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Everything posted by Skeptic7

  1. Just 4 posts above. Gave my opinion. 555 ????
  2. It's ok, average for the price. Wouldn't seek it out, but would drink again. If that makes any sense?
  3. Beer, rum, red wine and most others. Nothing against Ganja...just never enjoyed it and never agreed with me.
  4. Agreed...but not at all what was intended or even slightly implied. Take a walk, go for a swim, get outdoors, take the stairs, quit smoking. Get off the fat a$$. Eat less animal protein and "junk food". E-Z really, but people rather go to the doc, get more drugs, continue all the same unhealthy habits and complaining while doing ZERO to treat the causes. Wash, rinse, repeat. Hey ...everyone has their vices. I certainly have mine. But vices are best kept under control...or not. Whatever makes us happy, long as not hurting or infringing on others.
  5. The fit and healthy generally more than the willfully unfit and willfully unhealthy. IMO and observation, of course.
  6. Spot on...every single one of the thousands presented throughout history. Including all the old and new "woo-doo". No valid descriptions, definitions or shreds of evidence. Just have faith and run with them. Pantheism, panpsychism, consciousness, spiritual, natural brain states brought on by meditation, psychedelics or even sleep(!)...blah blah puke. ????
  7. Good post but majority would rather rely on their personal home pharmacy they're sold to every day. Treat the symptoms, NEVER the cause. Always supporting Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex. Most never consider changing lifestyle, diet style and maybe dropping a kilo or 50! Lazy, obese, diabetes, cigs, no exercise, heart disease, terrible food intake. They all LOVE it! The Medical Industrial Complex as well as all their lazy, head-in-the-sand "customers".
  8. Watch movies, read books (90% nonfiction), play video games. Best movie (documentary) recently... "My Octopus Teacher" ????????
  9. Faith in WHAT? What is this thing you have faith in? Not sunsets or night sky...the deity-thingy. What is it and what does it do...and how do you know?
  10. Faith in what? Other than the deity in which you so fervently believe, but have never defined nor even have a clue what it is... what other aspect of your life do you perform based on faith? You may trust in a family member or close friend because they have always conducted themselves with the highest integrity...always been there for you and never failed or let you down. There's your knowledge of this person with a proven and demonstrable track record which has earned your trust. It's not faith. You may have confidence in commercial aircraft and the pilots because they are highly trained and both have succeeded the vast majority of flights. The safety records of jet aircraft and commercial pilots is extremely high. There are proven and demonstrable historical safety records to show this. It's not "faith" your flying on.
  11. Surprised to know you actually believe any of the history about which you're learning! ????
  12. Is an "in-person" 90 day report required on the first report after every annual "Retirement" extension? Or is it only required after the very initial one, with ensuing reports able to be done online or by post?
  13. Been posted previously but seems very fitting again now...
  14. Absolutely...and especially by the "believer" team. They steal that ball and run with it all the time. Been their M.O. since...forever. Even today with still trying to crowbar Intelligent Design in as an alternate scientific theory. It's not. Or inserting "god" or "creator" in any gap or anything still yet unknown. Or equating consciousness with god without any reason, so much as evidence.
  15. Jomtien...on the actual sand, I see some people doing it. On the promenade...yes. Happily, whether technically permitted or not, It's active and life as usual on around the "breakwall" too. Beautiful sunset last night, complete with couple strolling on the beach.
  16. "Say" anything would be more accurate, as they are experts at spouting off and scheming, but actually "doing"...not so much.
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