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Jungle Jim

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Posts posted by Jungle Jim

  1. Escaping from Anchorage i don,t blame you. What a hole. Did you meet Sarah ?

    Lasted seven years, came back last fall.

    Cost of living is cheaper here, better quality of life, and:

    People smile without hoping for anything other than a smile back;

    Haven't heard a single dog bark in three months, let alone been attacked by a pack of them;

    No burning of plastic;

    No loud music, caterwauling as the moon sets, or unbridled exhaust;

    Haven't seen one person pick their nose. Nope, not even the person preparing my food ...

    Were there good things about my time in Thailand? Sure, but no where near enough to consider living there any longer, let alone dying there.

    My wife is joining me in April. We have a bucket list in the first month that includes:

    The Grand Canyon- camping and rafting;

    Las Vegas- attending a Cirque de Sol show, and, in the casinos, losing money;

    Driving north from San Diego through Malibu, sailing to and about Catalina, then taking Hwy 1 up the coast into Washington State and eventually Victoria, B.C. We'll stop at wineries and cheese farms along the way, detouring for camping in Sequoia National Park, and Redwood National Forest. Then Yosemite and back over to the coast ….

    Absolutely no way I would consider wasting another precious day of life in LOS.

    Rode my motorcycle all the way from Anchorage to San Diego...every mile on the coast (except for the Alcan!).Stick around BC and Alberta a bit longer...stunning scenery.

    Magic...wonderful experience and would do it again in a heartbeat.

    Rode then to Vegas via that big Canyon. Then continued to ride all the lower 48's.

    Can't see any of this in Thailand.......

  2. You think maybe that drinking every night just might be part of the problem? add the stress of having a pain in the ass Thai hooker and blue pills. In these cases they are their own worst enemy .

    Never have understood that logic. Work till your 65 or older retire than drop dead a year later flat broke. Sounds like fun..

    Yep. Work like a dog until you're 65,

    then hit LOS after being diagnosed

    with heart trouble, hip trouble and

    back trouble. Move in a bargirl, pop

    blue pills to keep up with her, drink

    every night and end up in hospital

    where a doctor lays it down "Sorry but

    you're OLD. Keep this up and you'll be

    going back home in a box."

  3. There for strange reasons ? you mean like hiding from the law ? seeking under age kids ? drinking 24/7 ? living out of a 7/11 ? pattaya , phuket , Koh Samui , Chiang Mai i think your talking about hell on Earth . Losers is too kind of a word.

    i like living in the chiang mai area but would not want to be old/elderly here. dont think it would ever feel like home or comfortable on my deathbed. dont reallt like thailand at all except in the north.

    one of my fears has always been turning into one of these pattaya type losers, getting old surrounded by prostitutes and drinking buddies passing through who were there for strange reasons. the fear became worse in bkk and increases in phuket, pattaya etc.

    i see myself (hopefully) able to pull off a comfortable situation in my home country (usa) as i age, or move somewhere in europe (italy, france, etc).

  4. And where did you meet you English speaking Thai wife ? and you are miserable so why do you stay ?

    my hunch is none speak Thai, none have any hobbies, none eat Thai food, none understand anything going on around them with a non stop lost stick up the butt look, all are likely alcoholics and all have bar girls for girls friends or a wife. typical foreigner in Thailand.

    Must admit that where I am in LOS there are a lot of miserable farangs that do nothing but complain, obviously not happy with their lot, or perhaps just naturally miserable wherever they reside..........sad.png

    But I don't speak Thai, I don't eat Thai grub, I do have a Thai wife.

    Was in a bar once and sitting there listening to mainly rolleyes.gif and a farang said to me, "You always look miserable".......blink.png

    Reality was I ignore the usually banter, thats it.

    I said, " Accept me for who I am, I am nooo problem".smile.png

  5. my hunch is none speak Thai, none have any hobbies, none eat Thai food, none understand anything going on around them with a non stop lost stick up the butt look, all are likely alcoholics and all have bar girls for girls friends or a wife. typical foreigner in Thailand.

    Must admit that where I am in LOS there are a lot of miserable farangs that do nothing but complain, obviously not happy with their lot, or perhaps just naturally miserable wherever they reside..........sad.png

  6. She won,t last a year maybe not even six months in SLC.


    Has your wife ever been to Salt Lake City? That's got to be quite an adjustment for a Thai person. I don't envy her; in fact I can think of few US cities where it would be more difficult for a Thai person to adjust. I hope her cultural adjustment skills are better than yours seem to be.

