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Jungle Jim

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Posts posted by Jungle Jim

  1. The moron drunks have spread to about everywhere and its only going to get worse. Thailand loves its foreign alcoholics and sex tourists.

    Maybe you're in a special part of HH?
    Where have you seen this? What area?
    Are you sure you really know what busy is?
    I drive around town and see restaurants as empty as they've always been and if the hotels are all full everybody must be staying in their room!

    Have a look online for the amount of rooms available here...

    It's not gonna be long before HH really kicks off and let's pray it won't be following the other places [emoji120][emoji120][emoji120]

    Yeah well, people will pave paradise and put up a parking lot... Or a-go-go bar...

    One of my Top Ten Hua Hin loves... No seedy gogo whorebars... [emoji106]
    It ain't never gonna happen wink.png

    There's certain things you can and just can't do on the King's doorstep.

    The sex industry attracts morons & thugs... Their moronic stupidity gets them so drunk they end up fighting and trashing the place, the more morons hear about it, more will come, until you en up with Phuket, Samui, Pattaya & Bangkok's areas...

    Over the years these morons replace the much needed family tourists who have moved on...

    I think Hua Hin is pretty safe from all that [emoji106]

  2. When will they learn ? NEVER ! Hope they make a good example of him. He will likely be allowed back in as soon as he does his time. Thailand has a knack at allowing foreign criminals in. Passport Control just turns their heads.

    When will he learn, its not a playground for farangs, no matter how big you are , they can always outsmart you and before you know, trouble will be knocking on your doors.

  3. They are arriving by the plane loads. Thousands and thousands of suckers. Just met one today covered a beaten up looking hooker in gold. dumb as they get.

    Ho hum............boring!!!

    Will we never hear the end of suckers and local women???

    A fool and his money are easily parted.

    • Like 1
  4. Title should read: Another Alcoholic Foreigner Goes Broke With Bar Girl Now Living On The Streets. Thousands more like him are buying their bar girl a new home and car at this very moment. Total morons. Sorry zero sympathy for these complete losers.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    • Like 2
  5. Why bother asking the question ? It is easy to answer for the majority of the tourists and expats. Booze and bar girls. Now that the government is cracking down on the bar girls . What will you do ? Leave ! Thailand would be far better off with the foreign sex tourists. Ask most Thais what their real opinion is outside the money. You won,t like the answer. YOUR NOT WANTED HERE.

  6. Exploitation it is a belief is a God given right to sex tourists. Who grope at bar girls in sight of everyone. Slobber drunk all over them, treat many like animals -sex slaves and go bare back passing on diseases without a thought. Besides foreigners dressing like total slobs and treating Thais like crap i have no problem seeing every last foreign girly bar shut down. If you support the local mafia you are pro bar girl. Won,t break my heart to see have of the tourists gone. The belief that foreigners often of the lowest quality are helping support the poor farm girl is a joke. Any decent Thai family would never allow these guys to get anywhere near their daughters.

    Pattaya gonna be a ghost town

    Cancelling this year's trip to Thailand as of right now.

    We'll see what happens when Thailand loses over half

    of its tourists.

    No Pattaya will not be a ghost town- can't remember the exact figure visitors number around 5 million. The % of sex tourists , especially amongst the largest group the Chinese is actually quite small.

    Sorry to hear you are canceling your trip to a developing county where I presume you desired to sexually exploit some of the poorer citizens .

    When did exploitation become socially acceptable?

    • Like 1
  7. I have to disagree with you on that. Most do not come here for the Thainess otherwise they would be much more behaved which many are not. Thailand attracts numerous alcoholics no Thainess in that. It attracts numerous foreign criminals, but most of all attracts some very questionable sex tourists. No Thainess in that. If what you saying is the case. Pattaya , the Full Moon Party , Koh Phi Phi and numerous other bars would not be full every night. The majority would be out in the towns far from the tourist hangouts. Where are they?

    If it is true i and many of my foreign friends will be jumping for joy. The sex tourists will have to leave. YEA!

    the oldest profession in the World and now gone

    it is a sad day indeed

    mark this in your diaries

    1st Feb 2015 a day that will live in infamy.

    its not going to happen

    the sexpat makes up a very small % of tourists to Thailand

    most tourist come here for the Thainess, the food and the beautiful, quiet, safe clean Islands and beaches

  8. Good i hope he stays. Mr. T and family are finished !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My personal opinion:
    The army is here to stay, that's clear. They didn't even manage to lift the martial law by now.
    Most probably the army will at least stay until some indiscussable transition will happen, and probably many years after that.
    The transition to democracy will cost lives.

