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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. I don't understand why CM is so popular. It seems like a more popular place for westerners than anywhere else in the country. I have no desire to be away from the water. I just dont get the popularity of it.
  2. It looks like it has some kind of a rollbar.
  3. Were they supposed to be happy that some foreigner defaced their temple by climbing on it ? The lengths ppl go to get little digs against Thailand on pretty much any topic is beyond pathetic.
  4. Lots of camera footage to go through. Full confidence in the men in brown to figure this one out
  5. And for many westerners, whining is the most important thing.
  6. Thais see airing vindictive criticisms out in the open as just ill mannered and bad form. It is different from the west but I have zero problem with it. But some westerners seem to think that this view is just scandalous. How dare we not have our hissy fits!
  7. Do you think there is no libel laws in the west or something ? You can just fly off the handle on anyone and its a-ok ?
  8. That's the third time you have completely misunderstood. Of course I didn't mean Thais. Most posters like you spend most of their time ridiculing Thais on this board. It is any wonder why you don't just move back to the utopian west. It seeths from you
  9. Here comes the proverbial white knight
  10. He's an old Dutchman. He probably had an idea what the cost was gonna be. But it was 5 baht over so he told the guy to f off. 72 and still doesn't know when to cut his losses, (i have dutch grand parents. I know how they are)
  11. Maybe to just lower the stakes. They didn't know how honest the guy was. Maybe if he found it, he'd want to sell it back for half price or something. Or claim it as his.
  12. I don't understand the part where the tourist told a white lie about what it was made of ...? Were they just trying to lower the stakes and lower the chances that he would maybe make off with it ? It is a $930 USD bracelet Good story.
  13. That's right. But that is asking too much. White women want their right to complain and be over the top about minor things.
  14. On the contrary. It is mostly thin skinned white women who have a hissy fit about a minor thing than it is real helpful criticism.
  15. She can still sue the airport without having insurance. But I guess she could get another payout for being injured if she had insurance I'd rather be caught without insurance than feel good about having insurance, only to find the insurance company has a way of weaseling out of covering me anyway. She is 57. At that age maybe a good payout is worth part of your leg
  16. Probably a curve in the road and he doesnt know how to counter steer
  17. Found a sugar daddy that turned out to be low on sugar.
  18. And also maybe pressure not to lose face from his family. Probably pressure to become a working professional.
  19. They aren't using a crosswalk. And are just rather casually wandering across the road, not even looking to their right or looking at all. They stand in the middle of the road to plan the rest of their night. That's not how you cross a 4 lane road in Pattaya
  20. The support structure under these travelators should not be weak enough that it could fail. They should have sensors that will stop the things with a kick to the side. Anywhere
  21. Yeah. It is unfortunate that she didn't take a step at the end to avoid the pinch point (if it is anything like this) If it was just one of these tiles missing like this. You are supposed to step over the pinch point
  22. People will just climb over i guess. This place has claimed many
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