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Jungle Jim

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Posts posted by Jungle Jim

  1. If most did their homework and had just a little bit of common sense the majority would not continue to get into the situations they do. Maybe just maybe take just a moment and read Thai Do's and Don,t's. Pissing off the locals will not gain any friends. Just a small reminder. Put the bong and or bottle down for a day if you can handle that and learn something besides pickling your already small brain.

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  2. Answer : Anywhere that is not overrun with foreigners. You can have Krabi, Kp, and Koh Phi Phi.

    NEVER give up your passport to anyone. If they will not take a copy walk away. Koh Phanang is a place i would totally avoid for numerous reasons. Krabi and Koh Phi Phi are no better. But if your into hanging with thousands of other often drunk foreigners go for it. Millions of others yearly do.

    Hey don't knock Krabi, admittedly it's not as nice as 20yrs ago but where is? It's still a pretty cool place to be.

    You still won't be able to rent a bike without leaving your passport though!

  3. Just another typical foreigner in Thailand.

    Sounds like many that while living in Thailand you never ate Thai food. Lived on over priced expensive crap foreign food. Thailand too expensive ? Yea if your diet is booze and foreign food.

    sure thailand is cheap if you want to he'lin a rural backwater eat thai food at the market and drink chang...but its not for everyone,some have higher aspirations!

    If you don't want to eat Thai food and drink Thai beer, why the hell would you come to Thailand?

    because i sometimes like to eat western food and drink a decent beer.I came to thailand for the women,pure and simple.

  4. yea the little head and booze does wonders.

    The bigger issue is that I have nothing in common with a typical Canadian woman.

    What do you have in common with a typical Thai woman?

    That's another thing. I've been in love a few times here, but I miss real conversation, beyond the basics. I miss western humor, or an understanding of working as an artist. Thailand can be a great adventure, but if you're not ready to retire, it's still a big world out there.

    I'm like most guys. For the first few months, if she's gorgeous- it doesn't matter what words come out of her mouth. I find them fascinating. (Something about the little head acting as interpreter)

    In the second and subsequent years, not so much. But by that time, the seeds have already been sown and the hook has been set.

  5. If you treat them if respect . How are they oppressed ? Western values have totally screwed them up. Does not mean they are not able to learn anything they wish.

    Thai women are no different than white women once either taken out of Thailand or exposed to western ideas which has totally screwed up their heads. Take Lao or Burmese women for example most still have their natural beauty. Once they get western thinking in their heads like most of the younger Thais have become their future is all down hill. Bhutan is a good example of keeping most of their values. Why ? Because they are not money hungry and not willing to give into mass tourism that has destroyed Thailand. In ten more years Thailand will have some serious bad karma coming its way. Look at any bar girl that hangs with a foreign. You can have them. Look like common western trailer trash. The bar foreigners taught them such great values.

    Take your Thai wife to Canada and here are the possible, and only, results......
    -She hates it especially the winter, and flies home.
    -Under the pressure of massive change, she becomes Westernized and no longer recognizable.
    -Under the pressure of massive change, she goes insane, requiring famous Canadian hospitalization.

    Thai women are like some flowers that thrive only in one atmosphere. Take them out of that and they wither one way or the other. You came here to get a THAI wife, not just any woman, and now she is in your clumsy hands. Stay with her here where you made the marriage deal.

    So Jungle what you are saying its better to have oppressed women with no education and have no financial awareness? Dude are you a cave man or something? Could you be anymore demeaning in your statements??
  6. I have nothing in common with any American woman. STUCK UP! And the Thai women now think its cool to copy their bitch sisters.

    The bigger issue is that I have nothing in common with a typical Canadian woman.

    What do you have in common with a typical Thai woman?

    That's another thing. I've been in love a few times here, but I miss real conversation, beyond the basics. I miss western humor, or an understanding of working as an artist. Thailand can be a great adventure, but if you're not ready to retire, it's still a big world out there.

    Agree....Even at 70 and retired...I miss a real conversation...but..it is the only thing bad about Thailand..and the only problem in my married life. Some times in life.... makes sense to give up not essentials..

  7. Answer: Cheap booze and cheap trashy bar girls. The majority that move here make no effort at learning Thai, eating Thai, or learning anything about Thai culture. The Thais to them are nothing more than either slaves, sex slaves or background noise. Ever wonder why the Thais have become to hate us ?

    Sounds like many that while living in Thailand you never ate Thai food. Lived on over priced expensive crap foreign food. Thailand too expensive ? Yea if your diet is booze and foreign food.

    sure thailand is cheap if you want to he'lin a rural backwater eat thai food at the market and drink chang...but its not for everyone,some have higher aspirations!

