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Posts posted by sipi

  1. Let's get one thing straight here, our partners deserve to have their own money.


    What if they gamble?

    What if they give it away to their deadbeat brother (who wrecked our house, my motorbike, sold my clothes and furniture when we went away, etc)

    My wife can earn all the money she wants and give it to her family, or gamble with it, or whatever, but she doesn't deserve mine because she hasn't proven to me that she can handle it responsibly.

    So, please don't set my rules for me.

    They deserve to have their own money and do what they like with it regardless of where they get it. Who are we to keep then pennyless? Even prisoners get pocket money.
  2. Do we ever really know each other, even the ones we have known in the flesh for years?

    I was at the funeral of a friend I have known for ages the other week.

    "Henry was a gifted piano tuner, and he joined the circus and trained as a trapeze acrobat...." (complete with a projected visual display of photos)

    Really, I never knew that.

  3. The concept of a "housekeeping allowance" goes back centuries. Google it.

    Anyway, I am the sole income earner and pay for everything. The Mrs doesn't get paid an allowance, however I give her cash (or she helps herself), and she has her own bank accounts.

    Let's get one thing straight here, our partners deserve to have their own money.

  4. I am in contact with friends in Thailand and Scotland, whilst based in Australia.

    I know that Songkran can be a lot of fun, but the heat is too much for me these days. Scotland is lovely but again the weather is a bit dull.

    Right now I am outside with my Thai son; the weather is mid 20's, gentle breeze and blue skies. The smell of Thai cooking permeates the air.


    If you could be anywhere on the planet right now where would you like to be?

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