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Harsh Jones

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Everything posted by Harsh Jones

  1. Har har. And no, I don't care to elaborate.
  2. Grow up. This is such a stupid notion. Lower class Thai men have their female equivalents almost all the time. The suspect looks like one of those tourist area wheeler dealers who works in the industry. Fraternizing and fornicating with tourists is part of the lifestyle whether it is Thailand or anywhere. Add some naive women and alcohol and sometimes this happens. But hey, lets roll out the guillotine
  3. Because it most likely isn't the rape that most commenting on it think it is. It wasn't jumping out of the bush rape. These ppl are similar ages. He was probably chatting her up and she reciprocated. One thing led to another, they both started drinking and got drunk. After it was over, the guy just thought he "got laid bro!" and was bragging to his friends about it. And she sobered up and thought she "got raped"
  4. Sounds like she got on his motorcycle. I doubt he knocked her out and had her slung over the back
  5. If it was an intentional poisoning , whoever did it knew what they were doing. In many cases with intentional poising, it is idiots doing it who put Roundup or something in drinks. And nobody actually dies.
  6. Typical SE Asia supper. It does look in order. They don't look like ghetto people
  7. Ah yes. Your 2 cents and all the Thai bashers 2 cents. You will twist everything to blame the usual mix of Thai incompetence and corruption.
  8. When some were disclosed as Americans , I thought fent too. Ppl bring small amounts of drugs with them all the time. Maybe they wanted to settle in and get comfy
  9. Almost all jet ski "scams" aren't scams at all.
  10. He probably couldn't resist the ladyblokes on offer
  11. Then why doesn't it happen at other beaches nearly as much ? Most murders are impulsive crimes and ppl who do them don't think. They find the most stereotypical wooded area and bury them there They wouldn't think of throwing them in a rip current.
  12. The problem is , there is so many warnings out there in modern society for minor things , that many ppl think these beach warnings are just some overly cautious stuff. And not truly life and death dangerous. I'll admit , i was ignorant to how dangerous these beaches really were when I came.
  13. How did he get caught ? I want to see someone do this and get away with it for a change. He's an idiot for getting caught
  14. Of course it does. Thailand built a freaking Moto GP track which is just as difficult as an F1 track.
  15. Balcony rails aren't actually lower than they are anywhere else. That's a myth. But maybe it is time that balcony rails around the world , especially tourist hot spots , are raised a couple feet
  16. The teeth check out. Old meth buddy ?
  17. Post the link. Why are you gate keeping ?
  18. Is that all it takes ? No ladyboy in the passenger seat ?
  19. So no video or video link ? So I have to go on a wild goose chase to find it
  20. Cant compare the cost of turning the Vegas strip into race track to Pattaya. All it would take is deep pockets and an aggressive Chinese developer to make it happen. And political will.
  21. This would be one of the best grand prix to attend.
  22. I did understand it. It is a common and exceedingly lame trope around here. I thought the anti Thailand brigade would have been able to think of something better by now. But apparently not.
  23. Yeah because babies routinely murder each other for lack of respect
  24. That's funny because most of the members of this forum whine and complain for more regulation and nanny state control of everything
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