trade deals with russia and china....Would be great for the UK and stick it to the EU!

    • Haha 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Tagged said:

    If you do not trust your local spouse, whay the deleted do you live with her in the first place. I could not live with someone I did not trust, but I believe if I <deleted> her off enough, im out, and she keeps everything thats in here name. So simple and esay it is said.  

    exactly, always rent don't buy....There is always a new firmer cow with better milk just around the corner ????

  5. 12 hours ago, Stadtler said:

    Stadtler has been tested for many things:

    Medical School

    State Bar


    and too many others to mention.


    If Stadtler wears a mask, it is to protect him not you.  Where did you get such a silly idea?

    Probably should have been tested for std's as it seems one may have impacted your brain...On the flipside it will be easy to change your name from Stadtler to STDtler ????

  6. On 6/11/2020 at 11:52 PM, gamesgplayemail said:



    you are clearly lying.

    No way that you pay only 1100 with 24 hours aircon.



    oh really please tell me more....Mr master of the electricity and pricing with aircon....Why would anyone lie about how much they spend a month on electric...Yes my aircon is on 24/7 yes my bill the last 2-3 months is 1100 month(running 25/26C most time and room is cold).....the most my bill has ever been was 14?? and that was when i had the aircon down to 21.... let me guess your aircon is running at 16??? 

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    If I were wealthy, I might spend two or three months of the year here, and perhaps the balance in Spain, traveling, and and a month in the US, where my business and family are. But, since I am not, I live a good life here. This is an entirely subjective topic, of course. Some of us have been fortunate enough to find an outstanding woman, who is delightful to be around, on a daily basis, always has our back, and is fun, smart, and lovely. For me, that likelihood of finding that back in the US, would be very low. So, that is a big factor for me. The second factor is just the quality of life. Sure, I miss alot of the culture back home. The theatre, independent film (which I can download here with no issues at all, and a super fast 550mbps fiber optic connection, at under 900 baht per month, 450 per month for the first year!), stand up comedy, live jazz, etc. But I have a lovely home that I rent, for about 10% of what I would pay in California, I live very well on an income which is not huge, have access to great health care, at a tiny fraction of what it costs in the US, and do not have to put up with alot of the aggravation that I had to when I lived back there. I would not want to move back there, unless I was either being paid a million dollars a year, or the situation was dire. I find a large percent of Americans to be dour, bitter, disenfranchised, and not at all warm or friendly, these days. And did I mention totally lacking in humor?


    And how about the cost of living? Thailand is still reasonable. It used to be cheap. Has not been cheap for a long time. But, it is still reasonable. I know people who pay 10,000 baht a month for newer 3 bedroom houses in nice towns. In major cities in the US? $2000-4000 a month. That is 120,000 baht! In Los Angeles, one bedroom, 80 sq m. apartments are renting for $3,750 a month. At least pre-Covid. That is 117,000 baht a month, and that is the very definition of insanity, and an economy that has spiraled out of control, into abusive inflationary territory.


    I had my motorbike seat recently redone on my scooter. 400 baht. A friend of mine had similar work done in the US. $275. 

    I recently had a guy come over and insulate my ceiling. I bought the insulation and paid him 2000 baht for labor. In the US? $500 to $1,000.

    I recently had an electrician do some work on the house. Nearly a full day of work. Paid him 1000 baht. In the US? $500 to $1,000.

    An oil change for my scooter costs me 200 baht, with Castrol oil. In the US? $45 to $75.

    When I travel here I stay in nice four star hotels in Bangkok. 1800-2000 baht. In the US? $130 for a crappy motel. $200 and up for a nice room.

    I eat well here. In a smaller town you can get a three course meal for 200-250 baht. In the US? 2000 baht and up, plus tax and a nearly mandatory 15% tip.

    I visit the emergency room here to visit a specialist, and with x-rays I am out the door for 2000 baht, at a private hospital. In the US? $300 and up for a private clinic and an emergency room visit is $2000 to $4000. 

    Friends of mine, who are single, enjoy the company of a young, beautiful woman for a couple of hours, for 2500 baht. In the US? $800 an hour now for a moderately pretty gal, with alot of unwarranted attitude. I could go on and on, all day long. I live at a level here, that I would never be able to live at, in the US, in most of Europe, in Oz, or Canada. Yes, the higher baht is an annoyance. And yes things are more expensive than they used to be. But, it is very relative.


    Sure, Thailand has changed. My first trip here was in 1976! It was so much different than now. The politics here are absolutely regressive. The army is horrendous. Will that ever improve? I think so. I think the youth will eventually oust them, as they are virtually useless to Thai society, with the exception of protecting the elite. those in power and the super wealthy. But alot of things here have improved since then. The infrastructure here is quite good. Sure they could use a high speed rail. That would be amazing. Hopefully it will happen. The whole world is different now. The whole planet is being affected by a greatly expanding population, inflation, environmental issues, politics, and congestion. So, we are going to experience some of that no matter where we are. All I know, is that every day I wake up, I am very glad to be here, very glad to be with the woman I am with, and thankful for my life. Would I feel the same way in the US? I seriously doubt it. Most of my friends back in the US, say they would trade positions with me, in a heartbeat, if they could. I believe them. And I feel for them. The quality of life where I came from is a pale shadow of what it used to be. No thanks. 


    There is one more consideration. No matter where we go, we still have to contend with ourselves, our attitude, our issues and our minds. So, some will always be seeking greener pastures. Nothing wrong with that. But, it does not insure fulfillment. 


    nice and you even got ripped off with foreigner prices..motorbike seat for me being able to speak some thai...250thb...oil changes with castrol oil 120thb and this is in expensive phuket ????

