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Jungle Jim

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Posts posted by Jungle Jim

  1. Well at least you learn something. Don,t get involved with a bar girl , a massage girl or one that had a foreigner before. If your that dumb or hard up you deserve what you get.

    I trust the girl that I am with and it's hard to be 100% , I try to be realistic because it could all come crashing down at any time for whatever reason which is why I just try to keep it casual in a sense. I'm happy with no worries and concerns because I'm not totally wrapped up in the relationship so much to where I lose my self identity if you know what I mean. If it she should cheat on me for whatever reason, it wouldn't be a drastic change for me to be on my own once again. I'm not married and I will keep it that way because there is nothing on the line, if she cheats , she leaves empty handed, if we were married than it would be a different story, it would be much harder to be casual when you stand to lose out. In a perfect world it would be nice to have total trust in a relationship but this is Thailand and changing partners is so easy and there is so much temptation around us. I've been in a relationship where I had very little trust and I didn't enjoy the relationship at all, I felt like I was on borrowed time with her. It was my first and last mistake at thinking I could convert a bar girl into a girl friend. Doomed right from the beginning.

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  2. The question should be asked. Not how much you trust your partner. But where did you meet your partner. If you met her in a bar or massage shop your chances of it lasting and not getting taken to the cleaners are about nil. Would you trust a hooker back in your home country ? Can you understand or speak Thai? If not you are only asking for trouble. Be honest. I am curious how many here would tell the truth.

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  3. From what i am able to gather. It seems the ones who totallly flip when i make a comment about foreign criminal hiding in Thailand or foreigners behaving badly. Seem to be the ones condoning that behavior.

    You sound like a greedy Thai. Better to invite every last foreign criminal in. Don,t we have enough already ? Makes me wonder if perhaps your hiding something.

    Some of the comments here already are quite gormless.

    Do you people not realise that Thailand has a tourist industry and that anything criminal, of any nature (however bad) affects the desire of people to visit?

    Sitting in your ivory towers you must feel very self-satisfied.

    Some people have the wrong end of the stick - many people I know come to Thailand because it has this criminal element that they love

    Pai - Ganja mountain resort popular with magic mushy lover 2

    Full Moon Party Islands - Thai islands where parties thrown have a minimum of meth and ganja but also some heroin and cokie charlie (codeword dont want too many drugs on TV)

    Pattaya - Russian mafia, German mafia, British Gay mafia, so may international mafias and hiding place of mr Sing the terrorist of India

    Chaing Rai - Golden triangle for heroin and opium lovers

    Thai borders - Las vegas casinos in the jungles (serious now in boolilum and Sagayo)

    Secret Fake watch and handbag factories and DVD production of stolen Hollywood movies

    Thailand - India Mumbai Mafia acting as loan sharks all over Thailand keeping Thai people poor

    Underage brothels and kariokes

    Wildlife smuggling, Forest smuggling,

    if all these prostitutes were not made available rebranded as second hand wives for resale then maybe less purchasers would come

    If you are not interested in any of the above then enter the scammers and thieves to finish you off for not playing ball

    So Johnny99 we all know Thailand has a 'tourism' industry

    No Jim, not a Thai, the sentences (and terminology) are structured differently than what a Thai would use. No Johnnie is a falang who has all the wrong priorities, would rather a bonny bouncing tourist industry than dealing with criminality. Probably a one time screamer or a lounge chair tourist. Plenty of them about.

    Of course we know Thailand has a tourist industry.

  4. sorry did i hit a nerve ?

    How about more quality tourists meaning no sex tourists, no alcoholics, no dirty backpackers, no more Full Moon Party. That would not work because that makes up for 99.999 % of the expats and tourists. ok never mind. bad idea

    The predictably boring comment from Jungle Jim!!

    Why do you care to post on a forum populated by fellow expats, who you clearly despise.

    You of all persons are a disgrace to the expat-community with your never ending stereotyping!!

  5. You sound like a greedy Thai. Better to invite every last foreign criminal in. Don,t we have enough already ? Makes me wonder if perhaps your hiding something.

    Some of the comments here already are quite gormless.

    Do you people not realise that Thailand has a tourist industry and that anything criminal, of any nature (however bad) affects the desire of people to visit?

    Sitting in your ivory towers you must feel very self-satisfied.

    • Like 1
  6. sadly it happens far more often then reported actions like this. i guess they thought they were hip. next stop likely Pai

    Forget the semantics and look at it for what it is. Whether they were on the temple grounds or just outside, it certainly isn't the best choice of location to practice yoga. And shirtless. It's obviously not a park, so better to err on the side of prudence and respect. Quite frankly, these two people look ridiculous doing that crap within eyesight of a sacred area. They are an eyesore to my western eyes.

  7. Refreshing that you seem to get it. Now you might try explaining that to some of the others here that don,t. They keep deflecting back to the Thais.

    Wow, 400+ replies! Just read the first few. Whatever I'm gonna say has probably already been said, and this late in the thread probably won't be read anyway, but...

    Thais sending this to the media is a way to get the word out to other visitors that this sort of behavior is inappropriate, which it is.

    Also, hatha yoga teachers don't encourage showing off, which this clearly is.

  8. Your just what Thailand needs less of. I will give you a hint that might just help you survive here a few days longer. YOU ARE A GUEST HERE IN THEIR COUNTRY. Don,t agree with the rules GET LOST !

    Buddhism when it suits them...

