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Posts posted by sipi

  1. Your 'dream' or 'vision' is totally without focus

    What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to do this, whatever it is? What are your priorities for success? How would you estimate your success or failure? How are you going to live? With whom.? What skills do you have that you can deploy? Seems like you are adrift in the world. Neither Thailand nor Bali is going to solve that problem.I guess you are not poor. I would say that, as a start, think about finding somewhere where you can learn from people for whom materialism is not the be all and end all of life and to whose lives you could contribute also. Good luck

    He hasnt found himself yet, he doesnt yet know, everything is just an illusion.

    Still trying to get in touch with his inner self, jeez, is this a wind up or what, are there really people like this still walking the earth?

    Australia still attracts tourists looking for themselves. Normally someone finds their skeleton years later. The desert isn't the right place to find enlightenment.
  2. Thais do not like that sort of behavior out in public, it`s bad etiquette in Thai culture.


    All the OP actually witnessed was two individuals who originally met in 'seedy' Thailand which have travelled to another location in Thailand.

    They need to get a room, there's a time and a place for everything......you don't see 'sipi' marching around the shopping centre wearing all his studded leather gear, because he saves that for the bedroom or his modified garage/BDSM Den.

    If Sipi wore leather in public some Thai would put a ring through his nose and tether him in a rice paddy.
  3. Someone should record all this stuff and flog it off to naïve tourists.

    Ah, wait.....

    I read a book, not a very good book, it was a poorly written piece about Thailand written by an obvious sexpat who passes herself off as an expert in relation to everything about Thailand. The reality is, she wouldn't have a clue about Thailand and gained most of her experience in the seedy sois and hovels scattered around the place. I looked into the author and subsequently had a huge laugh. What a sad sad thing she was.

    Bit of a scam, taking money from folks passing yourself of as one thing, when in fact you are completely another thing.

    Shame on her.

    Was this book written by a woman? It just seems unusual.
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