  9. Guess what ? I did not meet her in a bar.

    OMG! Millions of foreign sex tourists, expats, perverts and alcoholics will have to go elsewhere. If this is true. One of my happiest moments in Thailand. I can hear the moans already on the forum.

    It's all right for you Jungle Jim, they named a bar in Soi Cowboy after you, what about the rest of the guys?
    Heheh his ex bar girl wife must run it.
  10. more like 90% are in a bind.

    When it was the beach umbrellas and the poor food vendors getting their lively hoods taken away with no warning , many were shouting yahoo without a thought for all those people out of jobs. But oh no! !! Closing down those girlie bars,with all those young girls, that the old guys like. It's a different tune.
    However,in many countries now, it is not the girl who is prosecuted. But the person who encourages/facilitates the act.
    Probably put 50% of the guys on here in a bind wouldn't it.??

  11. Step up ? You mean falling down drunk. The girls will do just fine as they always have. Besides the foreigners that bitch and moan about she did me wrong won,t have anything to complain about any longer. But the bottle down and meet a women you did not need to find in a bar.

    So, the 'scummy foreigner' will no longer be required to step up and take care of families where the Thai male has done a runner? How about the 'scummy' money the people love from expats? Don't need, going back to the farm to work............Wait, the farms are mechanized so there is no work there JJ.

    if it gets rid of the majority of sex tourists looking for a girlfriend or wife. Gee Whiz! They might have to make an effort learn Thai and date a normal Thai woman. Problem is mom and dad would take one look at scummy foreigner and toss his butt out the door. The majority of sex tourists need to go including the expats. It would improve things greatly for the Thais. The girls would have to get a real job.

    This should be Interesting....

    As for those involved in child prostitution I agree 100% these people should be targeted and thrown in jail for a long period of time. As for adults just look at when they do raids on Beach Road, your nicked just pay 100Bt and on your way. Anyway we all know that most if not all these venues pay the police off so they can do business.Oh well another blow to tourism even if you do not agree with this type of business.

  12. Guess what ? I met my wife at a restaurant barely spoke a word of English. Won,t get near a bar.

    OMG! Millions of foreign sex tourists, expats, perverts and alcoholics will have to go elsewhere. If this is true. One of my happiest moments in Thailand. I can hear the moans already on the forum.

    It's all right for you Jungle Jim, they named a bar in Soi Cowboy after you, what about the rest of the guys?
    Heheh his ex bar girl wife must run it.
  13. if it gets rid of the majority of sex tourists looking for a girlfriend or wife. Gee Whiz! They might have to make an effort learn Thai and date a normal Thai woman. Problem is mom and dad would take one look at scummy foreigner and toss his butt out the door. The majority of sex tourists need to go including the expats. It would improve things greatly for the Thais. The girls would have to get a real job.

    This should be Interesting....

    As for those involved in child prostitution I agree 100% these people should be targeted and thrown in jail for a long period of time. As for adults just look at when they do raids on Beach Road, your nicked just pay 100Bt and on your way. Anyway we all know that most if not all these venues pay the police off so they can do business.Oh well another blow to tourism even if you do not agree with this type of business.

  14. Sexual acts in exchange for money. You mean marriage ?

    Sexpats will hate me for that, but it just came into my mind that it takes 2 to tango, and maybe 2 for an act of prostitution.
    In some Scandinavian country they go now for the male part of the two, why not do the same in Thailand?
    Many Farangs use all kinds of public services provided by women or ladyboys, and then go for bashing them after. I would like to see some quantitative data about those Farangs, they would certainly have time for a few questions, don't they?

    "...........why not do the same in Thailand?

    Do you seriously want Thailand to be like boring Scandinavia? Why do you think Hua Hin is so popular with Nordic males?
    As to farangs using these services and then "bashing them after". Watching too many movies?

    Perhaps you could apply to the Thai government to do a "Quantitative" study on the benefits and drawbacks to prostitution in the Kingdom.

    "...it takes 2 to tango, and maybe 2 for an act of prostitution."

    Actually many people believe it takes three or more to tango, depending on the dancers.

    Prostitution isn't an act. It is a business or practice whereby one party provides sexual acts in exchange for money.

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