    Do Mormons even believe Thais go to heaven? Aren't you going to run into former missionaries who are going to automatically assume your wife is a former prostitute/mail order bride? I don't know, HeijoshinCool, most of your complaints about Thailand seem to fall into the "Wahhh...it's not like back home!" category. It would be rather ironic if your Thai wife starts singing the same tune when she arrives in Utah. I hope things work out for you, if only for your wife's sake.


    Are you dim? Do you know that less than 40% of residents in SLC proper are Mormons? Less and less each year.

    I am not Mormon. My wife is highly intelligent and can adjust to pretty much any adversity, just as I adjusted well to life in Thailand, but we are discussing where it is cheaper to live, aren't we?

    I could not care less what "former (Mormon) missionaries" think about.

    If my wife wants to return to Thailand, I will move back and enjoy life with her to the fullest.

  7. I ask the same question every day. Why in the hell did you move here ? Let me guess. Bar girls and booze.

    Lasted seven years, came back last fall.

    Cost of living is cheaper here,



    Please don't edit my posts. Forum rules require you quote them in their entirety.

    You know, this particular misperception is an ongoing argument on TV. And it is usually made by people with mediocre job histories, and/or a miserable existence in their homeland, making retiring to Asia and "enjoying" forty baht meals out, 150 baht massages, and 1000 baht "girlfriends," a good deal.

    All the foods I like are available here at no up charge. In Thailand they carry a 300% up charge---even before Villa or Foodland grab their own take.

    On Friday, I bought a very nice Chilean Malbec, on sale, for $4.19. That's 125 baht. IN LOS, the same wine was close to 700 baht. I bought an excellent cheese on special, thick smoked bacon for a dollar a pound, and a steelhead trout filet for $4 (fresh, not farmed). That's far less than what I paid at Villa.

    My gym does not require a membership, and so has no pesky salesman. It has a flat rate of $15 per month. I, like all members, have a key, making it available 24/7.

    When I use UPS or FedEx here, they are reliable and reasonable. Nothing gets stolen, or nailed for extra fees.

    When I pay a serviceman here to do work on my vehicle, or my lawnmower, or my plumbing or electric, it is almost always done expeditiously, safely and right, the first time. This, as opposed to going through a series of workers who not only don't get it right, but often make a problem worse.

    In LOS, I never had my '65 Honda motorbike running correctly, because the mechanics were incompetent or dishonest. Or both. This increases a tradesman's "bargain" rates considerably, making them no longer a bargain.

    One time when I went to pick up my bike after some work, I noticed the original Honda seat was replaced by junk, and my seat was on the bike of the mechanic's buddy. When I pointed this out, they did this: whistling.gif . When I insisted they put it back on my bike, they became confrontational. I had to pay a cop to get my seat back. I don't think I have never had that experience at a Honda bike shop in the USA.

    I bought a new gas BBQ last week at Home Depot. Regular cost was $99. On sale for $69. What's a gas BBQ in Thailand? I know the answer: about 10,000 baht for junk. The price goes up from there. The dumbbells I bought in LOS? One there cost as much as six here.

    If I buy something at most stores here, there is a no-questions-asked return policy. I have returned to the local Smith's Supermarket, a number of items I found unsatisfactory. Always a smile when handing back my money. As such, I am a loyal customer. In November after returning to the States, I was checking out some groceries, and the bill was fifty-some dollars. I jokingly asked the checker if he had any coupons. He reached in his apron pocket, and swiped one across the scanner, and my bill dropped to $32. This is now a regular occurrence.

    Gas where I live is almost half the price it is in Thailand. It is lower in other states.

    In Thailand used vehicles carry a ridiculous price. Last week, I bought a '66 Chevy Bel Air. It had sat in an old lady's garage for years, and has 38,000 original miles. I paid $3700 for it. Now I have my eye on a '65, fully restored Chev pickup. $7000. Far less than a used pickup in average condition in Thailand. Both are investments that will never lose me money.

    The Asian market I shop in Salt Lake City, actually has lower prices than back at Rhek Thum's "fresh market." And they are the same brands.

