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  1. Please forgive my ignorance..... but Why do people need onward tickets????
  2. Ejaculate 21 times a month?!?! Seems like a bit of nonsense to me.... I can just imagine a guy at 21 years old saying to himself--" Well, I just gotta do this again today..."
  3. About three years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer... The doctor told me "Stage 4 cancer means that you likely won't make it through the treatment process. You have about a 5% chance of living...." And here I am three years later!! About a year after I was cancer free the doctor then said, "I don't know what it is you did to help your treatment, but whatever it was I commend you." You can go to my YT channel (Seishindo) and I have four or five videos called something like "My journey with cancer" What I did was use a lot of what I learned as a professional Aikido teacher for 20 years in Japan. Various techniques to make your energetic footprint larger than the cancer. I can be of service to anyone that has been diagnosed with cancer.... And just to be clear- I am NOT saying I have a foolproof method for becoming cancer free. But I do have a method that can definitely help, and it is a method that allows you to get passed the limitations that the medical community saddle you with.
  4. This is a really poorly written article in many ways. I thought people had lost access to their pensions. And how does not getting a yearly increase leave people living "hand to mouth". Geez!
  5. A friend of mine here in Chiang Rai has started 3 successful restaurants. The biggest of his three seats about 50 people or so. La Ola Dani Betancor (sp?). A Spanish gentleman with a savvy hard working long term Thai gf.
  6. Can this initial post really be true?! God bless this guy if it is!! And heah, hopefully God is going to be blessing him, even if his post is a bit of nonsense. Many years ago, a friend introduced me to a lady via the internet... I never met the lady, and I never saw her in any way, although she sent me a digital photo.... that was maybe of her..... Anyway... her thing was to get off by explaining everything she was supposedly doing to pleasure herself. She went into quite a good deal of detail, and I learned a bit along the way. I will say that I found her to be VERY entertaining... VERY And all at no charge. Maybe it is just me... but I never considered asking her to marry me!!
  7. Garlic taken as a supplement is VERY efficient and can lower your BP long term. Whatever brand you get, start out with twice the recommended dosage, and then you will likely want to go to 3 and then 4 times the suggested dosage..... Within reason there is no way to overdo it. I take Garlic 5000, from Now ( a very well known brand) and I take 4 times the suggested dosage, twice a day. Try buying from iHerb. And again, taking large amounts of garlic is VERY safe.
  8. Currently... it is totally easy to open a bank acct. or phone service in Japan. I got my first bank account in Japan more than 40 years ago, and with no problems.
  9. No worries about "natsu". Meanwhile let me reiterate that there are a number of great areas in Japan, weather wise, and visually pleasing, that are also surprisingly inexpensive. You could even live at the same price point as Thailand.
  10. I stayed at Lanna Boutique and if you mention my name, the most you would have to pay is B500 a day. If you would like to bargain with him for staying a couple of months, you could likely get cheaper. He has a fantastic swimming pool.
  11. Not to be a bore, but.... "natsu" in Japanese, means "summer". And it is a common women's name.
  12. I lived in Japan for 30 years.... There are LOTS of beautiful places in the countryside with VERY inexpensive houses because there isn't anyone wanting to move in. Very few people speak English.... Learning how to read is a definite challenge, but it is an easy language to learn how to speak. Easy to pronounce, and very few exceptions to the basic grammatical rules.
  13. Hi Mike, Waiting to hear back from you, and I am not trying to act like a "know it all". I am only one person, and I have presented my potential workarounds. I am certain that others could present other scenarios.
  14. Thank you for taking your time and energy Mike! Very much appreciated.... I am a US citizen who lived in Japan for 30 years before coming here..... I have not filed a US tax return for about 35 years.... Once I got settled in Japan and was paying income tax in Japan, and I was under the threshold for also paying tax in the US... after filing two or three US tax returns showing I was very definitely under the US threshold, my US accountant suggested I just stop filing returns, and the IRS would never come after me, a red flag would not pop up. Turns out he was right! As far as Japan goes... I stopped filing tax returns after I closed my company there about 15 years ago. (I am 76 years old). IF I was investing in stocks, forex, etc. then I would do so after opening an offshore company, and the offshore company would be doing the investing.... Nothing in my name.... IF Forming an offshore company is a very common tactic used worldwide, to shield individuals from the tax authorities. I already own property in Thailand, so there isn't any reason for me to send a large sum of money here.... So, if I send 20k here (which would be the maximum), either one of my two non-Thai bank accounts will show that much money in the account, off and on for numerous years.... Off and on.... So not really anything for Thai officials to look at. If I was wanting to bring over 50K or so to buy a car, if I felt the new tax laws here actually had any real teeth, then I would create a loan document showing I borrowed the money from the ABC corporation. If I had to then bring over another large sum, I would create a second loan. This is a very common workaround for a fair amount of people living here in Thailand. Problem solved!! The Thai government will have no way of checking on these loans, or checking on the ABC corporation.... Anyway.... if one stays creative, there are many ways to get around the new tax laws without needing to allow the Thai govt. to see exactly what is actually going on in your life. It is very important to remember- "the Thai govt." actually winds up being some Thai govt. worker sitting in an office somewhere that doesn't have any windows, and this guy has zero ability to check on anything that is going on overseas. Zero! So, for instance, as I say, I have not filed a tax return anywhere for about 15 years. If I had a need to tell the Thai govt. that, they would not have any way of checking to see if I was telling the truth or not. I would never ever tell the Thai govt. anything that could be proven false. And I would never ever have the need to try and do so. End of story.... Your thoughts Mike?... Please.
  15. Wow.... I have been feeling calm. I send 60k to Thailand and I say the money comes from savings.... No way for the government to know where the funds actually come from.... So, you are suggesting they can MAKE me show one or more year's of bank statements to prove I had the money prior to 2024? This is doubtful in my mind.... And they will not accept that the money was in a safe at home? Really? Is that legally possible? I doubt it.
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