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Jungle Jim

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Posts posted by Jungle Jim

  1. Just another alcoholic that got involved with a bar girl. Lucky he did not marry her, buy her gold, a new car, land, home, shop. The other guy saved him a bundle. But knowing foreigners in Thailand i am sure he already has a future wife he just met in another bar. Just your typical foreigner in Thailand. Nothing new. There are thousands more making the same mistake right as we speak.

  2. The majority met their so called girlfriend/wife either in a bar or massage shop. The majority purchased a home, land, business and car. The majority could not speak a word of Thai. The majority are boozers. The majority lost everything. The majority have zero common sense, The majority never did their research nor ever listened. The majority are losers.

    • Like 2
  3. Troglodyte is too kind of a word for both men and women. The foreigners flooding in are disgusting . The sex tourists/alcoholics and Full Moon Party morons are proof as to why things have gotten so bad.


    When I left 8 years ago I had the feeling that Thais had generally changed in their attitude to foreigners, but not in a positive way.


    I like their attitude to foreigners. They're not
    unduly rude to strangers but, increasingly, they're
    no longer a nation of smiling sycophants content to
    turn a blind eye to poor behaviour in return for a
    miserly gratuity from a troglodyte who thinks his
    holiday money automatically endows him with class.
  4. Mass tourism and the poor quality of the foreigners flooding into Thailand has destroyed the Thailand i once knew. And sadly the government wants more foreigners. The government seriously needs to rethink its policies concerning foreigners. The millions of very questionable foreigners pouring into this place is destroying it.

    A lot of the social problems Thailand faces now stem from the Asian Economic Crisis of 1997. Prior to this Thais were a lot more respectful, cultured and better educated and also had a future to look forward to because Thailand had been booming up until this point.

    The AEC caused a whole generation of Thais to miss out on decent schooling and their parents also had problems providing for them.

    Thailand is now having to deal with this lost generation whose future is bleak in a job market that hasn't really seen a salary increase in over 20 years.

    Totally agree.

    I am not sure a lot of foreigners understand the sheer impact 1997 had on the thai people of all social economic classes ( except the elite). To see my work colleagues almost traumatized by the loss of their jobs ( unheard of previously) lower income families getting into debt etc..suicides when they got ill etc..

    The whole country seemed to change, then the onset of mass tourism, the influx of retirees, the poor quality of the foreigners who came thereafter. The whole dynamic of the thai/ foreigner relationship also changed.

    Place is unrecognizable.

    As all countries have I suppose.
  5. Correct WE are the root of most of the Thais problems. We treat them like crap and expect them to smile.



    Respect is gone.
    Same as in USA.
    Today's generation has NO respect for much of anything.


    Respect hasn't gone; it's just not demonstrated
    as a matter of course any more.Now it has to be earned
    - much to the annoyance of the typical farang who
    still thinks a white face and a handful of foreign
    currency entitles him to VIP treatment the second
    he steps off the plane. There's probably a thread
    running on a Thai forum somewhere in which locals
    are discussing the collapse in the quality of the
    Western tourist/expat. We'd do well to look at
    ourselves first
  6. no a huge majority. guess you don,t get it that WE caused the change.

    More obnoxious and disrespectful foreigners = more obnoxious and disrespectful Thais. WE did the damage and WE are paying for it. And the government wants more foreigners coming here ?

    So a tiny minority of foreigners caused all the scamming lying cheating selfishness and corruption That is Thainess is what you are saying? Deranged.
  7. it is part of any culture to rip off stupid tourists. Watched two bimbo women in Hua Hin pay 200 baht to travel two blocks. As long as dumb foreigners continue to throw money around prices will only keep going upwards. One of the numerous reasons i avoid the tourist towns, bars, hotels, restaurants, taxis etc, etc. Dumb tourists. Ever wonder why bar girls prices continue to go skyward ? Dumb, dumber and dumbest .

    So the driver ripped you off not the floating market. You stopped prior to the market you should have went down the road to the entrance of the market. Don't blame the market , blame yourself.

    Yeah you are right, I'm one of the people to be blamed here. But nearly everyone who stops a cab and says take me to the floating market gets the same treatment. I should of prepared before the trip, but I decided to go there while I was walking down the road lol, decided I had nothing better to do and just hailed a cab and said take me to the floating market.

    you're just stupid, you could take the local bus to the market , it costs 10 baht , and then pay the normal entrance fee as anyone else.

    Stupid tourist in Bangkok , thats what you are. And don't blame the Thais , its a part of their culture to rip off tourists.

    • Like 1
  8. My hunch is when you offered to pay 1200 baht for the fare he knew he had a typical foreign SUCKER ! The reason foreigners get ripped off most of the time is their own damn fault. Foreigners love over paying for everything. Bar girls, food, hotel rooms, taxis you name it. Ever wonder why prices just keep going up ? Stupid foreigners.

    • Like 1
  9. Thailand would do just fine without mass tourism. Question: You think that perhaps the Thais should be treated respectfully ? Maybe that is the root of most of the problems.

    Thailand's economy is heavily dependent upon tourism. The latest government should come down hard on these <deleted> and let it be known tourists are to be welcomed and treated respectfully. If not, Thailand will become the agrarian society it once was and is still entrenched in.

