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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. There was no priors listed of the offending officer in the story. So yeah, obviously after he did this, he shouldn't be hired as a cop. But he was hired before this incident.
  2. Edit. Nevermind, you answered the question already.
  3. Pharmacists were originally intended to have the knowledge to dispense medicine without a doctor. But now , everything goes through the doctor anyway. So pharmacists now are basically just a redundant middle man. But anyway, Thailand is a middle/3rd world country. What did you expect ? For me it is a positive. At least I can find a pharmacy that will give me a few valium so that I can sleep on a long flight. In the west , if you asked any pharmacist or doctor for valium so you could get some sleep on a plane, they would panic and call the cops on you
  4. Good. I support the military. And not the externally funded parties that aren't sovereign.
  5. So just like the US and Australia then. Who's biggest trade partners are both China.
  6. Well then they should be surprised when this happens.
  7. Utter nonsense. The father started it. He threw the first punch
  8. Considering how much breeding is going on in Pattaya, pregnancies aren't that big of a problem are they ? Maybe the infant was born at home and got a fever and passed away. But why wouldn't they bury the body in that case ? It seems like a very impulsive move to dump the body in the trash where some dumpster diver is going to find it. Maybe it was some yaba mother
  9. It doesn't help when women are contacting other men. If they want to end the relationship then go ahead. But they dont do that. They just start double dealing.
  10. If I am traveling for leisure , I always get a pool. It is a good time filler and provides some entertainment. The rest is mostly price
  11. The emoji votes on the original post are 16 positive, 14 negative. There's a clear divide on these apps
  12. I am in there using fast food as intended. I am not sitting in a house with a stove, microwave and fridge , paying a premium to have fast food delivered to my couch.
  13. True. They are. One thing I have noticed is that the delivery guys aren't usually particularly fat themselves. Being a bit active goes a long way. I am not sure if I have ever seen an obese food delivery guy. They don't seem to get high on their own supply
  14. I am 38 years old. Are you denying completely that there are numbers of ppl sitting at home, getting fat and even more lazy, by paying someone to deliver fast food to them? I remember hearing a news story in the 1990's about a guy who wanted to pay Mcdonalds to deliver Big Macs to his back yard. And everyone thought it was insane. Does anyone else remember this ?Now it is mainstream.
  15. You were going out anyway. It made no sense to get a quarter pounder delivered.
  16. I have less of an issue with ordering from fancy restaurants. But there's some problems with that too. The point of eating out is to you know.... eat out. Get changed and go to the restaurant and enjoy the setting and the experience. Or is that not a thing anymore ? You order lobster and get it delivered on the back of a Honda Click and sit there at your house in your pajama pants and eat ? This is after paying more to get it delivered. Don't you want to put on some better cloths and do some ppl watching and go for a drive and get away a bit ? With food apps, thats all out of the window. I just dont see the point.
  17. Pizza is different because you order the pizza and have to wait for your pizza to be baked. Fast food burgers are made on an assembly line and a pre made and meant to be served asap. And I also said that there's a social aspect to pizza that doesn't exist with burgers and fries. I cant see how ordering Mcdonalds to your door is anything but laziness of the worst kind. You presumably have a stove and/or a microwave at home. You should have a stock of food at home. If you don't feel like making anything, throw a Mac N cheese cup in the microwave. Or a Stouffer crustini in the microwave. The technology has improved with these things. They come out of the microwave crispy. Its not a sloppy hot mess like a pizza pop from 2001. There is lots of different products like this that you should have a stock of for those times when you don't feel like making something. It is right there. It is cheaper , faster and you aren't paying someone to bring it to you. Home economics 101.
  18. Most recent one happened a month ago just from a quick search https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/passenger-falls-10th-deck-royal-caribbean-cruise-ship-rcna91658
  19. It wasn't meant to be a dig at the delivery guys. But some of them could be criminals. And you are inviting these guys to your house because you really needed that Big Mac and large fries ? And again, pizza is just different. Ordering pizza has always been seen as a nice indulgence and social experience. Usually it is being shared by a group of people. Whether that is family or friends.
  20. Sad situation. Women go insane sometimes and if the guy is a bit of a loose cannon himself, this is the result. It happens on cruise ships a lot too.
  21. Yeah. Its not like the delivery is free. Check out this article. It looks like the fees are lower when you spend more. So the whole incentive structure is to get you to eat more. Being almost 40 years old, I order fairly small portions. Because I have heard that you gain wait a lot easier as you hit 40. I usually try and spend under $8 USD for a meal. Plus it is fun to find the best deals. https://www.cnet.com/home/kitchen-and-household/cheapest-delivery-app-for-2023/ Ordering takeout or delivery is an easy habit to fall into. It's also an expensive one, but you can shave a little money off your monthly total by choosing the cheapest food delivery app. Food delivery apps are plentiful in 2023, but each has its own pricing, fees and other nuances that make some cheaper than others. As it turns out, how large or small an order you place might dictate which app is cheapest between the three biggest players: Grubhub, DoorDash and Uber Eats. Grubhub is the cheapest for orders of around $50 For three food orders between $20 and $80, Grubhub had the cheapest average totals. For orders of around $50, it was the lowest cost by a healthy margin.
  22. Fast food at the mall ? How is that not one of the most appropriate places for fast food ? You are away from your dwelling. And I indulge in it when I am at the mall. Plus it gives you the opportunity to walk a meal off.
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