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Posts posted by sipi

  1. We have all known each other for years. Her father was best man at our wedding and vice versa.

    Visiting rural Thailand is maybe like bush walking or mountain climbing. Looks great on the glossy photos, but not s as romantic when you are actually doing it.

    I'll tell my niece to fend for herself.

  2. You were so kind to your visitors- paying the fares, flying out to escort them etc etc, generally treating them like royalty. Like you, I would have expected considerable gratitude to be shown after, including an appropriate letter -and a gift.

    This is probably how you would behave if you visited friends and were entertained like that?

    My experience here and in other countries with visitors is mixed- some behave as I think you and I would, and some take it all for granted - THEY dont get asked back!!

    I sympathise with your wife - once bitten, twice shy, and maybe she assumes that all farang behave like your first visitors.

    Only you can judge how your second prospective visitors are likely to behave - but a couple with infant children?? Way too disruptive of life for my taste.

    Now if they could leave the infants with grandparents or friends and travel alone, that would be different right?

    Best of luck....

    Thank you Beau Thai. Nice reply.

    No, we don't expect a "Thank-you". Giving is a privilege. But the way it panned out was just strange. The wife is not keen to do it all again.


  3. Do you mean you took them to Pattaya City?

    That's going to be pretty weird for a westerner visiting on a family visit. Disrespectful face losing gesture actually for the wife if your touring the nightlife areas.

    Sending the guests off to tour is ok but going with them is a no go, sounds like you stuck with the wife and kid until they were well, definately.

    With a Thai wife i would have brought the family as many as i could gather in for a hospital visit, in the best of all worlds but life does not always happen that way.

    you likely heard nothing. in that case its really about you feeling uncomfortable for some reason. look at why. proper thing to do would be to have formal thank you notes sent, but aint gonna happen in most cases.

    Hi Fey.

    No, we went to Pattaya 2, near Khon Kaen. Very family friendly. It was certainly not a "shock" for a 16 year old. Not at all like Pattaya.

    Yes, I had to stay with the wife and son at the hospital as you can imagine. The others seemed happy to go off on their own for a bit.

    The rest is a bit confusing. I didn't expect any form of "Thank-you", but was surprised to not hear from them again. Maybe we just got busy and forgot...

  4. Wouldn't it make more sense to hang out with an Australian for 2 years and get residency? It isn't easy to pretend to be married. The Department isn't that stupid.

    Obviously there is a loophole going on here that they are aware of. If you have some evidence, maybe call the Dept anonymously and let the know about it.

    As an Australian tax-payer who's wife gained residency the correct way, I would appreciate you letting them know.

  5. Wife's going to call on Monday but the locals already know that there is a Farang involved. I'll probably just get one of the lawyers I used before to get me the skinny.

    A farang is involved in a necklace snatch from overseas??

    How long are your arms?

    Place your wallet in your back pocket, your hands firmly under your butt; and sit on all of them.

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  6. We seem to have developed our own language, where often its a mixture of Thai and English in the same sentence biggrin.png totally confuses Thai people.

    I have a friends wife who speaks Thailish. There are 7 others in the world that speak the same language, and her husband isn't one of them.

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