    Ive been to temples and its a tinnea infested workout

    As for the rest of the time, flouting laws and inaction to do diddly squat about being "done" by their police, govt officials and anyone else with some form of power.

    Perhaps they should direct their anger inwards and fix their own problems instead of watching how "free" and "loving life" farangs are

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  9. So happy you get that. Sadly most foreigners that travel and live here don,t. And they really don,t care.

    Another example of an overreaction by a Thai. coffee1.gif

    At least a monk isn't slapping them, they are not drunk and are not in a bikini. blink.png

    Sorry to dis-agree with you on this point!!!

    It's not an over reaction by a Thai... it's Thai etiquette when you are within the grounds of a temple (even if you appear to be in a park)

    Thais practice this behaviour when on sacred ground & expect other nationalities to respect their culture/belief/religion & follow suit!!

    Motto: When in Rome do as the Romans do !!!!

  10. Just your typical foreigners in Thailand who can care less about the Thais nor their customs. Of course many on this forum tend to think the same sadly as already posted. The attitude i will do anything i please attitude towards the Thais is already having some serious karma coming back in all our faces. Pay back time is coming real soon if it has not started already. Keep up the good work stupid farang !

    Another example of an overreaction by a Thai.

    Not at all. I rather suspect the tourists wouldn't act the same way in a church, mosque or synagogue in their home country. Why should they even think it's remotely acceptable in a Buddhist temple?

    They are also both dressed inappropriately to visit a temple. They have obviously spent no time learning about local ways and are completely devoid of any cultural sensitivity.
    • Like 1
  11. Thailand is safe as long as your (A) Not being obnoxious towards the Thais. (B) Have some common sense meaning as a woman not walking around half naked or in the dark and numerous other things like being drunk the majority of your time while being here. After many years here NEVER had a problem. But hey i understand you want to sell books. But with a few simple words the majority can stay out of trouble. To bad common sense is not sold in a bottle. You could make billions.

    But T.A.T. says its safe in L.O.S.

    The book I wrote in 2013: "A Place To Be Killed, Tourist Alert Thailand" (on Amazon ebooks) would sell more copies, but I have to be anonymous, or I'll be another farang that dies of unnatural causes in the Kingdom..

    By the way, Phuket authorities stopped publishing monthly numbers of tourist deaths in April 2012 - because revealing the numbers would hurt tourism...HELLO?


    the truth kills..

  12. With the crap i have seen the foreigners pull over here both men and women i wonder how long they would last for example in Singapore or the middle east. Act like a dumb ass and your asking for trouble plan and simple. After all the years i have lived here never had much of any problems with the Thais. If it is that bad here you can always leave or avoid the place. The island chain with Kho Tao has been dangerous more years and will only continue to get worse as you continue to show disrespect to the locals. They have no problem ripping you off if you act like a clown.

    Sadly i don,t think the majority of the foreigners get that. Seem to have the attitude i will do anything i please. It has reached a boiling point from all the disrespect over the years. Perhaps it is payback time.

    To all the foreigners visiting or living here in Thailand just please be careful not to bump-heads w the locals.I grew up here and I've visited almost all places in TH(part of my job too).I can speak Thai and honestly I never had a prob w them but then again I'm Southeast Asian too.They just don't like foreigners who disrespect them in their own country no matter who they are or what they are.

    Just please avoid getting in a fight w them.That's the first rule to keep in mind when coming here.

    That is absolute none sense.

    Murder is justifiable payback for some else's miss-perceived disrespect ??

    A sad and pathetic attempt to distract and spin a defense.

    Your insinuation is so very ugly.

    You must be of the " she was wearing a short pink skirt and deserved it " brigade.

    I agree. Stop putting the blame on the victims. It just gives the criminal more justification and power to continue. What they should doing is informing thai that confrontation in the correct non abusive way is healthy. You can't keep going around beating up and killing the foreigners.
  13. Foreigners having common sense ? One of the many reasons i avoid the tourist traps. Too many pissed off Thais and i can,t blame them from what i have witnessed from both men and women.

    To all the foreigners visiting or living here in Thailand just please be careful not to bump-heads w the locals.I grew up here and I've visited almost all places in TH(part of my job too).I can speak Thai and honestly I never had a prob w them but then again I'm Southeast Asian too.They just don't like foreigners who disrespect them in their own country no matter who they are or what they are.

    Just please avoid getting in a fight w them.That's the first rule to keep in mind when coming here.

    Should really be described as common sense. Not liking being disrespected by a foreigner in your own country is a character trait not exclusive to the Thais. However, it is how it is handled. It is more often than not about business, women, traffic etc. I was recently at a holiday resort in the far south of Thailand frequented by a lot of young backpackers. If they could understand Thai and the way the young local Thai men spoke about them they would be horrified. Especially the women. I was shocked and disgusted and found it hard to keep my mouth shut. But I did. For the very reason you state here. Self-preservation
  14. Sadly i don,t think the majority of the foreigners get that. Seem to have the attitude i will do anything i please. It has reached a boiling point from all the disrespect over the years. Perhaps it is payback time.

    To all the foreigners visiting or living here in Thailand just please be careful not to bump-heads w the locals.I grew up here and I've visited almost all places in TH(part of my job too).I can speak Thai and honestly I never had a prob w them but then again I'm Southeast Asian too.They just don't like foreigners who disrespect them in their own country no matter who they are or what they are.

    Just please avoid getting in a fight w them.That's the first rule to keep in mind when coming here.

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