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Posts posted by sipi

  1. I have been using this clinic for years for basic general dental work; cleaning, filling etc.

    But now I need some major work done, a few crowns and implants.

    I am very happy with their work and price, however they have never offered a local anesthetic even for deep back fillings.

    Has anyone else used this clinic for major work, and how were they?

    Or can you recommend another clinic in Udon that you have used for major work?

  2. First of all, lets get the relationship sorted out before you commit a mountain of money.

    Wife as in happily married, or some recent "on and off" again relationship?

    Edit. Oops "a stable marriage with a sensible and mature Thai wife", from your OP.

    Ok, sorry. Up to you, but I still wouldn't do the massage thing.

    I wouldn't let you massage me anyway....no doubt ur hands would roam all over my tender bits....bloody animal 555

    And I have a special tool just for the job.

  3. I would steer clear of most farming projects, anything to do with bars, and any form of massage (even if it genuine Thai massage).

    Some form of lodging or eatery would be time consuming.

    Maybe a retail outlet of some sort?

    That's it, the last thing I would consider is opening another 'Sloppy Som's Soapatorium & Massage "Service" wink.png as they are a dime a dozen and this type of business is normally infiltrated with societies scum & Lo-so grubs and these sort of unhealthy people ARNT ones anyone in their right mind would like to associate with. Many of these farang backed business end up having all sorts of cash tipped in and consumed and the farang backers are nothing but losers and 'dreamers', slobs, alcoholic drop kicks.

    Just an observation of course.....from someone that was trained to observed and well qualified to spot a drop kick.

    Yeah, I know a few ladies that own legitimate massage parlors in LOS and Aust. Their reputation goes before them.

    My wife was offered a job and I told her I would rather she push the night cart if she wants to work.

    PS "Push the night cart" has nothing to do with selling som-tum. It is an old expression referring to emptying the septic tins from the outside toilet.

  4. We have had a few recent threads lately about what will kill you in Thailand, our best lies..

    So what is your best form of defense?

    I recall years ago watching a Michael Palin documentary when a seasoned traveler told him

    "Whenever you feel threatened, just become terribly British and brush them aside".

    How do you survive day to day? Do you do the 'vacant stare into the distance' in public, just keep your head down, push everyone aside, become a chameleon and blend in?

  5. I'm definitely cheap.

    OK so I'll tip the beer serving girl 100bht if she's cute, attentive and keeps my glass full.

    One of these made a 100bht tip from me ..........


    But on the other hand, I can't resist buy one, get one free, or 3 large beers for 150bht.

    And am totally happy with 30bht coffee shops ....... no need for Starbucks.

    I also would have given the lad in the background 100baht if he kept my glass full.

  6. My Mrs waxed herself once. I asked her how long did it take to do. She replied about twenty minutes. I told her she has twenty minutes to grow it back.

    Geez she is quite short and it made her look like a bloody 12 year old.

    Trimmed is great, Brazillian....nope.

  7. I'll tell a fib though since you want me to Rob.

    I recently downsized to a small hut outside Chiang Mai some forty clicks from town to save money as I'm feeling the pinch.

    It's boring as hell but I've always got my stamp collection and old chess books to keep me company.

    I love eating at the two local restaurants... Well stalls with seats really but we make the most we can hey?

    Life couldn't be more perfect.

    I don't miss the food at Rossano at all.

    You can Google that Rob when you finish studying the Russian masters.


    That would make a great fictional novel.
    I have a dog called Spot...he helps little old ladies across the road.

    Really moving north saved my sanity...without Spot I'd still be happily esconced in Bangkok living my vacuous life based around cultural, spiritual and alcoholic ecstasy.

    Now it's just one miserable mosquito buzz interspersed with the wife's demands and my pooch demanding food and a slurp of my Archa.

    Like I said...its paradise up here.

    And they all lived happily ever after.
  8. I'll tell a fib though since you want me to Rob.

    I recently downsized to a small hut outside Chiang Mai some forty clicks from town to save money as I'm feeling the pinch.

    It's boring as hell but I've always got my stamp collection and old chess books to keep me company.

    I love eating at the two local restaurants... Well stalls with seats really but we make the most we can hey?

    Life couldn't be more perfect.

    I don't miss the food at Rossano at all.

    You can Google that Rob when you finish studying the Russian masters.


    That would make a great fictional novel.
  9. New Zealand.

    ha, i am back in nz now on holiday. it is a great country but i am looking foward to getting back to thailand. nz is the place to be is the world goes into melt down otherwise thailand is pretty good.

    I am on a small island a few hundred k's to the West of NZ. This place would probably my second choice if the world melts down.

    I put NZ first because the heat kills me.

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