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Posts posted by sipi

  1. Get it into perspective.

    Once you retire, if you intend visiting the inlaws for extended periods of time (which you will) you will need somewhere to stay. Either a place of your own or under someone elses roof (theirs). Personally I am glad we have a place of our own. Whether it be one month a year or 10, you will need your own space.

    For $15-$20k you can get a simple house knocked up. About the price of a temporary European holiday or a cruise. You then have your roof over your head.

    In post 21 you said:-

    Anyway back to Davos original post. We built next door to the inlaws but for now it is only a holiday house. It sits vacant 10 months a year until I retire. In the meantime the inlaws look after it, otherwise (if it wasn't next door to the inlaws) it would possibly get broken into.

    Presently we are only there two months a year. Frankly I couldn't think of anything worse than being in Thailand and not being around my family. But they are very honest and fun folk.

    I am sure the likes of Charlie have good reason for changing their mind and I look forward to hearing why.

    Next door?

    Your next door is how many thousands of miles away for those 10 months that you are not there?

    Only asking, not knocking.

    Thai culture is so different from Western culture and expectations on both sides are often 180 degrees apart.

    We need space, be it distance or time to survive.

    Sure one can cope with a month or two living in close proximity, but full time?

    If your main home is really next door and things are not working out, what are your options then?

    Sell and build elsewhere?

    Who would buy and at what price?

    If it's only a cheap, temporary style home that you could walk away from, would that also cause problems?

    Sorry, more questions than answers....

    Up to the OP. He can build something cheap next door or stay with them when he is there. Or go on a cruise.

  2. Get it into perspective.

    Once you retire, if you intend visiting the inlaws for extended periods of time (which you will) you will need somewhere to stay. Either a place of your own or under someone elses roof (theirs). Personally I am glad we have a place of our own. Whether it be one month a year or 10, you will need your own space.

    For $15-$20k you can get a simple house knocked up. About the price of a temporary European holiday or a cruise. You then have your roof over your head.

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