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Everything posted by Skeptic7

  1. Guess they'll be scheming up some new BS scam tax on foreigners living here to foot the bill. Thailand never opens it's vast coffers at the top.
  2. Swept under that BIG FILTHY Thai rug already! So much dirt under there. Say hello to "Thaksin".
  3. And already an even BIGGER Joke...this new PM❗
  4. Get a gold crown❗????
  5. Seen the new BS tax law❓
  6. Nope...doesn't matter. Existential nihilist most of my adult life. There is no meaning or purpose to our lives other than what we give them and/or make of them. And many people around the globe never even get that luxury. The universe and nature are dangerous and don't a whit about humans...or any life forms. Or any nonlife forms. There's no good reason or shred of evidence to think there's any god(s) or afterlife. This is it. Make of it what you can. Enjoy it...if so fortunate. Though not at the expense, harm, exploitation or suffering of others...including our fellow nonhuman animal earthlings.
  7. You'll never know❗???? Con...what's❓????
  8. Oh well...that settles it then❗????
  9. In 30 years of hardcore P4P...mostly BKK and Pattaya...never once had any problem. ????????????????
  10. How many laws has he violated❓Including avoiding the law for 15 years, fugitive on the run, tax cheat, thief, con-man liar. Oh yeah, but he's RICH so none of that matters. This is all a prearranged BS laughable charade in Land of Shams & Scams.
  11. Yup...free to do and think whatever they're programmed to. Not sure there's an independent or outside the Thai box thought in the entire country.
  12. Same that always comes around here... failure, mucking it up, deceit, etc. ????
  13. Everyday and night is chill. Some more than others. Walked 3km home on the beach in the rain after a few pints the other night. That was fab. But fine red wine, cheese & crackers (occasionally tea and cookies) with my little Tilac watching a movie is most nights for us...when we're not galavanting around Thailand.????
  14. LOVE Google. Use it for everything. Would be totally lost without it...literally. Google Maps is one of the most valuable tools ever. From Search to Chrome to Chrome Cast to Calendar to Photos to Maps and more, The Big G manages and organizes everything for me easily. ????????????❗ More Google PLEASE❗
  15. If nothing else, they certainly are consistent here in contradictions and inaccuracies. The weather forecasts are almost as confusing and conflicting as the government and it's policies. GEEZ.
  16. This "thing" needs putting down. ☠️
  17. And until then this corrupt, phony con-man will remain "sick". The minute he's "free" he'll be the jet-setting, party going liar and crook he was the entire 15 years he was a fugitive on the run...and just before returning to Thailand on this sweet pre-arranged deal. Liar, cheater, criminal, thief.
  18. So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women. https://www.mayoclinic.org › water
  19. Of course he does. This was scripted and choreographed months ago. The actors are just playing their parts...not well, but it's working. Corrupt and criminal liars and cheats, the lot of 'em.
  20. True dat POTY❗Good point. And wouldn't surprise us a bit. Time will tell.
  21. Congrats and good on ya. Just some fond memories then❗ I'm not on the wagon and heading out shortly to blow a bunch of baht on overpriced, but very good, Thai Craft draft pints. Cheers. ????
  22. No substantial rain in Jomtien in months. Hardly any measurable precip last month or this. Historically 2 wettest months of the year.
  23. Thought u were "on the wagon". Or are u just reminiscing❓ ????

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