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Posts posted by sipi

  1. My apologies for contributing to things getting out of hand.

    Thanks for cleaning up the thread somewhat.

    It looks like I have a lot of research to do after going back over all the suggestions.

    Even the cantankerous comments have been educational in their own way.

    Thanks to everyone who's chimed in.

    God Bless buddy.

    Someone once said the journey is more fun than the destination, but farked if I can remember who.

  2. Try to Google Eyes to Burma. Contact a guy called Fred in Mae Sot. A short or long stay will help both the poor People there and yourself. Read and watch the videos on that website. Up to you

    I read up on Fred. He sounds like he'd be a great person to meet up with, conditions permitting.

    It's obviously not just about him, but rather the people he's helping, but it sounds like everyone that actually goes with him to help with the cause is deeply moved being around the refugee community and learning about his humble approach to making their hard lives a little bit better.

    @mankondang: Thank you for pointing him out. If I can swing it, I'll pm you with info on how it goes.

    Sure that Fred will appreciate a visit, take him a little goody bag to. If you really want to get the full experience take a big of sweets and go swimming naked with the hill tribe kids.

    You so funny!

    I have a feeling too much time hanging around people who like your money has given you a false sense of confidence around your sense of humor.

    For christ's sake, at least check your facts before you bleet from your maw:

    You and rgks2001 or whatever he goes by are both referring to what could only be the one other expat Fred in Thailand.

    It must get confusing for the two Freds that live in Thailand, what with Fred being such a unique name for men over the age of 50 these days.

    "Did you say Fred? Oh that guy's a piece a work. Raping babies in Chiang Mai, I hear."

    "Well how about that Robert feller in Bangkok? I hear he's a baby raper AND and murderer. Watch out for Robert in Bangkok."

    While I'm sure there are probably more than a few Freds in S.E. Asia having sex with minors, the one you're referring to is British, and the Fred running Eyes to Burma is from Ashland, Oregon. They are both white and named Fred though so there's that.

    Yeah wrong Fred.

    I was looking for the right words to reply; but being an Australian, English is my second language.

  3. Plan C might be somewhere around Pokhara Nepal.

    Plan A, make sure to check into a ground floor condo.


    Otherwise go live on the mountain and talk to the birds.

    Plan B, renounce all wordly possesions and go join the bums on Skid Row.

    Plan C, move to Alasaka.

    Plan D, move to the reservation Chief.

    Well at least you're starting to approach civility in your posts.

    By the way: where is this Alasaka? It sounds Japanese but I could be WONG.

    Maybe it near Namaste? I hear that place mentioned a lot.

    So I've noticed a pattern here:

    There's a twelve hour window, between 4pm Pacific/ 6am Bangkok time and 4am/6pm where it's mostly helpful and friendly people occupying these boards.

    Then the 12hour troll shift starts and there's only @sipi trying keep the board from turning into a sanitarium.

    sipi: you're a nice guy, man. Seriously. You show some amazing patience.

    Thankyou. I am currently in Australia and work night shift. This forum is my only source of entertainment during the quiet times at work.

    I might add briefly that my posts are normally less than five words as I have trouble stringing a sentence together and have the memory of a piece of wood. Thanks for your patience.

  4. Plan C might be somewhere around Pokhara Nepal.

    Plan A, make sure to check into a ground floor condo.


    Otherwise go live on the mountain and talk to the birds.

    Plan B, renounce all wordly possesions and go join the bums on Skid Row.

    Plan C, move to Alasaka.

    Plan D, move to the reservation Chief.

    I had Alaska as Plan D. It wouldn't look as adventurous on a CV as Nepal or Thailand.
  5. Comprehensive travel insurance is a no-brainer.

    For a couple of hundred dollars I can cover my family worldwide for a month or two.

    Some credit cards come with free travel insurance, as long as u book the flight with the credit card. Worth checking out anyway

    Yep. And not only medical insurance. One delayed connecting flight or a stolen camera can cost more than the premiums (if you do pay).

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