    If you don't want to eat Thai food and drink Thai beer, why the hell would you come to Thailand?
  8. Thai women are no different than white women once either taken out of Thailand or exposed to western ideas which has totally screwed up their heads. Take Lao or Burmese women for example most still have their natural beauty. Once they get western thinking in their heads like most of the younger Thais have become their future is all down hill. Bhutan is a good example of keeping most of their values. Why ? Because they are not money hungry and not willing to give into mass tourism that has destroyed Thailand. In ten more years Thailand will have some serious bad karma coming its way. Look at any bar girl that hangs with a foreign. You can have them. Look like common western trailer trash. The bar foreigners taught them such great values.

    Take your Thai wife to Canada and here are the possible, and only, results......

    -She hates it especially the winter, and flies home.

    -Under the pressure of massive change, she becomes Westernized and no longer recognizable.

    -Under the pressure of massive change, she goes insane, requiring famous Canadian hospitalization.

    Thai women are like some flowers that thrive only in one atmosphere. Take them out of that and they wither one way or the other. You came here to get a THAI wife, not just any woman, and now she is in your clumsy hands. Stay with her here where you made the marriage deal.

  9. Hint : Thailand lost its Thainess because of mass tourism and too many obnoxious foreigners.

    I visited Thailand many times over the last 28 years. It was cheap then. And it was so full of Thainess.

    I decided to settle there, over 9 yaers ago. It was cheap then, and still a lot of Thainess.

    But i watched as it became more and more expensive, and see the Thainess dissapear.

    So 12 Months ago, I decided to say goodbye. I now live in the Philippines. I have a lovely girl who speaks English, and is not money driven.

    It is a cleaner lifestyle, and a lot cheaper. I am sorry to say, because I like Thailand, but it is just not the place it used to be, and I found myself continually checking prices and buying cheaper alternatives. Goodbye Thailand, and Good luck, your going to need it.

  10. I guess civil war is a better option ? Total out of control corruption is a better option ? Are some afraid here that perhaps the government might start cracking down on very questionable out of control foreigners ? Or some do not have the proper visas ? Foreign criminals hiding in Thailand worried ?

    I feel that the time has come to keep the travel luggage at hand.

    If you feel like that, nobody is here to stop you.

    I'm staying here and I fully trust that this government will change Thailand for the better.

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  11. Sounds like the typical foreigner i see everywhere with a bar girl. I think his name is Mr. Loser-Boozer

    Rather than face up to the complete balls up they've made of their own lives with nobody to blame but themselves regarding relationships, financial decisions etc. and their complete lack of any social skills and the ability to interact with their fellow man they seek and find an outlet for their vehemence and self loathing.

    Knew a guy a few years back; on the point of morbidly obese, 4, count em, 4 failed marriages to Thais behind him ( at that point I'd start questioning my own ability to choose a partner as opposed to his oft chanted mantra of " All Thai women are after your money cheating b***** ". I mean, I dunno about anyone else but having met his latest " flame" it be like me living in America and looking for the love of my life in a Detroit project for a woman with 5 kids and a crack habit).

    Hated Thai people - check

    Hated Thai food - check

    Hated the weather -check

    Conspiracy theories up the wazoo - check

    Thai living in a big house and driving a Benz = corrupt - check.

    I wonder what his user name is?

  12. I totally agree with you. sadly the Thai government seems to want more of these types arriving . It seems to be getting worse by the year as more and more obnoxious and drunk foreigners flood into Thailand. I would be willing to pay much more for my visas if they would take serious steps on not allowing many in. They make it far too easy for scum like this guy and foreign criminals in.

    These nasty foreigners’ incidents like this are teaching Thai kids all the evils of the West’s money for nothing attitude sooner we clamp down on violent cheating scamming foreign arrivals the better get the numbers down to a few hundred thousand foreign tourists arrivals per year it will be much better for Thailand’s culture and peaceful way of life.

  13. The LP forum and the books are a joke. If any hotel , town or whatever is listed i totally avoid the place and its numerous problems with the foreigners.

    • Best Travel Website: pantip.com/forum/blueplanet

    But it is in Thai language...is that new? Can all Quality Tourists read Thai these days?

    I wondered about that too. Maybe the backpackers have changed in the last years.

    That forum is for Thais travelling overseas, not for quackpackers coming to Thailand - they already have LP Thorn Tree for their endless, banal 'best beach in October' and ''Is Thailand safe?'' questions. Shame really. Used to be a cracking forum.

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