  10. I think Johnniey has a good point. The beer guzzling foreigners that dress like slobs with bar girl in tow have NO chance of ever finding a decent girlfriend. It is not only the local youth that don,t like them. They leave behind a bad impression for all foreigners. Ask any decent Thai their opinion of them.

    You hit the nail on the head and that could be said for most foreigners here.

    There are so many farang in Udon Thani I can understand why the local youth don't like them. most are beer-guzzling elderlies with young country women. These 'wairoon' have no chance to find a decent girlfriend.

    I don't really think that's a fair comment. An elderly "farang" minding his own business, irrespective of who he chooses to share his company with should be of no concern to these "wairoon" or anyone else. I mean, don't they have better things to do like say going to school or just well getting a life?

  11. Is it possible that perhaps the influx of drunk obnoxious foreigners might be causing all the problems ? In every place i have traveled they tend to be the root of most of the problems.

    Usually cowards like this usually work in groups of three, at least. Maybe it's being compared to Koh Tao in the boldness that they did it when they only outnumbered the victim 2 to 1.

    I like traveling in the provincial towns of Thailand, usually there is some amusement in seeing a farang in town, and the treatment I get is civil. Very few exceptions, and Udon was one such place. I'll transit through there on the way to Lao, but that's it. Bad vibes.

    These up country towns have changed a lot in 10 years. A lot of money flying around up there in the last decade, a lot of fortunes made, night clubs built and a lot of young blokes with far too much wonga and not enough to do. Then throw in a bit of an influx of foreigners with bars and restaurants and the atmosphere isn't the quaint sleepy country towns as before. The place I was now has massive nightclubs and discos all with kids falling out of them smashed. The amount of foreigners has exploded some of whom (not all) spend most of their day propping up the bar getting into the odd altercation.

    Things change, except the police stay the same. Just as bribeable as always.

    "The place I was now has massive nightclubs........."

    Is it personal as to where you were, so we can understand whether we are talking about Khon Kaen or Kanchanaburi or...?

    That is Khon Kaen. But it stands for plenty of other places.

  12. I totally agree with you about the famous obnoxious Russians. Having said that i have seen numerous nationalities who can barely speak English shouting at the Thais and of course there are many that have lived here for years and can barely count to five in Thai. Without their bar girl in tow are totally helpless. Don,t know how many helpless foreigners i have seen over the years doing what i call the LP Lonely Planet spin helplessly lost and never bother to even say thank you in Thai. But again agree the Russian mafia for some strange reason has been allowed to spread in Thailand. Happy to see them all go away.

    Who needs the Russians in Thailand anyway. Once upon a time the world talked about the "Ugly American" tourists. It didn't matter where they travelled they managed to upset everyone with their overly loud, superiority complex behaviour.

    Well let me tell you from my experience with Russian tourists in Australia and especially Thailand they are arrogant, selfish egotistical people. At least the yanks and tourists of other nationalities attempt to use basic tourist Thai, but I have yet to hear a single Russian tourist ever attempt to speak even basic tourist Thai. They go into shops and speak Russian and get upset when the Thai shop owner cannot understand them. At least use the basics like Sawasdee ka/krup or khop kun ka/krup. They refuse to join in festivals like Songkran, and get violent when they have water put on them or even the wet powder put on their face. Last year in Pattaya I witnessed an 18 year old Russian girl assault a young Thai girl who was about 12 years of age because she wet her with a water pistol. Her father then came and slapped the young girl across the face. Needless to say other Russians came and also attempted to assault the young girl, but fortunately there were more tourists of other nationalities and Thais who came to the young girls aid. The police took the Russians away, but I'm sure they would have only been given a slap on the wrist and a minimal fine. This was just 1 of many similar incidents I have witnessed by Russian tourists. Thailand is better off without them. They have ruined both Pattaya and Jomtien for everybody else. Crime rates have increased in both these areas due to the Russian mafia gradually worming their way into Thailand, the same as they have done world wide. If the Ruble is so low and Russians can longer afford to travel, that's a good thing. Keep the Russians out of Thailand until they are prepared to at the very least make an effort to be sociable, accept that things are done very differently in Thailand and use basic tourist Thai with the locals. Until then, they should not be allowed in the country.

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  13. You can never have enough booze and girl bars. The majority of foreigners require that. SADLY !

    Never been to Pattaya - but from what I hear its mostly sex tourists and Russian families. By 'focus more on improving their offerings for tourists in other markets' what exactly is this supposed to mean? Close up businesses serving families and open up more girl bars?

    Perhaps open more Christian churches so you can do your loving there.

    jesus loves you but everybody else thinks you are a w anchor ;-)

  14. not the types i would want to hang with. besides the idiot foreigners toss stupid amounts of money at them. spoiled rotten and rude. their attitudes suck. not that i would ever want to take one home. no thanks.

    I came to Thailand to live with the Thais. Why hang with foreigners ? If i was that lonely i would just head back to my home country.

    Couldn`t agree with you more. And as some posters state Jim, many a nice, warm, welcoming and entertaining Thais down the Sois of 6,7 & 8! haha

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