    Here the tennis courts are free, and in good condition.

    Here, cops don't stop me when I'm driving legally, unlike Thailand where they attempt to extort money. And here, Avis doesn't even think of extorting me for a pre-existing scratch, when I return a rental to the airport, just because I speak English.

    My dentist here does not try to drill out non-existent cavities, nor pull a cracked tooth that can be repaired (if you have good training), nor spends a mere 15 minutes "cleaning" my teeth. Here it takes a solid hour,and is done right, so I only have to go twice a year rather than every couple of months.

    This summer I'm out to buy a piece of land and build a vacation home. It's mine when I'm done, though my wife's name will also be on it. And where we are building, land is cheaper per acre than the rubber tree land where I lived in Rhek Thum. Don't believe me? Do your due diligence and research it, and you'll find my claim holds water.

    Most of the nutritional products I take that keep me free of those expensive American doctor bills, are not available in Thailand. The few that are, are substantially lower in price here than in LOS. After feeling like crap the past few years, I am once again healthy and have my vitality back. That has great economic value.

    The firearms I buy to go hunting and target shooting are at the very least, 1/3 the price they are in Thailand. The books I read are cheaper when new at the store, and a once-read paperback bought at a garage sale is 10 baht.

    The tools I will use to build my house, Makita, Ryobi, and Milwaukee, are much less expensive here in the States. And if they break, the warranty work is done locally and in days. Usually they just hand over a new tool. The building material selection is far more diverse here, enabling both short-term and long-term savings.

    Are there exceptions? Are there things cheaper in LOS?

    Sure. Instant water heaters, air conditioners, unhygienic meals out, short-time"girlfriends," and massages. There are others, such as contact lenses, but as a whole do not measure up to a genuine savings.

    Many items may be cheaper, but are built so cheaply they have a crap service life. Water pumps, clothing, and electrical items are a good example. Speaking of clothing, I bought new Levis last month. On sale, plus a coupon, $22 a pair. Good luck with that in LOS.

    Want to retire to a warm climate that has reasonable prices? Try Port Charlotte, Florida. Check out the land and housing prices, and all the free services and discounts for seniors. Thailand does not even come close.

    Most people that travel to the other side of the world to live will embrace their new surroundings and culture, by doing this Thailand is by far cheaper than the US, however in your case wishing to eat the same foods and have the same lifestyle has you now have again begs the question why on Earth did you even bother living here.

  8. No plans to return to my homeland ever. Why ? Police state, nasty women, shallow, crap food, expensive rent, Obamacare ,what a joke, work until you drop dead for what. Never understood foreigners that move here bitch and moan about the Thais, never learn to speak Thai, eat expensive foreign food, have bar girls for girlfriends or a wife, drink non stop , hang with other foreigners in bars, never bother to learn about the Thai culture Do's and Don;ts and overall treat the Thais like crap and wonder why they have non stop problems. Ban Huay Yang in southern Thailand is a fine example of foreigners that live in a fortress with high walls to keep out the evil Thais, walk around with a scowl non stop like they have a stick up their butts and are some of the most unhappy looking foreigners i have seen in all my travels. If you hate it here so much LEAVE ! More room for myself and wife. Never had much of any problems with the Thais OUTSIDE of the tourists slums. I love it here, enjoy the Thais, Thai food and basically everything. So why leave.

  9. Have never understood why foreigners move here and try to copy everything they left behind, eat western food, hang with other foreigners , and sit in bars all day. No thanks.

    Life is certainly cheaper here, unless you insist on trying to live a western lifestyle.

    But if you want to live a western lifestyle, why the hell move here in the first place?

  10. Never have understood that logic. Work till your 65 or older retire than drop dead a year later flat broke. Sounds like fun..

    I retired here at age 50 well over 10 years ago. I am the envy of my old friends in the U$A, most of whom will work until they drop dead on the job. Why would I ever want to return?

  11. Try explaining that to the honest expats that live on those islands and the millions that visit there. They just don,t get it and live in some Fantasy Island dream state. It is obvious to anyone that still has a working brain and some common sense that the moment you set foot there that the islands are corrupt not only from the local mafia but also the numerous foreign criminals living there. I will never understand the draw to those islands. Crappy beaches, over priced crappy food, taxi thugs, over priced rooms, dangerous roads, and the list goes on. Having said that i am happy that the majority of foreigners stay there and not spread into other unspoiled what remains quiet areas of Thailand.

