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Posts posted by sipi

  1. I have a clamp tester which I bought here (from Amorn). However it's not sensitive enough to determine why a 30mA RCD/RCBO is opening (which is what our OP is reporting). A regular multimeter, even on high-ohms, is unlikely to reveal a fault that's causing intermittent tripping, you need an insulation tester and the knowledge of how to use it.

    Remember our readers are largely non-tech and have little, if any test equipment. In the absence of half decent sparkies we need to give them simple and safe instructions to help find what could be an intermittent fault.

    I'm still awaiting some photos of the installation in question.

    For sure. I was of the wrong understanding that the circuit breaker was tripping through overload. If he does have an insulation tester, some can put out voltages greater than 1000v (megger-meter), so yes; clear instructions are a must.

    He has a Fluke MM which should be accurate enough to determine exactly where the fault is.

    Awaiting those photos....

    • Like 1
  2. If you can't do a live tong-test (as I previously recommended), the do a series of resistance tests.

    Please enlighten us non-techs as to exactly what a 'tong test' is, and where one can obtain the required equipment in Thailand.

    A live load test using a clamp-on amp meter, readily available from most electronic stores. The meter (commonly known as a "tong-tester" because it looks like a pair of bbq tongs) measures the amount of current being used in real time. It is clamped over the actve wire and is invaluable in these type of situations. For example if a breaker is rated at 5 amps and is pulling 3, and trips; the breaker is at fault. If the breaker is rated at 5 amps and the tong-tester is showing 7 amps; then there is a current draw somawhere on the circuit.

    The bad news is that I bought my tong-tester to Thailand from Australia, and heven't had the need to shop for a new one here. They are a common tool, and I can imagine available from a good electronics wholesaler. Maybe hit you local air-con or satelite tv installer and ask if they know there to buy one.

  3. One day you will might understand, but not today....One day.

    I live here to,

    since 1998 and been in TH since 1990, have 4 children with 2 TH women and also never married,

    have, so called more than one, fathers-mothers-brothers-sisters in law.

    One of sisters in law 16 year young boy, sat in juvenile jail in Khon Kaen for 3 years for -Assault with a firearm- done with 4 others.

    I visited him regularly.

    No chance for take him out sooner, he sat all time, maybe he was naughty in jail,

    but now short later, he is a good worker, container Crane driver in Bangkok.

    Still, I make what I find ok in my opinion! Not come me with some "headteacher style." lol

    By the way,

    Serious, if you like that man =

    God, that I have not you as a friend. Who has such friends, does not need enemies anymore.

    =One day "YOU" will might understand, but not today....One day.= tongue.png

    Ok whatever..


    • Like 1
  4. Please allow me to answer this in "typical" ThaiVisa Forum style..

    And so Costas, or should I say "Colin from Abuja".

    Since the 14 of November 2008 you have been posing as a Greek. Seducing us with your warmth and humor.

    And now, suddenly, you are in "need of charity"; a week from Christmas.

    Get to the point. You are from Nigeria, but your real name is neither Costas nor Colin.

    Just come clean "Costas" .

    Sipi, I appreciate your sense of humour.

    I always admire your posts.

    But this is not a laughing matter for me.

    It has affected my life for the past 3 days.

    I understand that my thread was diverted to Pub and entertainment.

    But this is not any fun either for Colin or me.

    It was a matter of time Costas. Of course I can sympathise.

    I was just beating the usual "thread wreckers" to the punch, and there are many..

    • Like 2
  5. And even if they did want some assistance, there is no way that I (a farang) would turn up at the jail or police station with a roll of 1000 baht notes. Think about it. It can only go down hill for everyone from there.

    God, that I have not you as a friend. Who has such friends, does not need enemies anymore. blink.png

    One day you will might understand, but not today....One day.

  6. ZERO

    Those I fight with on one thread, I agree with on another thread.

    Even 'flyingsaucersarereal' and 'SoiBiker' has comedy value.

    "flyingsaucersarereal" and "SoiBiker" offer entertainment.

    You however Mr America are a complete "tool".

    Put me on your ignore list now, please, pleeease....

    4950 Likes out of 5,200 posts, that's a 95% approval.

    How are you doing? ...... only 86% I see.

    "Likes" are an insult. "Ignores" are a compliment.

    Oh "ignore" me please. Put you out of my misery.

  7. Hey OP.

    You are 28 and you have traveled a lot. You earn $1000 a week in Australia and would like to live in Thailand more than you do. When you go back to Australia you have trouble coming down from being in Thailand.

    How am I doing?

    So who is rude, the Aussies or Thais? When you are In Sydney, do you like to surf?

    I am trying to be a little patient here because I am often mis-interpreted on this forum; and this guy makes me look like a Rhodes Scholar.

    if you wake up early in LOS you can just walk down the street sipping coffee or tea chatting too people with out seeming like a total fruitcake.

    i order 5 baht lemon tea and chat with the tea lady and am always complimented on my thai be the thais sipping tea behind me or the people ordering.

    Here in sydney i was in 711 waiting for my 1 dollar coffee and a junkie western women pushed me out the way of the coffee machine and mumbled something .

    I remember "neil davis " the great war videomaker says he missed vietnam when he was posted to work in london for the same reason.


    Ok mate. Yes I understand where you are coming from. I have trouble adjusting to Sydney also, especially when visiting from here. They can be quite rude.

    Hey mate, I was born in Sydney; a long time ago. Great place to visit but I could never live there.

    You are fortunate that you can just go back and get some work/ money, and then come back to Thailand where you are made welcome.

    Make the most of it....

  8. off topic,

    But all I could think was, is that the size of 16 yos in Australia?

    I'm not sure if she is a typical 16 tear old, I don't hang out with teenagers. She does modeling part-time and I have seen her poster shots at the Brisbane airport.


    What's she a model for? Gorilla Biscuits? Haunted House service?

    Crikey !

    Unbelievable, disgusting replies from AnotherOneAmerian and Neverdie - this is a friendly thread and you start judging the way the guys friend looks. What are your motives for this ?

    OP, I think that your visitors had no idea how your life was like and were shocked that you were living in the middle of nowhere. Had they met your wife before?

    I am off my phone now and on my computer, so can answer this in a bit more detail.

    We spend our time divided between Australia and Thailand, and have a house in in up-country Thailand. Yes, our families have been close for years. They went to our wedding in Australia and we used to often see each other.

    They live near the Gold Coast and are well travelled; and weren't interested in doing too much of the "crappy tourist traps" ie islands, beaches, metro areas...

    It was their idea to head to our house after seeing photos of the village etc.

    The weather was stinking hot, but we travelled by air-con car, ate well, and otherwise stayed in good accomodation etc (including our new house at the village).

    It became awkward when the boy and wife ended up in hospital and they had to fend for themselves for a few days, but we made sure they were looked after.

    I don't know whether they enjoyed themselves or not, but it would appear not. Thailand looks a lot different on the television, or in glossy tourist brochures when you are at home. Something changed after that. We never hear from them anymore.

    Maybe they just got busy and forgot. I'm not bothered by it, but was wondering if others have played host and had similar experiences.

    My niece wants to come out now, and definately wants to come to the village. I am close to her and her father (my brother) but don't want this to turn up-side-down. They have never been anywhere overseas. We might just meet up with them at some tourist spot and see what happens.

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