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Posts posted by EmptyHead

  1. Just don't tell her anything and wait and see what happens. For heavens sakes...I should named a saint for this type of stuff...

    And my missus stuck by me when i was a "worthless backpacker" and then a poor student....now she is worth more than 2 million baht. I am now worth nothing by the way, but i don't mind.

    I met her in a bar too. On Sukhumvit. Her friends said she was crazy to stay with me. They wanted the rich 50 something.

    She paid for our taxis often, and bought me t-shirts and other presents, and food most days too.

    Her friends all laughed. They ain't laughing now. They are still trawling the 50-somethings. My wifey got a much younger guy, and a house and 2 cars, the lot...and a cute baby.

    She never asked me how much i was worth. I never told.

    • Like 1
  2. I certanly would not have bought that Thai red wine i am drinking now. Duped by the French sounding name they gave it (crafty buggers) i am now drinking something which isn't even made entirely from grape. "...and fruits," it says. And fruits...what does that mean?

    So what would i have done differently eh?.... Well, apart from read the smallprint on wine bottles, I would probably try not to become a sex addict and maybe i would marry a woman with a bigger chest than me. Am i contradicting myself agan?

    Anyway, back to the wine. Things will get better.

  3. Your child has dengue fever? Highly unlikely.

    I am starting to think you are trolling. Either that or she is ridiculously dumb at playing the long game. I suppose with you she doesn't need to.

    The best thing here for all parties (i think) is, take the child and raise him/her yourself. Needless to say, get as far away from your so-called girlfriend as possible. Paid help will be cheaper and probably more competent. Hell, your girlfriend probably isn't even raising your kid, it'll be her grandmother or someone else.

    Your child should not be in the middle of this.

    Try this, offer your ex a huge sum of money to give you the child and stay away. By the sounds of her, there is a price for everything.

    Its your only way out of this problem.

    • Like 2
  4. Unbelievable what goes on in Thailand! People back in the real world wouldn't believe it!

    I give my girlfriend 3k a month (to buy things for our daughter mostly). She has her own job and buys things with her salary. She even buys me things for time to time.

    Its a pity a child is involved in this for several reasons. But for one, it stops you from just running away as fast as you can.

    • Like 1
  5. "I don't look like a sex tourist"....quote of the day, me thinks. And what's wrong with backpackers? People loved me when i was a backpacker!

    Oh no, there was another brilliant one, "When we arrived he only managed to mutter a forced "thank you" when I gave him a 20 baht tip."

    And another, "She speaks about three words of English......."

    So your blaming her for not speaking English. (LOL)

    You blame the taxi driver for being quiet and he even said thank you wrongly (LOL).

    And then there's the kid who is racist and was looking at you funny (LOL)

    Bottom line here mate: You have a very bad attitude and i would not be surprised if someone was rude to you, but none of these three cases amount to rudeness.

    What does a sex tourist look like anyway? I would love to hear your description.

    • Like 2
  6. The problem with their efforts is that they are focusing on the tourists and not the tourist areas. LOL

    The root of the problem is the sex trade. Get rid of that and the unsavoury tourists will go somewhere else.

    They are trying to clean up tourist areas by random searching and drug tests. Why not focus on the Thais hmmm??

    They just can't admit the problem is with themselves.

  7. I would buy land for my daughter. Lots of it. Start a few plantations maybe. Build another house or two while its still cheap.

    I would try to get some decent interest on the savings.

    Then just carry on as normal. More holidays though.

    • Like 1
  8. I have actually experienced the opposite in several parts on Thailand.

    I am waiting patiently when some Thai person cuts in front of me, but the server still prompts me first and the queue skipper looks embarrassed and confused.

    Hmmm...i think it was MacDonalds in BKK and KFC in Isaan.

    Cute girls too, gotta love 'em.

  9. That looks like paradise. Amazing Thailand.

    In 20 years this country will be destroyed. I hope this isn't part of the Thainess campaign.

    Got to feel sorry for the people living there though, but do the locals actually keep it clean or do they over-fish and throw rubbish everywhere??

    Thankfully nobody wants to visit the country where i came from, so this can't happen. Nobody wants to visit the place in Thailand where i live now either, but the locals are doing a good job of littering and turning the land to desert by burning. In a few hundred years, it'll be the Isaan desert. Guaranteed!

    • Like 2
  10. In Bangkok, Songkran is great fun and relatively civilized and pleasant.

    However, in the lawless villages of Isaan all you get is aggressive hoodlums asserting their authority over everyone and in some villages brazen child exploitation out in the open without fear of law (underage gogo dancers on podiums in the street). Horrible place for Songkran. And all the nutcases who you don't normally see "come home" for 3 days.

    My family and i are taking a trip to the beach for a few days.

  11. I wouldn't say it was bad. But it is kind of silly.

    Gets really funny when they 'date' them. Then lose all their money to her. Then come on TV, (or others) and cry about it.

    It's kinda funny when they parade them around the mall, too.

    Last time I was at Paragon to see a film I was amazed with the amount of 50+ year old guys with young Thai girls (most of which looked like they worked down Soi 4) taking them to see a movie.

    Who takes a hooker to the cinema?


    1.confirmed all guys where 50+ by checking each of their passports did you ?

    2. you verified the Thai ID cards of all the "young Thai girls" to confirm they where in fact "young Thai girls" and not Thai women who where in their late 20's or 30's and just looked like "young Thai girls"

    3. You confirmed the place of employment with all "young Thai girls" as Soi 4 and there stated profession was prostitution ?

    and after doing all this you still had time to watch the movie ? I am impressed whistling.gif

    or like other posters you just spouting bigoted stereotypes based on your warped perception of what you believe reality is

    and before you kick off, I am not even close to 50 year, so the "old man" or "old fart" lines doesn't apply

    My sexpatometer is making noises.

    • Like 1
  12. MISS






    square sausage

    Richmond links

    black pudding

    fruit pudding

    Morton's rolls


    Indian food

    Chinese food


    puff pastry


    crisp air

    not sweating all the time

    competency (e.g incorrect spelling of my name on work permit which everyone thinks is a case for "mai pen rai")

    brutal honesty accompanied by an insult and a sincere smile



    the different kind of crumpet

    the grumpy people, like myself

    the serious people, unlike myself

    getting fat quickly

    rain in every season

    no summer at all

    being too cold

    toilet paper

    people acting like there is about to be an apocalypse

    chickens who cannae vote YES

    lack of street food

    rules and regs

    expensive transport

    people asking how much my GF cost


    lack of 7/11s

    lack of cool theme tunes everywhere

    lack of sex

    expensive cinema


    lack of smiley people (am i contradicting myself?)

    old prudes sayin, "Ohh that's just disgraceful....cos they care too much what people think of them"

    Who on Earth eats Marmite anyway?

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