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Posts posted by EmptyHead

  1. I fear I will leave this earth never understanding an American adult's perversion with pancakes for breakfast, especially when there is a side, in particular a meat side.

    I must try it! Take me to Jontiem at once! (yes, I know i spelled it incorrectly...I can't help it).

  2. Just a quick query - is that a small, duck farm or a small duck, farm?

    Just kidding! But it does show how different interpretations can arise. Punctuation can be important (despite what the legal profession thinks). coffee1.gif

    I just love it when the grammar police is incorrect.

    Please contact your nearest prathom 3 student for the rules on commas. I am sure he or she would be glad to steer you in the right direction.

    (The OP's title is perfectly correct, by the way.)

  3. Thanks for the responses guys!

    I will ask my school for their details to file the declaration, though i suspect it will still be late. What is the penalty for late declaration, does anyone know?

    Is this declaration something the school have done on my behalf? (since they have copies of my passport and original work permit anyway). The school went with all the other teachers to the tax office, but told me i didn't have to go.

    Also, the school is supposed to renew my work permit over the next few days (from 3 months to 1 year), so it'll be interesting to see if they do it without tax receipts, right?

  4. Might surprise some but at sizzler the burgers are quite ok

    Second that. Had a cracking burger there recently.

    When i first went to Sizzlers about 5 years ago, i wasn't impressed. Crappy meat and basic salad bar. But now, you get decent meat and a very extensive salad bar.

    If you didn't like Sizzlers before - try again!

  5. Sorry, if i am ranting, but what is it with Thais and life insurance???

    Or maybe its just my GF.

    All i hear is her talking about her parents' life insurance. Her other siblings have many life insurance policies on her parents and she wants one or more...i dunno..i try not to listen to her when she's talking about it.

    Her parents seem to want it too cos it also acts as health insurance?

    7k per year, 12k per year...etc etc...but if they die we get 700k etc etc

    It is driving me mental. She told me a brilliant one where the amount we have to pay depends on how many people have died that year in Thailand.

    I said, "What if there's a bloody tsunami?"

    Anyway, i am not just ranting, i would like to know what more experienced members think of all this?

    The woman down the road got 3 million when her husband died (under mysterious circumstances at age 52) with all the policies she had on him.

    I mean, according to her, its no scam, people actually get money back, but do they really make much profit on what they paid in?

    What's it all about? I am i wasting money if i say yes just to keep my GF happy?

    Apologies for the rant - its not my usual style.

  6. For fast food burgers - Carl's wins it for me, but i assume we are not talking fast food.

    Firehouse is good, but i don't know why their burgers have to be so messy. I am not complaining about burger juice, but more the sauce or whatever they put on. Anyway, every burger is a mess, but quite tasty.

    I like a relatively dry burger. Beef, cheese, and bacon. A burger is not a burger without bacon. Fried onions are good too. There is no need to drown it in sauce or coleslaw.

    The little American place (forgot the name) right outside Lolita's does a very very nice burger, though i haven't been there in 2015.

  7. I would be so quick to send the kid back to her. God knows what she will do with him for money, aside from raise him to be more of a moron than her.

    If you go back to your homecountry who will help you raise the kid? In Thailand, paid help should be cheaper than what you were paying your ex. You could probably get a live in nanny for less than 10k a month. She would be a better mother than your ex, by the sounds of things.

    Perhaps, pay your ex for custody? But she would probably come back for more.

    Talk to a lawyer?

    You say she changed when she got back to the village, why not try to smooth things over with her and live together as far away fromt he village as possible? Your kid will be grown up before yu know it and thenit would be smart to walk away from this woman.

  8. Why are you creating problems? Ohhhh...my beloved home country, the sefvice is fantastic.....i hear you say.

    Sounds like you are looking for trouble. Thus is a cool place, just enjoy the novelty. Stop seeing problems with everything else.

    Sure the sevice in your home country may be better, but your home country doesn't have stuff Thailand has - which is why you're here.

    Just take the bad with the good.

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