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Everything posted by Skeptic7

  1. More nonsense from the most inept, ridiculous Capita of STOO-PID.
  2. The "hooks" and the crooks are licking their chops! Crackpot scheming and dreaming place, this.
  3. I entered mostly on visa exempt from USA (and Retirement extension past 5 years) nearly 150 times total during the past 29 years. Not once was I ever asked about money. Never. It may be another of their silly-stupid rules, but I never encountered it.
  4. No one is surprised the system is defective. Anyone whose been here more than a minute knew this was coming. Arrogance and Ineptitude are a dangerous mix and so TYPICALLY THAILAND.
  5. Perhaps "shim" or "she-male" or Ladyboy! works for ya! 555 I have always referred to any god concept as an IT or a Thing. Since they are unknown, unproven, unlikely, unrealistic and unsubstantiated.
  6. Yes and in USA people vote and politicians legislate based on subjective superstitious beliefs. And even some judges, put these beliefs before the secular Constitution they all have affirmed to uphold. They are required to state an oath to uphold the Constitution, not any book of superstition, yet many put Bible before Constitution. Before the law of the land. Dangerous, divisive and unacceptable.
  7. Can't read the article unless subscribed, but appears as pure speculation and conjecture. They claim the "official" number is wrong and this media fueled fear-mongering opinion piece is somehow correct and "LIKELY" much higher. But even giving the benefit of the doubt for sake of argument and say their estimate is accurate....SO WHAT? It brings the death rate up to a whopping 0.2125%. That's POINT 2125 of ONE PERCENT. Still way LOW. And vast majority very old, very fat folks. The sky is not falling. Time to get on with living and stop obsessing about dying. ????
  8. Sure, but they can't. Been proven for years, as of course you already well know.. Better to just scrap it altogether. Or change to 180 Day Report.
  9. Not 1 little iota. The numbers speak volumes. Recovery rate is HIGH. Over 90%. More like 97%. I had it over a year ago. Was like mild flu. Slight fever, body ache, felt a bit run down/low energy. After a couple days felt about 90% and 100% after a week. I'm slim, fit and healthy. Exercise and eat well. Vegan for 31 of my 61 years. Wasn't afraid of it ever. Not for a nanosecond. Not before having it, not white having it and not now. Of course there are certain demographics whom should be afraid. Namely the obese. Followed by elderly with underlying conditions. The countries with the highest severe cases and deaths are the fattest. Nearly 8 BILLION humans and 5 million deaths = 0.0625% that's .0625 of ONE PERCENT. Get vaxed, drop a few kilos and get on with living! A life lived in fear is a life not lived. The CDC published a report that 73 percent of deceased COVID-19 patients had obesity or were overweight. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/commentary/story/2021-07-29/obesity-covid-19-ted-hilton
  10. 1 death. If tomorrow 2 deaths then get ready. They'll spout off 100% increase THE SKY IS FALLING LOCK IT DOWN! ????
  11. Same old tired, false, non-argument. I presented you with links and evidence of atheists in foxholes and military non-believers from USA and UK almost 3 years ago. You choose to ignore facts and evidence and just continue to spew this nonsense, but the watchman is still here watching to keep it real.
  12. Covidiocy most everywhere, but not about UK, about LOS...Land of Stoo-pid. Thailand whacked off and self-fellated themselves for a year instead of preparing. Ejaculating LOOK AT US LOOK AT US how great we are and did, instead of timely securing of plentiful, quality vaccines and a serious vax rollout plan. While effectively destroying the economy by assassinating most small business + bars and restaurants, airlines and hotels. Covidiots!
  13. Except that at 99, as poohy already alluded..."hmm he's 99". Waiting half a year may not be a realistic option. No guarantee he's gonna see 100.
  14. For now, yes. But get ready. Wouldn't surprise a bit if mandatory health insurance for extension is the next move they make. And that will be CHECKMATE for many.
  15. Brilliant! I've alluded to this term in so many ways, for so many months, with so many words...and here it is summed up in ONE. My new favorite word!
  16. They were out of the green spring roll wrappers day I was there. Thx for the heads up on the Happy Hour.
  17. "LAND OF PAPERWORK" can't be bothered with all that pesky paperwork!
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