    Quality Hosts. wai2.gifwai.gif

    "The clip showed the man crawling out and Kabin walking to him and shooting him at close range."

    All those islands are ruled by thugs.

  12. Koh Samui, Pattaya, Phuket full of foreign criminals and trouble makers. The three most dangerous places in Thailand. Yet millions of dumb expats and tourists love the place. Go figure ! You could not pay me enough to go there. The travel websites tell how wonderful and safe it is. Goes to show they can care less about tourists. Having said that. At least one less alcoholic on Samui now.

    There are many.... Shootings here on Koh Samui, Its just not always publicized.

    A note to self: avoid Samui Island by all means.

    There is Turkish mafia and Russian mafia over there.

    The same as Pattaya and Phuket, very criminalized place.

    • Like 1
  13. i think living in Hua Hin for three years explains a lot. What a crap hole. How many foreigners are hiding there ? Since most of Pattaya Koh Samui and Phuket has moved in that direction.

    Good news. It is about time the Thai government starts cracking down on the thousands of foreign criminals and foreigners over staying their visas that have been hiding here for years. Only five years they are getting off easy. I am sure many are now hiding under their beds with their bar girls peeing in their pants. Thailand makes it far to easy to enter without better backgrounds checks and allows far too many undesirables to stay here. If your unable to afford to stay here, have a legit visa and stay out of trouble you should not be allowed to enter and if caught tossed in jail and deported as most countries do. Pattaya would be a good place to start hunting them down.

    Jungle Jim, where have I been all this time ? Lived in Hua-Hin for 3 years , North of Chiang Rai for 7 years but I have never had a bar girl pee in my pants , I must get out more .

  14. they are not over crowded in Europe because they are here.

    Good news. It is about time the Thai government starts cracking down on the thousands of foreign criminals and foreigners over staying their visas that have been hiding here for years. Only five years they are getting off easy. I am sure many are now hiding under their beds with their bar girls peeing in their pants. Thailand makes it far to easy to enter without better backgrounds checks and allows far too many undesirables to stay here. If your unable to afford to stay here, have a legit visa and stay out of trouble you should not be allowed to enter and if caught tossed in jail and deported as most countries do. Pattaya would be a good place to start hunting them down.

    "and if caught tossed in jail and deported as most countries do" cheesy.gif

    If true most European jails would be overcrowded Mr JungleJustice Jim

  15. My hunch is there are thousands hiding here both men and women. Fish in a barrel if Interpol and the Thai police would get their act together.

    I don't get it, if they where just touristicing around, if they are not allowed to return in 5 years, who is the looser?? they or the Thai Tourist industry?

    I thought the law was in effect already last year? with big announcements and the "crack down" speech. I think technically if one overstay just a few days they could bar you for 5 years, am I right?

    No, you don't understand the point.

    Probably there was a good reason for those guys to keep low profile while staying in Thailand.

    They might have been on the Russian Police "Wanted List" after having committed some crimes in Russia, we never know.

    Sometimes the Russian Police is cooperating with Interpol and Royal Thai Police to look for those criminals hiding away in Thailand.

    Every foreigner who is overstaying for a long time may be suspected that there is something wrong with him or her.

    We don't want this kind of "Quality Tourists" to stay here in Thailand.

    How many of them have already found a shelter in Thailand?

    • Like 1
  16. If the police did their job i am sure you could round up a thousand foreigners who have over stayed their visas and foreign criminals in Pattaya alone. Add Phuket, Koh Samui, Koh Tao, Korat, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Udon Thani, Hua Hin and a few other places to the list. The place is crawling with them.

    It is time that the overstay rules are applied. It will also reduce the influence and presence of the foreign mafia groups and criminals on the run. Pattaya must be full of overstayers.

    • Like 1
  17. You mean MOST expats not being able to speak a word of Thai. That is why MOST expats have girlfriends and a wife they grabbed as bar girls. Later we already know the ending of that marriage or relationship .

    The last 'Swede' I talked to in Bangkok was a dodgy Iranian with a Swedish passport. Been there over 20 years and spoke zero Swedish.

    Well being in Thailand he will be right at home with some expats being unable to speak a word of Thai.

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