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  1. President Windbag is at it again. It may or may not be built, but if so...will not be with any of his money. Such a jackass.
  2. Should be an eye for an eye...then executed or life in prison, no parole. Case closed. There's no rehabilitating these savages.
  3. Already been that way for years in the US with most banks and some investment companies.
  4. Cattle Egret...in case anyone is wondering.
  5. Good. There'll be less people in poverty and perhaps will force the government, corporations and other business owners to start paying a fair and livable wage instead of indentured servitude.
  6. Previously on ThaiVisa/AseanNow the emoji reactions were identified by members names. I liked that and was sad to see it go away.
  7. Here we go... ...must be Tin Foil Tuesday or Freaky Friday❗
  8. Been over him since he was elected 24 years ago. 🤮
  9. In the US, the guy would've been shamed and banned for "blackface". 🤣
  10. This has only been going here for...ever❗Nothing ever done about it since then and nothing will ever be done about it. More BS from LOBS.
  11. The guy is a total whackjob. Always has been.
  12. Thailand...consistently inconsistent 😂
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