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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. It was best to be a boomer. Grew up in the post war peak of western civilization. Entered adulthood at the bottom of the biggest financial ponzi expansion in human history. Ride said ponzi. And cash out at the top and exit this life. It is the beginning of history all over again now.
  2. We don't know for certain where they were swimming yet. There will be an investigation. Judging by the picture, thats a huge swimming area. How are the boats supposed to come into shore? Theres probably more to it than some boat going over the ropes and into the swimming area and hitting swimmers. But that doesn't make it a good black and white story with good guys and bad guys.
  3. Either way it is sure trendy in Britain to blame the host country for any conceivable mishap. And of course on this site , 80% of the commenters are here to blame Thailand for whatever the story is. I just don't understand why they don't bugger off back to where they came from and never associate with Thailand again if they don't like the way Thai's operate.
  4. Yep. Nothing is ever their fault. Its always the Thais fault. BTW the Gofundme for 9000 pounds has already been started. It was posted on this page
  5. We don't have enough info to make any kind of informed speculation on this. Black men are not nearly as prone to suicide as white men. Plus he is 24. He was probably getting more action than he knew what to do with.
  6. They just don't like it when farangs are dominating a legally grey area. I understand why they are doing this.
  7. I think the app usage started in Thailand though. I remember Lui yeah
  8. Was she walking along and making it ideal for a theif to steal her bag like this woman did?
  9. That forum has most likely been taking a free ride on the smooci server and thats the only reason it is still going. But Smooci probably has a backup somewhere outside of TL
  10. The Russian Ruble was up 45% in 2022. So it is down from those highs and now you think its a crisis ? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-ukraine-ruble-currency-russian-economy-sanctioms-2022/ India and China already bought up all of those volumes. And Turkey is re-selling it back to Europe.
  11. And after years of this, you'll have every HPV strain in the book. Plus getting immune to penicillin from all that clap. Bon apatite
  12. You picked a rough town. Pregnant and HIV poz. That's as bad as it gets. This is what I wonder about all these ppl who brag about screwing around and open relationships. It isn't as fun as ppl make it seem. Not at all. I remember in my single days, going to the clinic to check if you got something. Stressing out in the lineup because you have some strange spot down there or your nuts hurt. Not fun.
  13. They weren't. Anyone with anything close to a kilogram trafficking in east Asia is the real deal.
  14. Anyone who's into meth and uppers like that is an f-up and goes with the territory of crimes like this.
  15. In 2022 it was the strongest currency in the world and was up 45% vs the dollar. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-ukraine-ruble-currency-russian-economy-sanctioms-2022/
  16. This has almost nothing to do with Russians fleeing the war. And no. The Russian economy is not collapsing at all. If it was, you'd see all the Russians leaving. Just as the whole Anglo era slowly ended in Thailand after 2008 after the financial crisis. No. This is about Russians not wanting to travel or not being welcome in Nato countries. So they go to places like Thailand instead. From Latvia to Spain: How the lack of Russian tourists has impacted countries across Europe https://www.euronews.com/travel/2023/06/16/has-the-loss-of-russian-tourism-dealt-europe-a-crippling-blow
  17. Aeroflot reached a settlement with Aercap 2 days ago. The aircraft will have legitimate registration again and will be able to be serviced in depots in China or Turkey. https://www.flightglobal.com/airlines/aeroflot-group-reaches-financial-settlement-with-aercap-over-batch-of-seized-aircraft/154820.article
  18. This makes literally no sense. If the Russian economy was in turmoil, the exact opposite would be happening. Russians would not be branching outward and spending and investing in other countries. Like in the 1990's, there was probably not a single Russian in Phuket.
  19. Nah. The drug business has perfected this practice. The risks have been mitigated. These women look like experienced mules to me and they would have got away with it without someone blatantly ratting them out
  20. Doubt it. These look like experienced mules. 3 keys is a lot to carry in the stomach
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