    • Haha 1
  8. i remember being in the right lane to turn right and a big dirt truck in the middle lane going straight....until he decided to do a u-turn right in front of me...beeped my horn like crazy but he still hit me, luckily was not going fast and i could jump off before he ran me over...luckily not too much damage to my bike but still......thai drivers have absolutely no common sense or driving skills!

    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, Why Me said:

    Ok, so I guess you rent from an individual owner who simply gives you the bill to pay. I am in a rental building owned by one entity and all apartments rented out by the same. So my my meter readings and electric charges are shown in my monthly statement. I don't get to see the MEA bill.


    Which raises the question if the building gets one giant bill from the MEA or individual ones per meter. I suspect I know the answer.

    they get individual rates and then charge you extra to cover the extra fees they have to pay....where do you think all those 7% rental return guarantee money comes from....Some of it will be from charging nearly 2x electrical rate to you... I currently pay about 3.7 or 3.8 right now. I have aircon running 24/7 and 2 laptops running 24/7 and my electric bill is 1100 month!

    Btw I rent in an apartment complex too, nice one with pool and gym but through a agent.

    • Like 1
  10. 57 minutes ago, Tony s book said:

    I bought her food,  and gave her a samsung tab for free, helping with fixing her laptop, finding her some job which she did not even go for an interview.  I borrowed her money when she said it was hard to find a job. Maybe because I asked her if she got a plan to repay my money(i actually didn't ask immediately), and she disappeared....

    you can do everything under the sun to help many people here but to them you are just a walking ATM....Many just think westerners are all super rich back home with massive houses, 2 cars and never have any money problems...they have no idea how it really is!


  11. low estrogen causes depression, alcohol consumption increases conversion of testosterone to estrogen hence it makes you feel better. Alcohol was most likely masking a much much bigger problem that you have and it would be worth getting blood tests done now while you are not drinking to find out what is going on with your body.

  12. On 5/23/2020 at 1:40 PM, bkk6060 said:

    They are touching items, packages, cash, coins all day.

    Many are wearing gloves.  It sure protects them but some of the gloves I have seen have filthy dirty stains on the fingers.  I would rather they touch as little of my stuff as possible. 

    In fact Makro is good they can scan items in your cart without touching them if arranged properly.

    Then put in your car or bag yourself from the cart.

    This so much especially at Tesco I go soon as they open if you go towards the end of the day most of the gloves on the operators hands are dark black....SO DISGUSTING!!


  13. 23 hours ago, samsensam said:


    well that's very public spirited of you. if you get the virus the authorities will have no way of tracking and tracing your movements and thus ensure anyone you may have infected can be put into quarantine, thus they will go about unaware they infecting others. nice one.

    Pretty sure everyone is using fictitious names from the signin sheets i have seen...rounding up people and putting them into quarantine....because that worked out so well for the JEWS right....

  14. 10 hours ago, ThLT said:

    I'm at 8 baht/unit right now. So if 3.4 is the current rate, they're charging me me 2.35X the legal rate. Basically taking advantage of the pandemic as well, by not reducing the unit price.

    Do you know where I can find an official/government announcement of the reduced rate because of COVID (Thai is even better)? I could present that to my landlord.

    There is nothing you can do, I was staying at a place last year and the owner owned over 12 different apartments (2 apartment blocks each with 6 units). Was charged 8 thb and sent a few emails to diff thai departments about it and never heard anything back at all....Now I moved into a newer apartment block and made sure i got the government rate my electricity bills have dropped dramatically from 3000thb month to 800-1200 month!

    Just move when you can and choose a place where you get the actual electric rate!

  15. Bit Defender been using it for years now and it has been amazing. They had a fantastic deal on a little while ago if you bought it in THB it was roughly $30USD for a 3 year subscription which is 3 years for 1/3 the price of 1 year. Not sure if it is still going. 

  16. 20 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Yes Diabetic dies from diabetes incident leading to car accident which claims life.....figure it out Alex.  Just because it was an accident there was a precipitating factor which would lead to that death.  Diabetic forgot to eat a full meal after taking medication, Blood sugars plummeted while driving and the driver became comatose and crashed, killing themselves.  So if someone has Covid, and had a medical issue because of this, then crashed and died, of course Covid was the cause of death because it led to the incident.  Take a heart attack for example.  Your driving and have an MI, you loose control of the car, the car hits a tree, you die, the accident may have killed you, but it was the precipitating MI that led to the death...are you getting it know..... 

    except if you wanted to relate your analogy to covid it would be like saying 99.9% of all car crashes should be put as diabetic deaths whether diabetes contributed to the accident or not. In fact the deceased would not even need to be confirmed with diabetes...If the doctor thinks they had diabetes he could put the death as diabetes!

    See how stupid that sounds now!! 

    • Haha 1
  17. 2 hours ago, schvonsky1 said:

    Absolutely so correct the super rich Thai don’t do fkuc all to help their own folk it takes us Falangs to help karma will come back to them as it is now thanks to their friends from China ????????????????????

    no karma won't get them, Same as if the foreigners helping now get into trouble in the future will the locals come to their help..probably not. If the immigration rules change and the foreigners helping out now giving away free stuff do not qualify will the thais make an exception for them...nope.

    It's great to see so many foreigners helping out but if the shoe was on the other foot the same would not happen.

  18. The answer is super simple. In thailand and most asian countries the doctors are labeling flu and pneumonia deaths as they should be, In western countries to get more funding EVERY hospital is labeling every death it can as Corona! The real death rate of Corona is 0.02% in western countries, flu season is just about over and there are literally no pneumonia deaths and hardly any flu deaths....Look at the real numbers and you will see what is really going on!

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